

I'll either give you a scientific breakdown, a tl;dr of a clickbait title, or beg for help in suicide jokes. <3

— spiderwoman Report User
Wisdoms coming atcha 4 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
Grams was a bit wrong this time, Sokka. The sentiment of caring for her future is good, but the reality is much different. The sentiment of wanting her to be warm and to wear a sweater is good, but it is currently 90F degrees outside.
3 · Edited 5 years ago
Wisdoms coming atcha 4 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
It's a well known fact that humans aren't social animals who don't go into various states of insanity, depression, and a lot of other big words that I've forgotten.

Socializing is just as serious a need as batheing. Focus on school/work but don't neglect your needs.
7 · Edited 5 years ago
This guy is a brilliant genius 2 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
I'll admit that these guys can be annoying, but they are actually important (sometimes). It's important to be able to gather general data about a population. The randomness of who is called provides an even playing field for the population that will reflect the percentages of each group (E.g. out of 100 random calls, 20 calls will drive a Toyota. If we look at the statistics I'm making up for this example, that matches the 20% of citizens who drive a Toyota out of the city's total population of 10,000 residents.)

The information gained from surverys such as this are important for the continued advancement of life on Earth. Not all surveys are relevant to you nor would I even attempt to argue that a survey on what type of vacuum you prefer is worth your time. I just wanted to point out that some of these surveys do have a good purpose.
· Edited 5 years ago
Danube water level in Hungary is So low, something came up again 5 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
Looks like there is something leaking out of the dam and into the water forming a circular area due to the still area that is forming cracks due to slow natural movements of air and water.
The single most rage-inducing sentence of my childhood 3 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
I'm playing Crystal Kaizo right now, and this shit is annoying. I'm still the fourth gym and the Pokemon are level 50. The AI is good. The movesets belong in VGC. It's challenging as fuck. I'm gonna try to nuzlocke it later.
Even if you don’t believe, I think there’s a better plan for everyone 23 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
Just gonna point out that the theory of evolution is more well understood and verified than the theory of gravity.

Gravity is a fact. It is a fact that things with mass are attracted to one another. The theory of gravity is describing how it happens.

Evolution is a fact. The fact is that evolution happens. The theory is describing how it happens.

The big bang model is similar in how well established it is. The debate has been over for many years. The Big Bang happened. The arguments are over how it happened.

A theory makes predictions. I can predict the speed of an object falling with the theory of gravity. If that prediction holds up, then that is evidence for the theory. Evolution makes similar predictions about what variation should be found, where it should be, and how long ago it should be. This happens to uncanny precision. I'm not as familiar with the BBT, but it predicted that we would be receiving microwave light from all directions everywhere. We found that too.
Fixing bridges and potholes is not that important 6 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
Nearly nobody goes into politics to help their country. Their primary objective is to help themselves by pushing their agenda.
Every single time 1 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
Remember: Beating (Abusing) your child is just fine (Proverbs 13:24). It's also fine to have your child murdered if he complains about it after you told him to stop crying over the intense pain. (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)

Remember kids: "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you." Honor them so that you may live long because dishonoring them is a crime punishable by death. That's why you have to do it to live a long life.
Don't make eye contact 3 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
Communism is a perfectly valid government if you're planning to destroy your economy and nation from the ground up. Nuking your garden is a very effective way to stop the weeds from growing.
Public Apology and Statement 10 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
"Created" isn't the right term here. Created implies a creator, and there is nothing to suggest a thing happened. Nobody really knows how the universe started. Anyone who claims to is just lying or unintentionally repeating a lie. The only honest thing that can be said is: "We don't know." Admitting that you don't know is the first step to knowing.
The value of the work you do 31 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
"This person doesn't have enough money to live. This other person doesn't make enough money to live and he works harder. Therefore, the first person shouldn't complain about not having enough to live."

Because if someone has it worse, then you can't have it bad. Yes, you have six broken ribs, but this other guy has ten broken ribs. You're just not as bad as this guy, so we shouldn't give you treatment.
Lol 6 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
The biggest joy in my life is my hair. If I lost it them I'm certain to commit suicide simply because I would have no hope for life anymore. I already don't have hope, but I still least have my hair.
Just because I donate money does not mean I am a virgin though 13 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
I think it's mostly a critique that you'll very easily find female streamers who are blatantly pushing their figures to substitute for gaming content. Nothing inherently wrong with that as I see no issue with using your own body for money, but the issue is mostly them trying to cash out on phrases that don't include them. Like a high school dropout telling me he has a doctorate to boost his chances of landing a job.
Sounds fishy 38 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
As for fake rape reports, I am of the belief that we should always assume that the report is faulty until proven otherwise. It could be a misidentification, misunderstanding of language, actually a legitimately and intention fake, or worst of all an actual rape. Rape a very serious thing. I'm not qualified to make judgements on the guilty or not guilty status of a person. I just know that it is necessary to assume innocence or at least "not guilty".

