While I sympathize with the brother, and even though his response and anger was very reasonable, he should NOT have hit his sister. Being "provoked" is not an excuse to act poorly. And when you use that excuse, you're trying to blame someone else for your bad behavior. Just because hitting or violence is an understandable reaction, does not make it ok.
never says anything about her getting in the hospita and she has a black eye ive gotten elbowed in the eye while playing basketball and gotten a black eye and yes that is totaly abuse ya know. and yes i dont think he shouldve hit her but thats not abuse
Abuse noun əˈbjuːs/
1. the improper use of something.
"alcohol abuse"
2. cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal.
"a black eye and other signs of physical abuse"
I understand that he just got mad and didn't really think but is that really an excuse to hit someone? And yes I would have made her buy me a new game, it is a game, it's replacable.
They were both wrong, she is a horrible person for breaking his game and he was wrong to hit her. Violence is never the answer.
brother shouldn't have hit her... but the bitch totally deserved it
· 11 years ago
he can slap her, but not so crazy hard that he get a mark on his body.. a light slap its enought.. its symbolic for "f*ck you!" , and for that message you dont need to slap a person crazy hard like in the picture.
Because THAT will give her the message that she fucked up big and better not do that shit again. Light slap....please. If you are going to resort to physical punishment, be it slapping, spanking, punching, or anything else, then it needs to be seen as an actual punishment that the person wouldn't want to receive again. If its not, then you shouldnt be doing a physical punishment because its going to have an opposite effect, they'll do it again because the punishment meant nothing to them.
Not condoning physical punishment, just saying if you ARE going to resort to it rather than the many other ways, then atleast do it right so its a one time thing and not something that you have to keep doing and keeping upping the punishment since the previous didn't work.
It is wrong to destroy someone's property over an opinion but it is also wrong to physically harm a person. You don't have to accept the opinion, but you don't have to harm someone over an object .
For the people who downvoted my comment - Sure Michael Jackson made more.good in this.world than Justin. Justin is without.doubt a piece a shit. But Michael sexually abused a kid which is unforgivable. Tjat is why I wouldnt choose either
michael didn't do anything, he was proven innocent. take anyone as famous as him to court and no matter the official outcome somebody will leave there thinking that person did wrong
I honestly don't think it should matter who or what she is into. It is never okay to treat someone like that. Of course, she was wrong as well but he took it too far.
it is not abuse my brother punches me all he time we has given me several black eyes if i broke his game my arm would be broken it is only abuse if he is older than 18 also why would she be so stupid to do that and EVERYONE knows MJ is better than JB i am worried for what this world is coming to
that still sounds a little like abuse, My older brother ruffs me up a lot but has never even bruised me... and I'm also a guy so if he hurt me its more acceptable
What if it was the other way around? Let's say her brother broke one of her CDs or a a video game she liked (I know, I know, just roll with me here) and she gave him a black eye? Would that be acceptable or not?
abuse is abuse is abuse. It would not have been acceptable if she did the same to her brother. You are supposed to treat your family with respect. I don't care who started what, if you disrespect each other and each other's property, you are both in the wrong. She should not have broken her brother's game, but he should not have retaliated so strongly. They are both in the wrong.
And personally, I'm more of an AC/DC person.
While I agree with the brother, he should have broke her stuff, not hit her even if she did deserve punishment. But I can honestly say I got hurt worse falling off a BIKE than her little shiner. When me and my siblings fight, we FIGHT. My sister shattered my wrist with a batt, I fractured her ankle, I put my brother through the wall, he fractured my skull. If you think her shiner is abuse, then what the hell did my family go through?
Even though we fight rough, we don't fight all that often, yeah we argue, any siblings who don't are just weird, cuz that means they're the exact same, but we learned our lesson of fighting when 3 of us had broken limbs at the same time (ages-sister,14, me15, & my brother17)
I think it's like that in any family. When you're younger you wanna kill each other over everything, but then you learn to appreciate one another as you get older.
Yeah, though it probably didn't help that me and my oldest sister both tried to have the last word in any argument, and both of us are competitive and combative
it was a joke, stop being a sensitive pussy (btw "pussy" comes from the word "pusillanimous" (i think that's how to spell it) which means cowardly or timid)
1. the improper use of something.
"alcohol abuse"
2. cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal.
"a black eye and other signs of physical abuse"
I understand that he just got mad and didn't really think but is that really an excuse to hit someone? And yes I would have made her buy me a new game, it is a game, it's replacable.
They were both wrong, she is a horrible person for breaking his game and he was wrong to hit her. Violence is never the answer.
Team Rockets blasting off again!
Make it double
Not condoning physical punishment, just saying if you ARE going to resort to it rather than the many other ways, then atleast do it right so its a one time thing and not something that you have to keep doing and keeping upping the punishment since the previous didn't work.
And personally, I'm more of an AC/DC person.