I was injured by fireworks when I was 5. My neighbors were drunk, and took the steeringpin (if thats what it's called) off. It flew AROUND the corner of our garage and blew up on me. My coat sat on fire, and I got my picture on the front page of the local newspaper. Good times
· 10 years ago
I'm wondering about the president one. There's over three hundred million people in the U.S. and, what, four current and former living presidents. So that's like one in seventy-five million for living people, right? I mean, I don't have a complete understanding of statistics and this didn't say U.S. President anyway. Could be president of anything, I guess. I just thought one in ten million sounded low.
· 10 years ago
By the way, I was the vice-president of the Key Club in high school so I think I'm on my way to winning the lottery...or dying in a plane crash.
Almost got injured by a firework in Mexico. Thing was coming straight at me, but then just passed by my leg. The scary part was that I was walking by a truck that carries gas tanks. After that I'm 10x more scared of fireworks in Mexico.
Everything is legal in Mexico... illegal fireworks in the U.S most of the time are legal in Mexico. And also you can use fireworks on mostly any occation in Mexico unlike the U.S which citizens can only use them legally on July 4. Mexico also has some awesome fireworks and I love going there all the time.
So I just want to say that I doubt that 1 in 350,000 in dying from an airplane accident is true. Maybe 1 in 350,000 that an airplane will have an accident.. But not 1 in 350,000 of having an airplane accident will you die.
USB stick cable or anything like that i put it in the first try