If you fold a piece of paper in half, it's now 2 pieces of paper thick. If you fold it in half again, it's 4 pieces of paper thick. A third fold and it's 8 thick. After folding it 42 times, it would be 2^42 = 4,398,046,511,104 (that's over 4 trillion) papers thick. That would be plenty to reach the moon.
Sadly, this isn't possible because the paper also gets smaller with each fold, and some area is lost in the fold itself. If we could fold an 8.5x11 piece of paper this many times without losing area to the folds, it would end up 0.0000052452 by 0.00000405311 inches in size. SCIENCE!
They mythbusters actually manages to fold 11 times but that was with a massive (like the size of your house probably) piece of paper that was super thin and a bulldozer
Actually they probably wouldn't be worth much. The only reason they cost so much now is because we, as a society, are willing to pay that much for them.
And also, because the market is largely controlled by a single private enterprise (the South Africa-based De Beers cartel). The geniuses behind De Beers recognized early on that a stable, profitable diamond industry depended on controlling both supply and demand. They set prices arbitrarily and cut off supplies to dealers who buy through unauthorized channels. On the marketing side, De Beers hired advertising firms, starting with N.W. Ayer in the late 1930s, to render axiomatic the idea that diamonds = true love.
Why engagement rings are a scam (CollegeHumor):
· 10 years ago
The one in ***** ? Yeah, seems good.
Have you made an appointment with NASA? They said they wanted 67 percent of the earnings, BS right?
I mean, we can teleport ourselves using the blue circles after we offered a potato to the Guardian.
· 10 years ago
Hmmm, we can also sell material of the planets to some secret laboratoria . They would love to pay for some "alien stones".
(to finkle) I knew about that and it's crazy right? Like seriously diamond and jewellery companies, wtf!
Screw NASA. We don't need them. We have the thing with the purple end that does the zoomy thing remember. Then we can get said potato. We've got this all under controll
An all-in enterprise, market domination which will give us full capacities to enhance the quality of the product and the satisfaction of the Elite. Donations will only make us bigger and the gap between rich an poor will grow. The Guardian shall fall of exertion and we shall take over. The scepter and wings is granted to us and together we will make them kneel.
· 10 years ago
We shall marry Gods to keep our status and our offspring shall be stronger than ever. We will create a perfect world with the humans subjugating, for it is the unspoken truth of humanity to crave subjugation.
Indeed we shall. Important question though, do we invite finkle to join us. He does have fast knowledge on values of diamond. He could be a really good asset. *whispers* or we get all his info and kill him?
· 10 years ago
We are a honest company, if he wants to join, he has to accept the Terms and Conditions. He also has to accept that he works under us, since he is not one of the founders. He shall be our first hand and be rewarded generously. He shall get title and married into royals. Were he to rebel, then an execution is unavoidable. Anything you want to add Proxxxy?
Something else to consiter is the atmospheric depth at which this occurs. I don't know the exact figures, but it is at a depth at which the pressure is greater than that of the Mariana Trench.
Also, "rain" may be a term that is a bit generous, a more accurate term might be precipitate, in that it is similar to the formation of crystals in a liquid chemical reaction.
Because there are so few people there and they pretty much all get education, they have the highest percentage of people with education making them the highest educated continent (assuming this is based on high school education)
They originally produced hand made hanafuda playing cards. Some other businesses they have been involved in/with included cab services and love hotels.
· 10 years ago
Terminal velocity, in layman terms, is the fastest an object can fall. The fastest a cat can fall is not fast enough that it kills the cat. (Fun fact - humans reach terminal velocity by jumping off the empire state building)
The first Star War film came out in 1999. Death sentence was abolished in 1981 in France and the last person sentenced to death was Hamida Djandoubi en 1977.
Nope! It SOUNDS LIKE BS, but it's actually true. Let me show you:
Here are the diameters (in km) of each planet. The data is from NASA so we can be sure it's good:
Add up all of the diameters, except pluto, and you get 404,172 km. That's the distance the planets would span if they were lined up side by side. Now take a look at the moons orbit around earth:
Look under "orbital parameters" and see that, since the moon's orbit is elliptical, the distance between the earth and the moon varies from 357,000 km to 407,000 km. So SOMETIMES (when the moon is farthest away), this fact is absolutely true.
Who would have thought?
- FunStats
norway's not a continent, and technically all the people in Antarctica have all the knowledge they need to be there. There's no cities or anything, just scientists collecting data. You saying Norway should be there is not a fact, it's an opinion.
That's not how probabilities work. It's like saying this:
FunStats: There's a 50% chance for a coin flip to come up heads.
guest: That's BS! I've flipped a coin 2 times and it didn't come up heads at all!
- FunStats
Sadly, this isn't possible because the paper also gets smaller with each fold, and some area is lost in the fold itself. If we could fold an 8.5x11 piece of paper this many times without losing area to the folds, it would end up 0.0000052452 by 0.00000405311 inches in size. SCIENCE!
Actually they probably wouldn't be worth much. The only reason they cost so much now is because we, as a society, are willing to pay that much for them.
And also, because the market is largely controlled by a single private enterprise (the South Africa-based De Beers cartel). The geniuses behind De Beers recognized early on that a stable, profitable diamond industry depended on controlling both supply and demand. They set prices arbitrarily and cut off supplies to dealers who buy through unauthorized channels. On the marketing side, De Beers hired advertising firms, starting with N.W. Ayer in the late 1930s, to render axiomatic the idea that diamonds = true love.
Why engagement rings are a scam (CollegeHumor):
Have you made an appointment with NASA? They said they wanted 67 percent of the earnings, BS right?
I mean, we can teleport ourselves using the blue circles after we offered a potato to the Guardian.
Screw NASA. We don't need them. We have the thing with the purple end that does the zoomy thing remember. Then we can get said potato. We've got this all under controll
A much improved plan =)
Also, "rain" may be a term that is a bit generous, a more accurate term might be precipitate, in that it is similar to the formation of crystals in a liquid chemical reaction.
Here are the diameters (in km) of each planet. The data is from NASA so we can be sure it's good:
Add up all of the diameters, except pluto, and you get 404,172 km. That's the distance the planets would span if they were lined up side by side. Now take a look at the moons orbit around earth:
Look under "orbital parameters" and see that, since the moon's orbit is elliptical, the distance between the earth and the moon varies from 357,000 km to 407,000 km. So SOMETIMES (when the moon is farthest away), this fact is absolutely true.
Who would have thought?
- FunStats
FunStats: There's a 50% chance for a coin flip to come up heads.
guest: That's BS! I've flipped a coin 2 times and it didn't come up heads at all!
- FunStats