Ok, this is really embarrassing, and no one but my parents know. I wet the bed... until I was fourteen years old. I'm over it now, but it's still really embarrassing.
When I'm anxious or angry I scratch the skin on my arms until it either starts turning red or cuts and starts to bleed. I've tried to stop, but I can't.
Well my problem is that I get most anxious and angry during school due to being forced to be in a loud environment with a lot of people (I have an ear problem that makes every thing louder to me than it should be, alone with a. Couple emotional disorders)
I'm sorry Crash, you're definitely one of my favorites here, I wish I could give you some amazing advice to help you .... just know that I truly care about you and your well being :-)
Crash, I hate to sound pushy, but you really need to stop. I started doing that when I got upset or anxious, and it stopped helping after awhile. That's when I started cutting. It may be hard, but I believe in you. Don't make the same mistake's I did. When you get anxious or overwhelmed, try clenching and unclenching your fists, while breathing in and out. It helped my when I was trying to stop self harm. It may not work, but there are other things you can try.
· 11 years ago
Popping with a rubber band is a way to wean yourself from it.
Ok, I'm only going to tell this situation that only my family knows in hopes that it might help Crash a bit. Eight years ago, whenever I would get stressed or feel anxiety, I would literally pull my hair out.....until there was none and I had to wear hats, etc. It took some therapy and serious will power but I'm proud to say I don't do that anymore and now my hair is down to my waist. Hope it helps somehow Crash.
I always, when I get nervous, get a small object and mess with it with my hands.
· 11 years ago
Im a pretty happy person.. but I get frustrated easily and It really controls me, I clench my hands a lot and grind my teeth but i turn pretty aggressive and usually bite or rip or throw whatever's there... :/
I always tore up whatever I could. I even destroyed one of my favorite hoodies because I had to present a science fair project. I have anxiety issues and I fidget with my fingers to prevent destroying more stuff
I also ate a spider web, i was running through the forest becuase i was playing a different version of hide and seek and i ran right into a spider web with my mouth open, it tasted HORRIBLE
That happened to my gerbil. We put him in a play house and there a door that slid down and it chopped off some of his tail. He was okay though as well.
I am so sorry that happened to you. Nothing like that should ever happen to anyone. Ever. You're part of a very loving and accepting family here on FunSubstance, so be yourself and we will always be there for you.
I had a friend too who once told me she was raped by her father multiple times. And all I know to really say then and now is I'm so so sorry that happened to you. That was not fair and as everyone is saying, you are loved. You really are loved.
Mamo, what happened was not your fault, and you are not alone. This is a great place to get support, but there are also people who are trained and available 24/7 to talk to you- I would really strongly suggest giving them a call or text: https://ohl.rainn.org/online/
I've done things like that in the past but they haven't helped, ive gotten told by a psychiatrist that i was crazy, like murder my entire family bat shit crazy so i don't really like to use those kinds of things
And i'm sorry but pancakes with syrup is amazing, but the second that syrup touches my clothes/skin/hair/handle of my knife or fork it's just like MEAL RUINED, strip off all clothes, burn them and get in the shower
Omg butter is my other weakness. I will not eat anything with butter (unless it has been cooked into it) and I refuse to even carry a sealed container of it
Me toooo .. this one time I was with my friends and they wanted to take me to this guy wearing a mickey mouse outfit. I ended up hyperventilating and sprinting away from the mickey guy
Yeah, we did too Impala. Like it or not, you're one of us now so we're there for you.
Is this guy far away from you and have you told him about how you feel?
You don't have yo worry, strength of character does not mean you're going to scare or push people away. Being strong and determined might shoe that while you get along okay for periods of time alone, there are still people who are drawn to that strength, who can use it and who will benefit from it. Love will come. Don't comprise yourself for it.
