I hope you realize that not all feminists are like that. A lot of them are shouty and rude and blame instead of sticking up for equal rights. But there is a big portion of feminists that are fair and stick up for equality between men and women. Feminism doesn't mean hating men or thinking women are better than men, it stands simply for equal rights between sexes. I think that a lot of feminists put up a bad example but many feminists are proud and willing to stuck up for people who are victims of sexism. I just want you to think about who you are offending.
This post did not add to the "fun" of this website. Bringing up a serious issue like gender inequality and making an offensive joke, only serves to gather people to talk about the "serious bullshit".
Well people should talk about serious bullshit every once in a while, right? i mean, nobody HAS to read the comments or write them, right? why bash those who do?
As for the term 'feminazi' i personally dislike it, mostly because Nazis were into exterminating people and starting wars rather than fighting for equality, protesting calmly and in worst case, screaming too loud. I fail to see how this 'feminazi' term in in any way fit to be used.
Oh and regarding title of this meme? Nazis did certainly make changes. Many of them. They're called mass graves. Not something they'd deserve praise for being productive, huh?
*sigh* breaking the rule about responding to trolls..
Quantity does not mean quality. I don't post that much, but really why do you care?
Everyone is here for their own reasons: some like to post, some like to comment, some like to view, & some are a mixture of the three.
It looks like your user name has only been active for about 3 days, and from what I gather from your responses you have not caught on to the true spirit of funsubstance. It is for FUN, and community. You are not being a constructive part of that, I encourage you to reevaluate your method of interaction with others, it does not come across well.
Ok so gonna get down voted for this big time but....as my grandfather was a halaucaust servivior and as a feminist ( I just wanna get the same pay for the same job and maybe not raped walking in a park) this is not cool. Nazis were evil, genocidal, mass murdering assholes. Even if a woman is being a total butt head saying its in the name of feminism ( no true feminist would be an asshole just cause you have a penis) it still dosent amount in anyway to the horror of nazis and their beliefs. If you have an issue with some one, call them on it, just make sure your not being a tool the way you do it. Rant over.
Well, in fact Nazis were not that organised as they tried to make everyone believe. One of the main problems on the "Reichsparteitag" was, that all those discipled Party-Members shit everywhere in the whole city and hookers complained about a vast amount of rude customers.
Although, if given the chance, I'd sooner kill a Nazi than a Faminazi.
As for the term 'feminazi' i personally dislike it, mostly because Nazis were into exterminating people and starting wars rather than fighting for equality, protesting calmly and in worst case, screaming too loud. I fail to see how this 'feminazi' term in in any way fit to be used.
Oh and regarding title of this meme? Nazis did certainly make changes. Many of them. They're called mass graves. Not something they'd deserve praise for being productive, huh?
Quantity does not mean quality. I don't post that much, but really why do you care?
Everyone is here for their own reasons: some like to post, some like to comment, some like to view, & some are a mixture of the three.
It looks like your user name has only been active for about 3 days, and from what I gather from your responses you have not caught on to the true spirit of funsubstance. It is for FUN, and community. You are not being a constructive part of that, I encourage you to reevaluate your method of interaction with others, it does not come across well.