No it is not. Science is:
"The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment."
This builds the knowlage base of our understanding of the universe and how it works.
I know of one scientist who is also a Christian, and when asked to explain his job, he simply put it "Science is a way of discovering GOD in detail" or something like that, but the point is, he found a balance between the two.
Well guest, science works with evidence and testing and observation, etc. God can't be analysed in these terms so we can't allege there is a God because there is no proof. Trust me, i'm a scientist. ;)
Ok, now stop critisizing people's religion, that's just a new low.
· 10 years ago
They weren't ”critisizing people's religion", they were stating their opinion (which you yourself have previously said people are entitled to have). Their opinion happens to be that God is scientifically unprovable, with which many would agree.
No. Just no.
Dissenting opinion, disagreement with your opinion and the ocasionally pointing out your errors IS NOT AN ATTACK on your religion. Neither is not getting your way.
"So we can't allege there is a God because there is no proof" Explain that then.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
First of all, get your quote right. They actually said "so we can't allege there is a God because there is no proof." Not truth, PROOF.
Explain it to you? It's obvious, but if you insist - this is someone's opinion. They feel that there is no proof of a God and so do not believe there is one. They're entitled to think this way, and entitled to say so, too.
It was a simple mistake! You are taking this completely wrong also!!
· 10 years ago
That simple mistake would change the whole meaning of what they had said, so it was an important mistake that needed to be put right.
How am I taking this "completely wrong"? You're the one who stated everyone is entitled to an opinion, yet cannot understand that an opinion different to your own is just different and not a criticism.
Just for your information, Sealteam007, even if someone presents something in a "damaging and offensive" way, it can still be an opinion. I can call you a fuck tard: offensive, yes; my opinion, yes.
No one was criticizing anything. Criticizing you and your religion would be saying "you are bat shit cray cray for believing in a magic man in the sky." No one said that; they said there is no proof of god (which I agree with by the way). If you're so against this, would you care to share some proven, hard facts that god exists, something beyond just faith and belief that can be justified as proof? Because if so, I would be very interested in hearing it, or reading it in this case.
i know. I'm saying why what you said shouldn't offend anybody
· 10 years ago
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill
Bill Nye the Science Guy
(Science rules)
Bill Nye the Science Guy
(Inertia is a property of matter)
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill,
Bill Nye, the Science Guy
Or you know religious people can believe in both and not be cramped into a generalization that we are all close-minded arrogant people who ignore others opinions when it can also be the other way around.
Try using religious science to explain all that chrstian s**t on the earth
Man dies and somehow comes back to life perfectly fine.
Some guy created everything
Has a son but never a mother
Frickin Science made our galaxy
Oh and Adam and Eve bull crap is the funniest part
"Hear two people just appear"
Come at me...
True, and though I agree with you completely, some people don't and get quite sad about it. And I am not a hurge fan of sad people, they become enemies rather speedily and to be frank with you, I am running out of places that store the bodies.
But how can you say, that 'God' has made our universe, when, maybe, say, Vishnu created it? Or Allah? And who's to say any supernatural force created our universe? And you guessed correctly.
Just because you don't know where something came from does not mean it can be explained away with God. Science, the all encompassing term, does not have an answer for everything, and any scientist will tell you that.
By the way, light is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye. And light exhibits properties of both of a wave and a particle.
"Christains"? There are stupid people everywhere, not just "Christains" anyway, give a stupid person access to the internet and you have a fu#k-up. Case closed.
"The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment."
This builds the knowlage base of our understanding of the universe and how it works.
Dissenting opinion, disagreement with your opinion and the ocasionally pointing out your errors IS NOT AN ATTACK on your religion. Neither is not getting your way.
Explain it to you? It's obvious, but if you insist - this is someone's opinion. They feel that there is no proof of a God and so do not believe there is one. They're entitled to think this way, and entitled to say so, too.
How am I taking this "completely wrong"? You're the one who stated everyone is entitled to an opinion, yet cannot understand that an opinion different to your own is just different and not a criticism.
No one was criticizing anything. Criticizing you and your religion would be saying "you are bat shit cray cray for believing in a magic man in the sky." No one said that; they said there is no proof of god (which I agree with by the way). If you're so against this, would you care to share some proven, hard facts that god exists, something beyond just faith and belief that can be justified as proof? Because if so, I would be very interested in hearing it, or reading it in this case.
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill
Bill Nye the Science Guy
(Science rules)
Bill Nye the Science Guy
(Inertia is a property of matter)
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill,
Bill Nye, the Science Guy
Man dies and somehow comes back to life perfectly fine.
Some guy created everything
Has a son but never a mother
Frickin Science made our galaxy
Oh and Adam and Eve bull crap is the funniest part
"Hear two people just appear"
Come at me...
That is the answer for that question, as asked.
I'm guessing science made them?
By the way, light is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye. And light exhibits properties of both of a wave and a particle.
I'm just asking..