I feel the same, I mean I'm only a teenager, but all my friends looks up to me. It has also made me scared of letting people down and not being good enough... Especially with a sister who's doing well with everything on life. But don't worry because if you are how you say you are, and I don't doubt you are, good people will be drawn in to your life so stay happy :)
Well, I remember one time I* (NOTICE) This comment has been omitted by the NSA for : Containing information concerning national security. We apologize for any inconvenience.*
What? No!!! What I did was *(Notice) This comment has been omitted by the NSA for: Containing information concerning national security. famousone, knock it off.*
I'm 14 and still call my parents Mommy and Daddy because I don't like calling them mom and dad. And when I was in kindergarten i had my first kiss, but the disgusting part is that it was in the girls bathroom with my best friend who is a girl and I'm not gay:/
Had my first kiss when I was like 6-7. I was jumping on the bed and then my cousin 13 (girl) tackled and French kissed me. Crazy thing is, a couple days later at school this girl that used to bully me pushed into a corner and did the same thing. My first kiss was stolen from me twice and to this day I'm repulsed by the act of placing my mouth on another mouth and I'm 23 yo man
Kissing someone of the same gender does not make you gay, and the great thing is that a first kiss, or first anything does not change you or who you are. You get to write your own story, you get to decide when your first stomach turning, fave flushing, heart stopping, can't believe this is real kiss moment happens. Maybe it will be your second or twenty second kiss- but that is what you will remember. Don't worry
I'm 18 and I still call my parents Mommy and Daddy, because I think it's too weird to call them Mom and Dad. The weird thing is that I refer to them (when talking to others) as Mom and Dad.
Not sure if it's available in your country, but in my country there's this thing called Driclor, which is something like a roll-on gel. It's specially manufactured for sweaty palms. You might want to give it a try :)
We dated five years ago but we still talked. But last January she spent a semester of school in england so I hadn't talked to her in a while. However I did text her last night. And we talked for a little bit. Havent heard from her today though.
Maybe you should tell her so you don't have to live your life with the "what if" Pebble. At least you'll know you really tried and who knows what could happen, but if you don't try then you'll never know.
I've tried asking her out a couple of times in the years since we broke up. But each time she says no. She probably doesn't like me that way. No girl ever does.
Talking to yourself isn't strange as far as just expressing your thoughts verbally actually more intelligent people usually do it. When you start having full blown conversations with yourself is when it starts being a problem or weird.
"You spend your whole life stuck in the labyrinth, thinking about how you'll escape it one day, and how awesome it will be, and imagining that future keeps you going, but you never do it. You just use the future to escape the present."
Looking for Alaska, John Green
I have morbid thoughts all the time. Like for example I ride the trolley and sometimes I wonder what it would be like to jump in front or off it n just die. Only thing that keeps me from doing it is thoughts about my best friend and family. If I didn't have them I know I'd be dead by now.
I know I'll never please the people I love, but then again, if you even think that, is it worth it? Trying to satisfy their expectations, instead of fulfilling your desires of becoming who you want to be?
Panic attacks are the worst, I used to get them a lot. I know when you're having one it's not easy but try and focus on your breathing to slow it down, also your heart rate.... Concentrate on slowing it back to normal and reach for the happiest thing you can think of until it passes. It's not easy but try it.
At school everybody thinks I'm a quiet good girl that would never do anything wrong because I'm all focused on studies, when I'm away from school I am a completely different person. Because of this I don't have any true friends that actually understand me.
No. I've done that more than enough times. Since I'm the youngest of my generation, I don't matter to my family, at all, especially at social events. I'm always the person they tell to "get up, you're not supposed to sit here, this seat is for significant people, people who matter". I cried at my first dance (in the bathroom), because the guy who asked me there wasn't even paying attention to me. I cried at my cousin's wedding, and ran to the bathroom to puke.
Sorry, just letting you know that you're not alone. (:
Sparklez, I'm sorry. No one should be made to feel that way especially by their own family. This family loves you though and we would never tell you to get up and sit somewhere else.