Further, if we did away with the presumption of innocence, then the entire legal system would collapse and far more innocents will be punished unjustly. Your father goes on a fishing trip for a few hours. He is accused of raping a woman during those hours instead. He has no way to prove that he was indeed fishing even though he was. Your father would be sentenced to possible decades in prison. This system unfortunately means that some guilty people will slip through, but that is better than tens of thousands of innocents being shoved in.
· Edited 5 years ago
Sounds fishy 38 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
I agree with you @guest_, but the simple act of feeling wronged does not necessarily mean an unlawful act was made. I would agree that it is immoral to do so as it decreases the well-being of the person, but there in some cases there is no precedent for such feelings of being wrong and many instances where the opposite was met. Imagine a husband giving his wife a quick kiss before going to work. He does it everyday, and she enjoys it everyday. And then without warning, she suddenly feels wronged by it.

There is a lot of nuance to any discussion about physical gestures and unspoken consent given how little humans communicate with words. The exact percentages are impossible to nail down, but a significant part of our communication is done without a single word being spoken from our posture, our expression, and even the amount that our eyelids are closed. I don't know what you guys are talking about, but I just wanted to point this out.
People these days 6 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
His wand looks like a fancy buttplug. Go check.
Hissss 7 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
This show was all kinds of fucked, but I loved it
All righty then 34 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
You heard it from @famousone everybody. Pick up your guns, go to the nearest school, and open fire. Maybe one of those kids are a lizard person sent by the Illuminati. It's worth killing all those innocents according to @famousone.

I have to wonder what he would think if his own children would have been on that bus. I'll show him some respect by believing that he doesn't really think this bullshit he's spouting is true.
All righty then 34 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
I actually had a similar discussion about this on different forms of magic. If I sell you a car, there is an actual use for this car. You can drive it to work, take your kids to school, or go buy food.

If I sell you a missle, then I know exactly what you plan to do with that missle. There is only one thing a missle is made to do. The intention of the creator, seller, and the buyer is to murder people. There is no ambiguity here.
All righty then 34 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
Hey, do you mind if I killed you? Well, I won't be killing you. I'll just give someone the gun to kill you. That way I'm totally innocent.
Some news for you 41 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
Famousone, you seem to be a parody of a patriotic person. I have difficulty telling if you are serious with your claims or not. It's not even important if you are the most moral child rapist to ever exist. You can be the most moral rapist anyone has ever imagined. That doesn't make you moral. It makes you not as horrible.

As for agreeing to give away your rights, that's impossible. Rights can never be given away. If your rights are ever made unavailable to you evem by your own will, then your rights are being violated. You can choose not to eat if you want. But it is immoral and a violation of your rights for someone else to decide you don't get to eat even if you agree.
Some news for you 41 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
I am fully aware of what happens to countries without a military. There are indeed some necessary evils that must be made. That doesn't mean I can't be critical of those evils though. The better option here is to convince the citizens as to why they should allow their rights to be stripped in order to defend their country. It's not exactly realistic, but that's the moral approach.

And if we narrow down to convincing trans people to die for their country, we could better narrow it down to trans people being forced to die for the citizens of said country. Now remember that trans people are one of the most disliked minorities in the U.S....
Some news for you 41 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
I think it's good too. The less people being forced into sacrificing their lives the better. The only real loss here is for the weirdos who wanted to join anyways.
Parents these days. 5 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
Your imaginary friends never really go away. They just get bigger.
But I still have imaginary friends and not even all of them like me. We sing songs sometimes when they aren't whispering mean things.
People these days 6 comments
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
I have a very strict view of canon. If it's not mentioned in the original books, then it isn't canon. Sadly, I don't consider it to be canon. It definitely has a "you can consider it side canon" thing to it though. Death of the Author and all. Her own ideas about what is and what isn't canon has no more weight than the opinions of any random person.

(I'm aware of the irony of using Death of the Author here. Death of the author is supposed to stop the limitations of the text's meaning while my usage is to directly limit what is and what is not canon.)