I remember the movie Anastasia.... I thought it was cool until I found out that the villain of the movie was a real person who actually wasn't that bad of a guy
For real? I never knew that they found her! Meh, I still like the movie better than the real life story. And crashbandicoot, he used to scare me so much...
Oh he used to scare me too, and he was actually a pretty cool villain, and I still believe he had one of the best villain songs ever, and he's not even Disney. It just bothers me that he was a a cthal person who was actually good friends with the royal family and didn't kill them or anything. They even sort of reenacted his death in the movie, in real life he drowned.... I dunno, guess it sort of bugs me that they twisted an actual historical figure into a villain
Thanks, only problem is no one can spell it right. The government sent me a certificate congratulating me on graduating elementary school, and they spelt my name wrong.
They should've been the ones in elementary school...
· 11 years ago
Crash I have EXACTLY the same problem! My name's Mieneke.. (It's quite uncommon where I live) and people CONSTANTLY spell/pronounce it wrong! I'm used to people not knowing how to pronounce my name because it happens so often :)
My names not too uncommon, but no one spells it the way I do. Kayley, instead of Kaylee, or Kailey, even Kailiegh is more common. I like the way it's spelled though. I've just got a weird name. No one spells my first or middle name right, and no one has ever pronounced my last name right.
My name is Juliana, and my sister's is Callie. Our last name has a really weird spelling too, so we can't find anything with our names on it and everyone pronounces them wrong.
Briana-Alexus. When I was little at the store I wanted one of those cool key chains with your name, but Briana was spelt Brianna and Alexus was Alexis. And none of them had it put together. Quite depressing as a child.
· 11 years ago
Madhumitha.beat that :/ :(
· 11 years ago
Durell and the worst port it's not said the way it's spelt, it's dew-rall
Oh, that's cool! I live in Scotland and I have many venezuelan friends, I don't even have spanish friends here... Only venezuelan! But that's amazing! They are like my cousins and I love the accent. :D
"Jacynth" sounds like "Jason" with a "th" sound in the end. Im a girl and there are guys named Jason in my name and it occasionally is inconvenient, but no one could think of a good nickname so I deal with it.
My name is Taya. I can only ever find Tanya or Taylor on keychains and stuff. :/ and nobody can pronounce my name either. It's pronounced Tay-uh, but they all say it Ty-uh or something like that. .-.
My name is Georgia I thought that wasn't uncommon since I knew a person in my town with the same name as me it's either it's so common they never have it or its uncommon I litterly have no idea
How can a movie make one so sad??? *cries in a corner*
Awhh, what movie's making you sad?
Gravity OAO
(My name's Artyom) i'm half russian
My dad's : ilidio
.. We never find anything .. :(
Part of me dies when it is misspelled by family.
Btw, there's actually a user on this site called Siobhan! Spotted her yesterday!
*blank expression*
Everyone who knows me calls me Roach!
Btw my second name is Tayla :)
That's a pretty middle name, by the way. :)
Thanks XD
Aaah!! I have made a friend!! *happy dance* Let's be friends? :P :D
*dances along*
XD yay more friends for me! I swear I have sOo many friends over the internet and like, 3 in real life XD