Oh sparklez! I hope you don't have to leave! I may be a guest(I really need to get an account) but I always read you comments and am glad you're a part of FunSubstance! You are actually a part of my escape from life!
· 11 years ago
My best friend (who is gay) admitted she was in love with me, I want to tell someone because Idk what to do but i can't go behind her back like that.
Tell her you are glad she can be honest with you, and that she can be comfortable with who she is around you- and you feel you can be the same way. So you have to tell her honestly that you don't feel romantically for her, and that you are (I am guessing) straight. But you still value her friendship.
I like a girl but I know she's too good for me. We've talked a few times and I really want to get to know her but I just can't bring myself to be honest and upfront. She's the only girl I get nervous around now so I know I'm actually trying to have something with her.
Hey! I met this girl (whom for now has been my first girlfriend, and we have stayed together for 4 months) when i started at my new school. She saw me as WAY out of her league, i saw her as WAY out of my league. We are happy, and dating, and loving life together! Just dare to speak your mind! If it is meant to be you two, it will work out :)
I didn't have my first kiss til I was 19 (this past year) and it took me three dates just to get comfortable enough to hold the guys hand. Is that weird?
No it's not weird at all. You know what you're comfortable with, and you obviously won't let pressures from anyone else change that, which is an incredibly good, and increasingly rare quality to have. Don't be pressured into doing anything you don't want to by ANYONE. Do what you want when you're ready.
Thank you so much guys. He has been incredibly patient with me. I've got a severe anxiety disorder which prevents me from doing a lot of stuff, but he's stuck around for 9 months so I think he's a keeper.
I have somehow convinced myself that any day now I'm going to be fired from my job despite the fact that Im constantly getting great hours and being trusted with more responsibility. Im so stressed out by my paranoia though that it keeps me up at night and destroys my appetite.
I don't fear death and I've come to terms that everything in this world is worthless and ugly. So I've got nothing to loose. We'll all die anyway. Wether it's tomorrow or in 6 montages I can't bring myself to care enough.
I'm fine now, but in the past I've had episodes where I'd be really depressed and kept thinking about suicide. I've never seeked medical help because I don't know how to talk to anyone about it.
· 11 years ago
I'm really glad you're feeling good now, I hope that with the right people the rest of your life will be awesome!
No one is okay after they kill somebody. It catches up to you in one way or another. Also I would encourage you to speak to someone if you do actually feel insane. Just getting your thoughts out, no matter how dark, may do a lot of good.
I'm sorry to hear that. It may sound like a weird thing to suggest but you could talk to a priest of some sort. I'm not very religious but I've found that they often listen and have some good advice. Best of all they are under a vow of confidentiality.
Well, damn. If you do find yourself becoming a serial killer then just make sure it's a Dexter style kind of killer lol. On a serious note try to find someone to talk to if you find the thoughts over bearing. Not an easy thing I know, but best advice I can give.
Yea actually. To name a few I found some old tin toys in a house from around the 1940-50s, some creepy as hell drawings on a wall in an old mental asylum, and a homeless person who my friend and I took to ihop. He actually told us of other places we could go and how to get in, really nice guy.
Skurjandan, that actually sounds like a lot of fun. I wish I had friends like you to do stuff like that with, you have to make memories and have fun with your life right?
I used to date a guy I met online. I later found out he only pretended to like me because I liked him and thought that pretending would make me happy. Of course I cried my eyes when I figured it out because it was the first time I ever felt connected to someone in a romantic kind of way. We've been apart for 2, almost 3 years and we're still friends and we talk occasionally. But I still care about him even thought I've told him plenty of times that I'm over him.
I 'm really tired of my friend telling me things about her life and making drama about little things that happen to her. It makes me angry that other people are going through taugh moments in their lifes that can't compare with her little worries and she says she has the worst life in the world. I think it's so mean, seriously. And she keeps saying it, it's my bf and i know her since I was 3, and I perfectly know that she only does it so people can compliment her and tell her she's beautiful and catch her attention.
