Everything we use is made from nature!!! Without raw materials from nature, it's impossible to make a certain product like cheese.
· 10 years ago
Yeah ofcourse, milk is nature made and stuff but not cheese because we changed the substance with a chemical reaction. You cant really change cheese back to milk ( if I'm correct)..
But still, the chemical reaction came from the elements which is found in nature
· 10 years ago
Then you can say that factories that are emitting chemicals that ruin nature is made by nature too. Then you can say that atomic bombs are from nature that are killing whole regions.. I know that my argument is weak but what I am trying to say is that ofcourse, nature is the provider, but it is humans that manufacture it into something man made :)
Although the cheap cheese you sometimes see at the grocery store is usually made with chemicals and enzymes, the good real cheese is made by nurturing the growth of certain naturally occurring bacteria. Once this mixture is left to ferment for long enough, rennet is added, which is a substance directly gotten from the stomach of certain animals. Another way to get cheese is to add an acid to the milk, such as vinegar, lemon juice, or otherwise. The milk separates and cheese curds can be separated from the liquid. Overall, cheese isn't as heavily manufactured as you think. Although it can be made in production lines, the quality isn't anything like real cheese.