Funny little sciencey factoid I just remembered about bannanas...
Due to the beneficial level of potassium that bannanas provide, that is to say, due to the concentration of potassium in them...
Some isotopes of potassium are unstable and the radiation in bannanas as a result is detectably higher than the background.
But, read this very carefully: it is harmless.
How can people say Twilight isn't a story that has stayed with us forever, if people constantly make references to it? And it wasn't that bad! It had good messages.
· 10 years ago
It stays with us forever in the same way a terminal illness does. And The Twilight Saga's poor, incorrect messages far, FAR outweigh its good ones.
Boo fucking hoo. It teaches us that family is important, love keeps you safe, and even though change is scary, it can change us for the better. It also teaches about finding your inner strength.
Except Bella abandoned her family so she could live forever (so family can't be THAT important); loads of people died over the course of the series in the name of love and for one another (so love didn't keep them safe); love changed Bella into someone who left her family and friends and into an obsessive character who ONLY lived for her boyfriend - even trying to kill herself because he went away (love didn't change her for the better); Bella was weak - Edward left her and so became reckless and suicidal. She only 'found her inner strength' when he came back and turned her into a vampire - and that ain't inner strength, that's utter unhealthy dependency and vampirism. So, NOT good messages at all once you actually think about the Saga in a little more than just 'vampires and love'.
Bella did not leave her family so she could live forever. If you recall from the last movie, she was still able to spend time with Charlie. She also got to keep the new family she loves and she got the chance to protect them, with the inner strength she found when she became a vampire. Just because she loved Edward wholeheartedly doesn't mean that she's weak. Love is not a weakness. She is strong because she loves, and that need to protect those she loves makes her strong enough to actually protect them. Bella was changed for the better because she realized the importance of her loved ones, like Charlie and Jacob and Edward. She became more confident when she became a vampire. While I agree that Bella collapsed when Edward left, it emphasizes the idea that love is powerful. So, I would argue that there are good messages in the Saga, not just ones like, "Having a boyfriend is the most important thing in life."
Plus Bella was 17. You can't really be telling me you didn't act weird when you were 17. Love screws you up at that age. And she did grow into a respectable adult; that's more than most people do.
· 10 years ago
Love hasn't yet screwed me up - I'm doing just fine and non-weird, thanks. To me her being 17 makes it worse - she dedicated her entire life to one guy after barely living a life herself. And we don't know HOW she grew up - the books ended before that.
-Christopher Eccleston: The 9th Doctor
-David Tennant: the 10th Doctor
Cause potatoes are just as awesome :D
Due to the beneficial level of potassium that bannanas provide, that is to say, due to the concentration of potassium in them...
Some isotopes of potassium are unstable and the radiation in bannanas as a result is detectably higher than the background.
But, read this very carefully: it is harmless.
-David Tennant (10th Doctor)