Gah, why is this downvoted. These '' thingies are for sarcasm people! Or whe should start using what BBC does for sarcasm, put this (!) behind a sarcastic sentence.
This is so sad..
people say that animals don't have emotions such as love or sadness..or that they don't have souls....but animals like dogs, cats, horses and other animals we have as companions in no doubt feel emotions that we do and I have no doubt that these living creatures do in fact have souls. It's a conterversial topic, but this is my opinion.
Animals are a gift from God <3
I warn you tho... The feels...
That would have avoided the confusion.
people say that animals don't have emotions such as love or sadness..or that they don't have souls....but animals like dogs, cats, horses and other animals we have as companions in no doubt feel emotions that we do and I have no doubt that these living creatures do in fact have souls. It's a conterversial topic, but this is my opinion.
Animals are a gift from God <3