Well ... If you read ahead couldn't you change your life of you didn't like what it was ?
Also wasn't this a creepy pasta or something ? You look at the library and find a book called " you " you take it home and apparently you're only supposed to read it in your closet, with only a flashlight to read, then at a certain point it tells you to stop reading or else, and if you don't its you in the closet and then something eats you in it and all of a sudden you hear a noise.
I know there was one creepypasta where a guy found a book and every chapter was about people he knew and at the end of the chapter they would die then they'd die the next day in real life. And then it was like the last chapter was about him, but he refused to read it at first, but then he finally decided to. I forgot how it ended though, probably with him dying too.
Yes but what if it turned out like the Doctor Who episode 'Angels in Manhatten' and what you read is fixed and you read something really horrible that's going to happen?
I think I'd like to because I could be able to change, example: I went to the local park on Tuesday and got attacked, getting life changing injuries.
I wouldn't go to the park. Saved.
But cryingchicken has a pt, everything would have some effect, changing any detail could change the rest of your life/the book. Like, if you didn't get attacked, you wouldn't meet the love of your life. If you didn't meet the love of your life you will never have kids, and then you will never become an abusive parent and get sent to jail, or it might mean that you never become the mother or father of the next Bill Gates. There would be tons of repercussions for even the tiniest of details, like turning left or right at a stop sign, like that one Doctor Who episode with Donna. At the same time though, those repercussion could be the thing that eventually saves your life.
the sad thing is, most deaths aren't tragic to the world. millions come and go unnoticed by the vast majority, but of course there will be your mourners, the ones close to you.
I would bookmark all the times I forgot, all the people I forget I met, and then I would read them over and over until I remembered as much as I could.
I would use it as a reference tool, to all those birthdays I spent with my best friend, those times when I did something unexpected.
I would read on, but not obsessively. I would read it as it were my reflection, to check up on myself, and to figure out who I really am.
Lol I kind of would.You see,every bok I read I read the last sentence and that sentence could be obvious or I would be like WHAT DOES IT MEEEEAANNNNNNNNN so yeah I KIND OF would.
· 10 years ago
This question is hard. The way I see it, can I change the outcome? If not, then no, I wouldn't read it.
Also wasn't this a creepy pasta or something ? You look at the library and find a book called " you " you take it home and apparently you're only supposed to read it in your closet, with only a flashlight to read, then at a certain point it tells you to stop reading or else, and if you don't its you in the closet and then something eats you in it and all of a sudden you hear a noise.
I wouldn't go to the park. Saved.
I would use it as a reference tool, to all those birthdays I spent with my best friend, those times when I did something unexpected.
I would read on, but not obsessively. I would read it as it were my reflection, to check up on myself, and to figure out who I really am.
*Plot twist* I die in a fire.
Directed by M. Night Shamlamadyngdong.