They tried to make my account a bot account. They shall not prevail!!!
— Novelus٭ Report User
Assortment of moving GIFs 12 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm not ignoring that fact. I'd have been okay if she had knocked his teeth down his throat. That would have been fine. I just dislike the people defending he decision to having led him on, if this were a real scenario. All that does is give him a false sense, and would make it so that he would do it again.
Assortment of moving GIFs 12 comments
· 8 years ago
Or. People seem to forget this shit. Don't fucking talk to strangers, even though that seems to be all that people do nowadays. People are too trusting nowadays. When a stranger asks where you live, tell them to leave alone and call 911. The same shit that you were taught to tell them when you were growing the fuck up. Did nobody pay attention when they were kids, or was I the only one?
Assortment of moving GIFs 12 comments
· 8 years ago
That's right. Teach people it is okay to be deceptive, when it is wrong. Geez. What the hell is wrong with people nowadays? I must be hella old, because I was taught to be truthful when I was a kid. None of this "It is okay to deceive" bullshit. That's the shit wrong with this generation. People think it is okay to teach their kids to lie to protect them. No, that is not okay. That ends up leading to bullying. If you don't wanna do something, just say "No". Does anyone not remember that as a kid, or is it just the newer generation that keeps getting told and taught the wrong shit? What she did was "bitchy" on the level of creating a false-ness, no matter how fake the video is. Downvote me on this all you want. Just know that the behavior of deception is utterly wrong and causes more problems than necessary.
Rawr.exD 12 comments
· 8 years ago
No. Rawr means "I am going to f***ing eat you" in Dinosaur. Haven't you watched any of the Jurassic Park movies?
To all the edgy teens who can "relate" to the joker 24 comments
· 8 years ago
Could have been a daycare center or something like that. It would not be unusual to hear crying from inside a daycare, and nobody would bother to check something that is possibly normal.
*Furious breathing* 10 comments
What matters in life 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Yes. In honor of him, they made another television series, called Daniel Tiger. It is cute.
Pretty much 14 comments
· 8 years ago
We've lived through some strange phases. I was around before CDs. Some cars still had 8tracks. Now everything is digital and hands free.
We all need a friend like Kyle 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Seriously. That is true friendship. I'd have even brought some cereal for him to enjoy as well.
Just putting this out here 15 comments