I'm really annoyed of that shit and it keeps going everyday.
Thanks for reading.
I would tell her. If she has been your bestfriend since you were three she should be able to handle it. The truth is always the best answer, no matter how much it hurts in the beginning. People sometimes need to be told about their behavior from other people, because we are blind of ourselves.
I'm really in love with this guy, but i know he just don't like me and that i'm not someone he ever gonna love. He bullying another guy in my class, so i dont understand why i have a crush on him.
How old are you now? I think you should tell somebody, family, friends just somebody so that you can get the help you need. It would be hard but it's also a lot easier than going through it on your own.
I'm 18 now.
Well, I can't really tell that to somebody, I don't have a family and I only have friends online (not a lot), and they don't really understand me.
I've been drifting appart from one of my group of friends because one of them is dating a shady guy and they started hanging out with really trashy people and I don't want to be associated with that but at the same time I don't know how to tell them how I really feel...
This aint really a secret, but for a very long time i've taken upon my shoulders the job of telling girls they are beautiful! I'm in a stable relationship with the most beautiful girl in the world, but still i tell other girls they are beautiful. Complementing someone is not flirting. Complementing someone is something you all should do daily! For some people, it changes ALOT! Be the joy you wish to see in your own life!
This might seem wierd, and it's not really a "dark" secret or anything, but i think i have a gift from God. Im a christian btw. I can sense when somebody needs a talk, and some nice words. I can sense when somebody needs attention. Some nights, if im in a good mood, i scroll down my facebook chat, and some of the names "highlight" in my head. I then start talking to them, asking about their life and just trying to show that i do really care, even if we don't know each other very well.
i went to an annual high school jazz concert where they had invited a university band to perform onstage. they were doing this song with a singer and i was sitting in the front row. the singer came down to me and danced in front of me, sitting on my lap and such. i'm a very shy person and it affected me so much that i just can't bring myself to attend the concert this year because to many people would bring it up and i'm not okay with remembering it. i'd really like to hear the music.
When I was 7 I was at camp. There was this other girl. She tricked me by locking me in a stall and making me make out with her. She was all, "my mom does it with her bffs." She made us make out and French kind of. I swear I'm not gay though. It's scary looking back on it. I've never told anyone. D:
I have a mild case of FPP which is basically having a crazy imagination and half the time in schooI live in a dream world where I "break the system" and pretty much rule the world. It causes me to lucid dream (which is pretty cool) but sometimes I can't tell the difference from my "world" or the real world
OMG I love Thai chicken satay, it's so good.. I always thought "sautee" whenever I read it though. Micky, cobbler's like a southern thing, you really don't know what it is? o.o
I have a couple secrets I need to get off my chest...
•I am practically in love with this guy... He used to be my neighbor before I moved. We still stay in touch and i see him every time I go visit(we're close friends) I can't tell anyone though because he really likes this girl. I don't know what to do because the girl he likes is one of my best friends!
•I have social anxiety. But I don't tell anyone. It's hard because my "friends" always try to get me to be more outgoing and go to social events. I get really nervous and awkward
•my friend-the fore mentioned girl the guy I like likes- has gotten really close with this girl Mary. She's always posting Instagram photos saying "me and the bestie... Etc" and it really hurts because I live far away from her since I moved. It really hurts my feelings. And when I visited for New Years, at the annual family friends party, she invited Mary. All she did the entire night was hang out with Mary. I spent $400 to spend New Years alone.
normally, people don't read long comments because, yeah well i have no idea why but still, on a post like this its alright :)
I feel really bad for you about the whole thing, but maybe it's time to make some new friends cause this one seems a little, well I'll say 'unfriendly'
the crush thing... sorry hun but if you cant tell him you'll have to move on, or you wont notice anyone else who's sweet and might have a thing for you ;) keep your head up!
