

Xvarnah --

— Xvarnah Report User
Sweet home 4 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Are you seriously saying all anime is trash because there's some anime that have incest?
One of the most popular series of the last decade prominently featured a brother and sister screwing each other. The books also include fun things like bestial rape (via dog). (Game of Thrones if you're wondering)
2004 movie called Blood. Very highly rated. Features a sister attempting to take advantage of her brother's crush on her to get drugs out of him.
One of the most widely renowned popculture movies had a plotline that featured a mother unwittingly trying VERY hard to seduce her son while he tried to convince his father to make a move on her instead. (Back to the Future if you're wondering).
I could list more but I really don't want to.
I'm not advocating for incest here, and if anime isn't your cup of tea that's fine and dandy, but saying it's all trash becausesome of it contains this content is a bizarre stand to take, especially when not applied to other mediums equally guilty
Which one would you chose? 46 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
No no, we've already renamed him Fishing Rod Manfried
After they say there is nothing they can really do 15 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Where in heck is this? The police have come and followed up any of the few times they've had to be involved on my end
Always keep an eye on the news. 31 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
China claims to be but they seem to fall short in certain ways. I don't know anything about Laos, and little about Vietnam. Maybe rosalinas has some insight there. Either way, we can agree to disagree or whatever
Always keep an eye on the news. 31 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Are you actually incapable of having any kind of civil discussion? I'm genuinely curious. Sometimes it almost seems like you have a point, but then you go off like this and it turns everything you've said into the obnoxious whining of a child who cannot defend the stance they took. Which is a shame because it would be nice to actually see you defend it for once, not just declare it and then spout off irrelevant nonsense at the first sign of response.
Still, at least you can give yourself backpats. That counts for something, I'm sure. Nothing particularly GOOD, but something nonetheless.
Also @famousone I have a suspicion we have have unmasked your downvote stalker
2 · Edited 4 years ago
Throwing it back to the old days 7 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
And... they Literally might not be able to offer it. Internet costs money, the fibreoptic and such may not be good in the building, it may disrupt the actual work environment. Just like McDonalds may not actually be able to offer donuts due to the way their current set-ups are laid out.
But it's definitely more reasonable to throw a fit because the cafe gave you a heads that they don't provide a service you have no reason to feel entitled to (like the OP) than to just accept that they don't have it, and appreciate that they at least provided this information.
It would be much better if they just removed the cheeky sign that somehow triggered that person so badly. That way people can wander in and spend time clogging up the counters, asking about the Wi-Fi. It's definitely preferable to waste the time of everyone involved. If you can withhold the info until after they've unpacked their laptops and such all the better. O.o
Always keep an eye on the news. 31 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
There literally aren't any communist countries in existence as far as I know. Not large ones, at any rate. All the ones that claim to be do not actually practice any form of communism and are, more often than not, full-blown dictatorships. But dictator is an ugly word so they can't call it that. Not that it really matters, but in scenarios as serious as this it feels like a misrepresentation of what's actually going on, and the news (particularly in China) already misrepresents more than enough to last a lifetime
Always keep an eye on the news. 31 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Tbh I'm still really hoping Britain puts it's foot down. If they do then there's a chance Canada and (more specifically) America will follow, and maybe a few others besides. China may still not listen to reason but it's a start.
Help, I named my kid Daenerys 34 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
As I said I don't find it completely shocking that she ended up not being a fit leader. But I do think the jealousy, paranoia, and eventual cold-blooded sociopath mentality needed (like so many things in season 7 and 8) more easing into.
Instead it kind of felt like a grandstanding "GOTCHA!" moment based around the phrase "everytime a targaryen is born the gods flip a coin" or however it goes. Intended to make the audience go "ohhhhhh he was warning us the whole time," while also lining the plot up so that Bran could somehow be shoe-horned in as a worthwhile leader.
But that's just my take on it haha
Help, I named my kid Daenerys 34 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
The city, not the people, and that was in the scenario they fought back.
