

I'm almost always on the internet, and when I'm not I'm either reading, writing or serving my furry master (the one pictured, I'm not THAT weird).

— PurplePumpkin Report User
So intense 3 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Not only gaming, anything computer-related. That one tape with Matthew Perry and Jennifer Aniston made Windows 98 (or was it 95?) look like the experience of a lifetime.
Uhm so I keep having weird dreams and this one was that my left ring finger created a meme 32 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
I had a dream in which I ended up texting God (me and my mother had died and were pissed off that the guy checking us into the "Death realm" wouldn't let us reincarnate together. Said death realm was just people lined up around a big square, jumping into the reincarnation hole one after another or just telling the clerk they wanted to vanish instead).
If you can remember how to trick the Styx, I think we could team up and become a pair of badass immortals.
Best served cold 11 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Yeah but it's still entertaining.
Fellas, is it gay to drink coffee? 3 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Somehow I've always had that image too. I see cafés as much more feminine, even though I would think nothing of a guy going to a café and even though I go to bars sometimes (hate it though, but I don't think it's because of the gender thing).
Video games should be free bc I didn't ask to be a gamer 8 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
I didn't know that, I thougt blind automatically meant 100% blind. Thanks for the info!
love on the web 4 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Thank you, that's such a nice thing to say!!
· Edited 4 years ago
Roses are red We stray further from God everyday 13 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
I get having a teddy bear and wouldn't judge anyone for that, it was the contrast with the headline that made me say that.
Cursed_taste 13 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
As someone who lives at least 40% in my imagination, I'd rather taste the puss than have aphantasia too, from what I understand about it. At least we both got what we preferred!
What a waste of time 17 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
I don't get the hatred towards cursive and I'm still not entirely convinced some actual people whose first language use the roman alphabet and are not illiterate really find cursive difficult. I mean we learnt to write when we were 5-6 yo, maybe it's time to move on?
Free speech 9 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
"Your freedom ends where someone else's begins"
Video games should be free bc I didn't ask to be a gamer 8 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Sorry for the girl in the first panel but if you're blind you don't really need glasses nor lenses.
Welcome to Canada 1 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
BUT your money is scratch and sniff from what I've read. I ain't saying it's worth it, but choices were made.
Yeah it hurts 8 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Re-reading some books that have been in my parents basement for 10 years gives me the same thrill I experienced the first time I read them. I have forgotten about half of them so I got surprised by an intense plot twist then immediately got the memories back and saw 8-yo me experiencing the same surprise and excitement. It's wonderful.
Oh Bench Appiro, why must you do these things 5 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Ok but doesn't it mean it's very big, but not renewable?
(I'm tired these days but rn I can't think of any truly renewable energy. I'm probably gonna feel dumb in a few days but my mind is blank at the moment)
There are two kinds of people 6 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
I started to do that after cleaning my flat, then 2 pipes started leaking and seing that my efforts weren't sufficient I stopped. I applaud you for being able to keep behaving like an adult even in the secret of your home through hardships.
Oh shit oh f**k 4 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Me, lazy and unwilling to have sex: well my lineage dies with me, a bit sad though
Scientists: Hey guess what...
If get my hands on one of these I'm gonna fabricate an army of babies that'll invade the world for me.
Are you worried? 5 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
I have absolutely no memory of the wild poliovirus, that feels weird.
But yeah still a bit worried because Covid-19 has spread like a wildfire, the mortality rate in Italy is bigger than the 2% we were hoping for, my parents are older and my mom checks all the bad boxes that make people vulnerable to that so I can only hope she doesn't get it. My sister is taking the train from Paris in a month to see my mom (who is both happy and scared) and grandmother (who told us she won't open her door as she's always been germaphobe).
But the toilet paper shortages are kind of the comic relief of it all.
Ohh!! Guess who 3 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
"the whole year" yeah well if it had only been one year...
Who's with me 1 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Hahahaha can't believe this once seemed relevant, as if February 2020 wasn't the worst low-budget disaster movie of all times.
When I search for a new job 1 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
When I become a millionnaire, I will pay people with this kind of talent to make little shows in the town because it rocks (and magicians!! I need magicians in my life).
I know somebody who actually met his gf on here 15 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Breaking news: scientist have found desperate creeps are able to smell pheromones from a click on the internet.
They don't know if this will become a common trait in the future, as said desperates will still never reproduce despite making a girl nose exhale once.
Seal Pup Is A Little Unsure About Swimming 1 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
He knows he needs to swim... BUT HE DOESN'T WANT TO.
I feel him.
Edit: omg 1:54 "I'm scared... no, there all there for me. Are you looking guys?" *dips his entire head*
I didn't know seals could be that cute.
2 · Edited 4 years ago
He's right though 7 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
L...let's see the bright side, he means well... He just speaks like he hasn't set foot in the real world.
When cook pasta 12 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
...This is an awful skill to have, but an impressive one. Have you witnessed how they did it? I'm curious.
Death by surgical resident 16 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Plus they know how to inflict maximum damage with minimal effort.