Thanks! I just don't know how to tell her she's hurting me like that! We've been friends for a long time and I don't know what to do. Oh I'm the guest by the way.... Just joined
I agree with pebble, love the username!
Anyway, just say that you think you guys are drifting apart, and that if you cant work it out it might be time for you to make some new friends, since she has. Say how distance is a bit of an issue, and that when you do meet up she doesn't seem interested. I don't know her so say what you think is right, I mean what have you got to lose? You'll either get a stronger friendship, maybe including Mary, or not have to worry about a 'friend' who doesn't value your friendship any more.
Poor nsa! You have FunSubstance to support! I have no one to ever do anything with either. I find company in other things like books to take my mind off my depression
Me too! Please don't kill yourself! FunSubstance loves you! I'm a psycho fangirl aswell. I have considered suicide before, but I remember that I actually mean something to some people. Please, try to resist the urge to commit suicide! We love you at FunSubstance!
Trust me, I know ALL about over-fangirling. But really, don't worry about it. If someone comments on it just laugh and say something witty or you know 'I'm devoted ;)'. You shouldn't be ashamed of what you like, and who cares if anyone else thinks differently about it! You can all so make a heap of friends through it too, our group in primary school was quite litterally based on Fandoms. So be proud of your fangirling!!!! ^-^
No, Mamo, no one here will treat you like your father. We are here to look out for and protect one another and get the help we need. I hope you are doing okay, you've been in my thoughts.
I really love you guys, but the big problem is that no-one gonna give me a real hug, no-one gonna give me an advice that really gonna help my with my problems
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
that is true. i'm only 14 and I probably can't even begin to imagine what you're going through. You do need someone on the outside world to help you steady yourself. But if you ever need, I'll Support and comfort you <3
It's good to have friends outside of Fs, but also, it's good to have a family on here because then we can give better advice because we are not close to situation
You... You spoke my mind. The difference is that for some reason, when we graduated he refused to give me his contact details. Months later I saw him with another girl at my secondary school and I was heartbroken. I still can't forget him until now :(
Is this guy far away from you and have you told him about how you feel?
Looking for Alaska, John Green
Sorry, just letting you know that you're not alone. (:
...but do we know each other?
I'm really annoyed of that shit and it keeps going everyday.
Thanks for reading.
Well, I can't really tell that to somebody, I don't have a family and I only have friends online (not a lot), and they don't really understand me.
•I am practically in love with this guy... He used to be my neighbor before I moved. We still stay in touch and i see him every time I go visit(we're close friends) I can't tell anyone though because he really likes this girl. I don't know what to do because the girl he likes is one of my best friends!
•I have social anxiety. But I don't tell anyone. It's hard because my "friends" always try to get me to be more outgoing and go to social events. I get really nervous and awkward
•my friend-the fore mentioned girl the guy I like likes- has gotten really close with this girl Mary. She's always posting Instagram photos saying "me and the bestie... Etc" and it really hurts because I live far away from her since I moved. It really hurts my feelings. And when I visited for New Years, at the annual family friends party, she invited Mary. All she did the entire night was hang out with Mary. I spent $400 to spend New Years alone.
I feel really bad for you about the whole thing, but maybe it's time to make some new friends cause this one seems a little, well I'll say 'unfriendly'
the crush thing... sorry hun but if you cant tell him you'll have to move on, or you wont notice anyone else who's sweet and might have a thing for you ;) keep your head up!
Anyway, just say that you think you guys are drifting apart, and that if you cant work it out it might be time for you to make some new friends, since she has. Say how distance is a bit of an issue, and that when you do meet up she doesn't seem interested. I don't know her so say what you think is right, I mean what have you got to lose? You'll either get a stronger friendship, maybe including Mary, or not have to worry about a 'friend' who doesn't value your friendship any more.
I didn't report it when I was raped at 17 either. Do NOT blame yourself, you are very important and special!
That happened one year ago and I still regret that. I'm lying awake every night and regreting nothing more than that :(