Houdini doesn't skip leg day 11 comments
· 7 years ago
How ironic for him to be superstitious.
Cops love shooting dogs 55 comments
· 7 years ago
It really depends. If the dog enters their personal space they have every right to remove it by whatever means necessary . Unless maybe, dependent on circumstances while on private property.
Made me lel hard 50 comments
· 7 years ago
@serosenpai what the hell is wrong with you? The military ban isn't the act of anihhilation, it's just a sign of the attempt. What DOES abortion have to do with being trans? I never made that connection. And incedentally most of the anti-abortion comes from religion. Prayer at a public school IS a bad thing, however let's not forget that they're trying to push creationism into schools with this theory of intelligent design bullshit.
Here's a good idea 31 comments
Destruction 100 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Sorry, that was a statement, not a question. I was referring to Bose-Einstein condensation.
Remember this? 40 comments
· 7 years ago
Yes you can, but you can get out. Hate speech shouldn't be banned. But it definitely should be suppressed. Your fire and bomb examples are correct, those should be allowed. But not the isolated words. Punishment should also vary in severity based on context, most cases being a slap on the wrist. Heavily swearing around a child. Very bad if in a child-themed area, say a playground or near a school, not so bad if in a neutral area, like a train satiation. Ok, if I'm a place you wouldn't expect children to be, say, a bar. The thing no one seems to realize is that there's a massive stretch of middle ground between letting people say whatever the fuck they want whenever the hell they want and chucking them in prison for 20 years just for saying something along the lines of "maybe things would be a little better if [person in authority] did x."
God bless Star Trek 23 comments
· 7 years ago
Yeah, that always bothered me. *travels to thousands of other planets, meats hundreds of other specie.* *90% of them just looks like humans with spots, wrinkles or pointy ears.*
Edited 7 years ago
Getting away with a small achievement like: 7 comments
Just lean up your seat, guy 8 comments
Chuck norris bridge 2 comments
· 7 years ago
Was this before boaty mcboatface? Because of not, then I am severely dissapointed.
Apple likes removing organs too 9 comments
· 7 years ago
In all fairness, I think they're well worth the price, just other companies have decided to sell theirs for lower.
When the teacher outsmarts the student 15 comments
WTF fun fact 12 comments
Anon has plans for when he dies 9 comments
· 7 years ago
A bowling ball with small hammers sticking out of each of the holes. And put my head in a vase and put a lone ski on one side and a tractor tread on another.
How smoking wrecks your lungs 21 comments
Professional w*nker 18 comments
· 7 years ago
REALLY? I mean, I knew there was a world championship for everything, but still, REALLY?
Houdini doesn't skip leg day 11 comments
Made me lel hard 50 comments
· 7 years ago
What, for listing facts? If that sounds like conspiracy theories to you, then you are seriously out of touch with reality.