

— Ewqua Report User
No blessings on your head 7 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Omg me too! I always sound like Pikachu because the choo part of my achoo just goes really high pitched. Most people laugh (as you said, jerks) but oh well at least my boyfriend says it's cute.
The Fiji water lady is the real winner of the Golden globes 3 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I like the second person's shirt. It's cute af
Thanks to the internet, millenials can't even inherit 22 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Lol possibly. Let's not kid ourselves, we might vow not to be like that and we might even keep that vow, but there will 100% be arsewipes among us repeating these past mistakes.
Choose your fighter 3 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
"Bradley" lol he needs an eyepatch and moustache
Meanwhile in Australia 2 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
You forgot to mention that the one on the right is crappier quality and if your coffee melts through your cup and spills all over, you'll be told that you didn't handle it well enough and that it's your fault. Then they'll try to charge you $10 for a new cup and sell the melted one as "refurbished" to someone else.
You know he's got a point there 2 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
And who rides a beast that can go incredibly fast for really long amounts of time without getting tired.
Though now that I think of it, I'm not sure Shadowfax was even in the movies.
Edit: looked it up, he was.
4 · Edited 5 years ago
It hurts 2 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Or a 10 page thread of people saying they have the same issue. At least here you know it's not going to go anywhere, those threads give you false hope and make you scroll to the end as you slowly realize you're just wasting time there but you don't stop in case there really is a solution somewhere on page 10.
Its not twitter but it will work 15 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
As far as I know the character of Jack Sparrow is *very vaguely* based on a male English pirate who served under the Ottoman Empire in his later years. However, the whole movie is about as historically accurate as a 14 year old's fanfic, so a change in the pirate's gender really shouldn't be a big deal at all.
And let's not pretend characters aren't changed all the time. Like, Santa whose inspiration (Saint Nicholas) was from a place that's now a part of Turkey, so he definitely didn't have blue eyes, white skin and didn't wear a red suit but most likely a robe. Or, for that matter, Jesus who was most likely a short, stout man with short black curly hair, a beard and brown skin. In other words, many of his conservative worshippers would hesitate to sit next to him on a plane.
This outrage over changing some movie characters just seems so miniscule when you look at how historical characters have been changed over time in different stories and cultures.
He's back! 11 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
"THEY say that..."
"Wait, who says that exactly?"
"You know, THEY, those bad people!"
"Ok, like who? Give me an example."
"Well, I said that they said it. But it's so dumb, they might as well have! Sometime, somewhere! Checkmate, ethereal SJWs!"
The anti-SJW community is so circlejerky and toxic, I'm glad I saw through their shtick so early.
Its not twitter but it will work 15 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
How to become a famous anti-SJW:
1) Make up something ridiculous. Bonus points if you manage to find one or two tweets by some randos from 2010 that are somewhat related to the topic.
2) Claim that "people" or "the SJWs" or simply "they" are saying it.
3) Wait for clicks and anti-SJW outrage.
They will pay 2 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Me when my mom gossips about me over the phone with my grandma. She always exaggerates so much!
title 5 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Too little too late, bot.
Frink beer, duck b*tches 12 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Indeed. I think a part of that may also come from them being raised not always by manipulators, but sometimes by parents who, though they mean well, teach these kids that doing something will always get them a reward. I'm not one of those "damn kids and their participation trophies" people, because it's not like they're doing nothing, they're doing something – being nice, but they expect a reward for it. They expect a woman to be interested in them for being nice because that's how action-reward works, and they get frustrated when they find out attraction doesn't work that way. But your point about manipulative family background is very true too, and really even though it results in the same behavior, there are a million and one reasons why each one of them acts the way they do.
I recommend a video by ContraPoints titled "Incels", it's very insightful in this respect and covers toxic behaviors not just among these people but on the internet as a whole.
Frink beer, duck b*tches 12 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
But they're not wrong.
Frink beer, duck b*tches 12 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Beautifully said.
Though I think you're giving the self-proclaimed "nice guys" too much credit. Most of them (well, the ones who go around saying how nice they are anyway – genuinely nice people usually don't brag like that) are nice only until they find out the girl they're interested in is taken or just not interested in them. Then their mask usually slips off and the girl realizes she actually dodged a b̶u̶l̶l̶e̶t̶ nuke.
6 · Edited 5 years ago
Growing up in namibia, africa 8 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
And still sporting the same haircut! Some things never change
Y'all know what I mean 25 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Y'all know what I mean 25 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
And Morrigan in the Dragon Age series! I swear, BioWare people have a talent in choosing the best voices. Morrigan, Alistair, Cullen, Garrus...
Worth it 4 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I could play that series back-to-back honestly.
Welcome to America 35 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
To the drink thing: I'm not a native English speaker so maybe the context is escaping me BUT to me personally it seems less of a "something in the air" thing and more of her wondering what kind of alcohol it is. Which, y'know, getting someone drunk to elicit consent more easily isn't unheard of.
Overall though I'm against banning anything. Do not ban history, learn from it.
Triss Merigold cosplay 5 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
As long as there's cleavage, they do
Triss Merigold cosplay 5 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Eh guest is not wrong at least when it comes to the Witcher series. CDPR have been very clearly pandering to horny weirdos who are angry that most of today's mainstream games treat female characters as actual human beings and not objects to gawk at and who yearn for that sweet sweet nostalgia of old games having all female armor be metal lingerie.
7 · Edited 5 years ago
Made me smile and cry! 7 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I love that she spelled Walgreens as Mark Wahlberg
Etymology is fun 9 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Maybe but think of how your boobs will never become wrinkly prunes and your mood will improve again.
Etymology is fun 9 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
"Complete human experience" sounds like a package holiday. Like, imagine alien tourists who are given human cloaking devices and then put into a college dorm for a week with just enough funds to afford instant ramen and three deadlines coming up at the end of the week. THAT sounds like the complete human experience, not *scoffs* birth. You can always adopt. We're all just filthy apes anyway, our genes aren't that special that they need to be spread.