title 7 comments
· 9 years ago
oh so that's how you do the snaps (V);,,;(V)
Arabs, hollywood vs reality 42 comments
She is very ready 23 comments
Why are People Against It? 126 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually, the author of Romans wrote about homosexuals going to Hell.
While I believe this, I don't see a valid reason for gay marriage staying illegal .-.
While I believe this, I don't see a valid reason for gay marriage staying illegal .-.
The real cause of it all 70 comments
· 9 years ago
This scene would have been even better if Tony Stark replied with "désolé" ("sorry" in French)
Hurricane kick 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Looks sick. But I wouldn't use this in a fight unless a bunch of greasers approach my honey pop and I have to dance fight them off of my turf.
Childhood Ruin.. 5 comments
· 9 years ago
The second to last one... that's exactly what Nemo's dad wanted to do. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Leaves from the vine 18 comments
Kanye West, Level 1 RPG character 9 comments
Tomatoes are so gross I would die too 11 comments
Pretty much 7 comments
I hope this is true 32 comments
· 9 years ago
I can confirm this: my dancing is like an organized seizure, but girls love the fact that I"m willing to dance
Do fish drink water? 1 comments
Proof that this fact is fake 15 comments
Doctor: *raughs* 3 comments
The Children's Version Of Russian Roulette 5 comments
Oh...WOW! 31 comments
Dear Justin Bieber haters 7 comments
· 10 years ago
I saw the roast of him on Monday, I hope Beiber turns his life around. The guy is a huge moron, but he was also thrown into stardom at age 15, a time where people are meant to mature.
The most METAL helmet of helmets... 8 comments
· 10 years ago
If I had enemies, I would buy this to strike fear into their heart... But I slaughtered the all...
Rekt 22 comments
I feel like dying 12 comments
· 10 years ago
This may be more of an awkward seal or maybe even socially awkward penguin. If he killed his stepmom, then I could see this being a strong confession bear
David's a funny guy 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Because of stupid people like this, I often try to think of the third way to spell "its" and sit there for like 20 minutes until I realize that there is not third "it's"
some people on the Internet 20 comments
Anyone who says that is lying 20 comments
· 10 years ago
I'll be honest, I think that intelligence is much more important than appearance, but there are some intelligent girls I won't date because they're not attractive enough...
Goodnight everyone 14 comments
· 10 years ago
I hate to be a killjoy, but isn't Tony Stark a recovered alcoholic which means he shouldn't have wine?
A guide to the Marvel Universe 33 comments
I had some privilege in my eye, officer 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Who are you to judge beauty you pig? I bet you're twice as fat you stupid chauvinist
Emma Watson, You beautiful creature 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Gender = male or female. People like her need to be standard-issued a straight jacket
Don't like laundry 9 comments
So true!!! 15 comments
yes 5 comments
· 10 years ago
"We don't talk shit about what everyone else is interested in. We don't hate on other people."
-most oblivious person ever to exist.
speak for yourself. there are millions of these idiots idolizing a young criminal who deserves to be deported. he looks just like Miley Cyrus, just more stupid.
PS- anybody has a right to hate on whoever they want, and some random Belieber probably isn't gonna make a difference in who talks shit about Justin Bieber. and you're embarrassing yourself by sticking up for him honestly.
-most oblivious person ever to exist.
speak for yourself. there are millions of these idiots idolizing a young criminal who deserves to be deported. he looks just like Miley Cyrus, just more stupid.
PS- anybody has a right to hate on whoever they want, and some random Belieber probably isn't gonna make a difference in who talks shit about Justin Bieber. and you're embarrassing yourself by sticking up for him honestly.