I also thought her complete freakout over Jon's identity was unwarranted. A little bit of edginess, maybe, but she went some someone completely self-assured that she can and would rule, no matter the other claims or offers, to someone so petrified of a penis in a matter of seconds audience-time. Specifically because this penis happened to be related to her and people might like it better than her. She never feared Cersei's claim to the throne by marriage, Sansa's claim to the throne in the north by loyalty, the Baratheons' claims to the throne by blood. She didn't care about the rulers of other cities or groups, no matter how well loved they were (the Khals, while brutal, had a great degree of respect among their group and little respect for women, yet she never once doubted that the mere act of surviving while they all burned would be enough to convert an army to cross an ocean they were terrified of)
Not all Australian animals will kill you. Don't get me wrong...He wants to. He just 15 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Sometimes it does that when a person makes a comment and then deletes it... but into this scenario he didn't delete it. The comment is here. Watching our every move. We just can't see it
Froggo can get it, finally 12 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Was there a reason he was living in isolation? Just curious. If he's social I imagine they could have kept him with some other species of something just for company
Help, I named my kid Daenerys 34 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
I see me and guest_ are replying at the exact same time so rip lol
All that said as far as the name goes I don't know why it's a problem. Like you said - it's still a nice name. If you were naming your kid that exclusively to honor the character, than you definitely should have waited until the character's story ended.
Help, I named my kid Daenerys 34 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
It was a severe shift in character that didn't actually fit with the earlier narrative largely due to the pacing. She'd actively tried to protect innocent people in the past, and expressed remorse when the one magister was crucified, or a child burned to death by her dragons. She also never much cared what her lovers thought of her after Drogo.
Help, I named my kid Daenerys 34 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
I think it's less surprise that they went that direction and more surprise at HOW they did it. And she was a bit touched, but she almost always had room for mercy, particularly for those she knew had done nothing wrong. I can't really think of any occasion outside of that that she actively hunted down and slaughtered people just for being in the vicinity of someone she considered an enemy.
Closest events might be when she crucified the masters, or burnt down the dothraki temple, but in both scenarios the majority of the people she killed were portrayed as being complicit and encouraging (the dothraki all seemed to be lords who were all quite content with sentencing her to be raped to death). In the case of King's landing she had zero reason to actually attack the unarmed, spread out citizens of the city, especially when they themselves hadn't hurt her, they themselves hadn't encouraged cersei, they themselves weren't holding her prisoner or anything similar
For People who can't find the Snow Leopard in the other post (Hidden because spoiler?) 7 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
I think that's part of what threw me off in the original post haha. I was scouring the snow for a grey-white cat. Then someone mentioned it was below the snow, still couldn't find it. And then someone else mentioned it was looking at the camera and THAT's how I finally found the darn thing.
He does a decent job at hiding in plain sight at any rate
5 · Edited 4 years ago
The Snow Leopard is brutally camouflaged !! 24 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
@js If you look a short distance below the big snow patch you see a slightly larger rock. The snow leopard is directly above/behind this rock.
The curve of it's butt is actually just touching the lowest part of that snow patch on the left side. It's face is to the right and sticks out slightly past the large rock. The leopard has it's face turned and is looking directly at the camera. It's legs are obscured behind the rock
1 · Edited 4 years ago
Just work lol 2 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
"Without a work"
No escape from reality 3 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Open your eyes
Always keep an eye on the news. 31 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Keep in mind the country in question is the same one that actively censored and blanked out a very violent part of their history (Tiananmen Square) to the point many of its residents don't even know it happened. People literally get black bagged and disappear, or imprisoned or killed.
I can't begrudge Hong Kong almost anything it does in this fight.
Always keep an eye on the news. 31 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
*That's a dictatorship for ya, bud
Always keep an eye on the news. 31 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
They've been covering it in Canada. Not as extensively as I'd like, but they have been covering it. I feel so bad for those people, and HOPE they succeed. I hope the world actually intervenes and this doesn't end up as just another Tiananmen Square. Hong Kong was promised 50 years of autonomy and China's fragile little ego couldn't even handle that.
The police have been beating the protesters bloody. Some have their faces and eyes bandaged up but are not backing down. The protesters have been fighting back with everything they have.
8 · Edited 4 years ago
Someone having too much corporate fun... Reported 2 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
"Reported" ? Good grief
Which one would you chose? 46 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
@dr_richard_ew based on the comment section I think @aviva might be right about the drugs after all :p
@nicengelman I haven't figured out your name. My brain wants to read it as "Nice n Gel man" which makes little sense
Which one would you chose? 46 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Wait when did she say that? I thought grim was watching the house and aviva was the drug detector?