If a 40 year old woman is into a 20 year old guy it's ok. Reverse the roles and it's totally screwed up. Your age/2 + 7 right!? But for some reason that doesn't apply to women.
My parents are 10 years apart and no one cares but I think women who are 40 Shouldn't go for 20 year olds that's just weird cause she's basically as old as your mother at that point so it would be like dating one of your mother's friends....
If you think about, girls are a lot more "protected" then boys because in most instances men are the gender considered rapists. So just by stereotypical standards. So a fourth year old woman spearding a photo of a twenty year old is socially aceptible but a fourty year old man spearding a photo of a twenty year old girl is pedoish a scary.
Did anyone watched the entire video of the girl? The both of them are wrong. In the video, there was a guy who wouldn't leave her alone, and walked with her for five minutes. And taking a picture of a guy without his consent because he's hot? Keep that shit to yourself. Why do you need to post it all over the internet and have him lose his job. Conclusion, don't bother people unless they give you the permission to. Why do you have to go out of your way just ruin someone's life?
They announced it because people were assuming that he was going to be fired. Target is essentially stating that this isn't his fault and no action will be taken for or against him because he didn't do anything.
When you really think about this, it's downright disturbing that someone would think that they have the right to post a picture of anyone over the internet without their consent.
Once, when I was walking home on Valentine's day, alone as every year, a random guy came up to me and said: "You're beautiful." I thanked him and smiled, and we both went our ways. I took it as a compliment and I guess the guy just wanted to raise single girls' self esteem on Valentine's day.
Conclusion: either there was something more to that than just saying hello, or that lady was a bitch. Besides, yes, taking creep pics of people then posting it online is wrong, but remember the pic when the two older guys took a selfie with models' butts? That was a creep pic too, even more creepy cause they were photographing their asses, and there definitely wasn't a huge affair like this one.
So double standards? Yeah, they work sometimes for us, sometimes against us. In the end they usually cancel each other out, but that's something these dumbass SJWs can't understand. They'd want everyone to be the same, but they fail to understand that different doesn't mean inferior or superior.
Street harassment isn't something to take lightly women have been killed because of it. Don't act like it's okay. Some girls find it flattering, most don't. So help the girls that do find it uncomfortable. BUT taking someone's picture without their consent is illegal and also harassment doesn't matter how attractive you think they are.
No consent=no random pictures posting on internet.
Know that stereotyping is something that is in this society, try avoid problems because you cant really do anything against the way people think. Its fucked up but its life.
i would hate it if i found a picture was posted without my permission, especially since people have flat out told me that im ugly...i would think its a joke. how about we stop with the sexual harassment for BOTH genders/sexes/all sexualities. seriously. if you like a person, go up and talk to them. if they arent interested, then leave them the fuck alone. people are so fucking stupid that they feel the need to harass and annoy and harm people for not wanting to have sex with them.
Whoever posted this a fucking idiot, if you watch the entire video of the woman it shows the harassment she receives on a basic commute. Unwanted attention she did not want. It wasn't someone "saying hello". Neither one of these things are acceptable. Who the fuck sits around and makes these stupid things that are aimed at turning people against each other, instead of bringing them together?!!
Conclusion: either there was something more to that than just saying hello, or that lady was a bitch. Besides, yes, taking creep pics of people then posting it online is wrong, but remember the pic when the two older guys took a selfie with models' butts? That was a creep pic too, even more creepy cause they were photographing their asses, and there definitely wasn't a huge affair like this one.
So double standards? Yeah, they work sometimes for us, sometimes against us. In the end they usually cancel each other out, but that's something these dumbass SJWs can't understand. They'd want everyone to be the same, but they fail to understand that different doesn't mean inferior or superior.
Know that stereotyping is something that is in this society, try avoid problems because you cant really do anything against the way people think. Its fucked up but its life.