I do not have the Pertussis vaccine because I am allergic to it...but you bet your ass I still got my daughter vaccinated even knowing I was allergic and she could be too. Hell, I did it even more so because of the fact that I know I am not vaccinated and could pass it to her!!!
This was actually being discussed on the radio this morning. A lot of the anti vaccine people say well If I get sick that doesn't matter, but it does! If your child got sick they could spread it to another kid who is too young for a vaccination, and with their weaker immune systems could get very sick and possibly die because of the fact that you don't vaccinate your own child. People in 3rd world countries are in need of them, if they are available to you, USE THEM!
Damn it, FS!
... If you or your children aren't vaccinated, please don't go places babies go. And don't rely on how you feel. Often, people are contagious before they even start exhibiting symptoms.
Not to be that guy, but just make an account to avoid that. And I do agree, you can be immune to so many diseases but still be carrying them and never even realize it!
I'm allergic the pertussis vaccine and still got my daughter vaccinated. If you inform them that you have allergies, they week take extra precaution, but my little one had no reaction!
Hello to the people who think vaccinating children is wrong lets here a story
Sally parents don't ever get he vaccinated for the flu. Sally has a friend who has a immune disorder and has trouble with a cold. Sally gets the flu but doesn't know it yet. Sally goes to school. Sally pass the flu to her friend. Sally friend gets very sick and dies. Why does Sally friend die? Because Sally was not vaccinated.
Yes I know you can still get the flu being vaccinated but there is less of a chance lowering the chance of death of others.
Maybe not a full murder-sentence, but they should be treated as accomplices to murder. Murder is when one person directly kills another. If a kid dies because of some disease, and it turns out that their parents were stupid enough to not vaccinate them against that particular disease, then those parents certainly helped with their kid's death.
Herr, you are fortunate that you live in a first world country where many viruses don't run rampant, however, since this anti-vaccine crusade started, polio and whooping cough have made a huge come back. You are very lucky that you have been healthy, but a lot of times, that's not the case. I don't want my child put in danger due to someone else fixed false beliefs.
Herr, being healthy has nothing to do with being vaccinated. If you are exposed to a life threatening disease, your immune system will not be able to fight it off. Those that are vaccinated may have been more sick than you have in your entire life but their immune system is stronger than yours and that will count when they are exposed to those diseases.
They just doesn't understand that we're not talking about a fever or the common cold.. we're talking about diseases that are coming back that have wiped out hundreds of thousands of people before vaccines were invented.
They don't seem to understand the link between correlation and causation. Just because you have never been ill, doesn't mean you are more healthy, it just means you haven't come into contact with a serious pathogen yet (such as polio). You know why you haven't had the misfortune of contracting smallpox, or Polio? It's because of vaccines. You should be more grateful.
Herr, the sicknesses others go through (fever, common cold etc) is something that their immune system is able to fight off. If they are ever exposed to Polio, their bodies can take it and they will survive. Those who are not vaccinated will not be able to fight off Polio. You're just lucky you haven't been exposed to those horrible diseases.. yet.
This is not a laughing matter. I was actually going to say that I hope you're not taking this as an attack. We simply just want you to know about these fact because it's important. There are plenty of people in Syria and Iraq that are dying from polio this very moment and it's a possible epidemic. No one is laughing.
The last thing I'm going to say (because this is clearly going nowhere) is that the fact that it is spreading to other countries is saying something. Have you ever watched Contagion? A lot of people travel to Canada every single day, you don't need to be in Syria or Iraq. They'll come to you and you won't even know it.
That's why there is research and testing. There's plenty of scientific journals out there (non government funded) with details of how these may or may not help you in the long run. Currently, research favors vaccination as a great way to strengthen your body against rough diseases.
Vaccines contain dangerous chemicals and metals.Have you seen what problemd vaccines cause! I have never had a vaccination and i am okay.You are all brainwashed sheeple believing that they are good.Vaccines GIVE the virus not prevent it.
They give you the virus yes that's true, but they give you a minor version of it with other things to help your body learn how to fight it. Yes you can survive without them but it's nice too have a fighting edge when it comes to certain diseases.
Guest, you are misinformed. I went to school for microbiology in which major I had to study a lot of immunology and virology. I'm nit going to write a book here, but you should really educate yourself...
Don't worry my child, if you believe in Jesus and accept him into your heart, you can have as much unprotected butt-sex as you like with all the prostitutes in New Orleans and never get AIDS. I can guarantee it. Thanks. God
From your explanation I gather that you are about 10 years old and therefore not trolling. Allow me to educate you: The virus in the vaccine is inert, it does not work, it is dead. Your immune system, however, will learn that this virus is bad and how to kill it in the future, if an alive, very deadly version of that virus were to infect you.
I dont think it should work like that maybe the parent doesn't believe in the flu shots or whatever it may, thats the completely wrong thing that should be done and this isn't the place for that so take this picture somewhere else. Thanks :)
Does no one know that people do not vaccinate there kids because it has been proven that getting all three major vaccines at once (which is the only way doctors do vaccines) causes autism. People aren't idiots they are thinking about there kids future.
· 10 years ago
Do not even START with that tosh that vaccines cause autism.
I am so confused by this statement! Am I the asshole? Or is there another asshole? Just trying to figure out why people are "worse than jb" or why "jb" is bad?!
... If you or your children aren't vaccinated, please don't go places babies go. And don't rely on how you feel. Often, people are contagious before they even start exhibiting symptoms.
Sally parents don't ever get he vaccinated for the flu. Sally has a friend who has a immune disorder and has trouble with a cold. Sally gets the flu but doesn't know it yet. Sally goes to school. Sally pass the flu to her friend. Sally friend gets very sick and dies. Why does Sally friend die? Because Sally was not vaccinated.
Yes I know you can still get the flu being vaccinated but there is less of a chance lowering the chance of death of others.