My problem with part of the feminist movement isn't the goal they're trying to reach, but how some of them are trying to reach it. Promoting "girl power" gives off the idea that women can do things because they're women, not because they're human beings. I feel that "human power" should be embraced (although presumably under a different term because that sounds slightly like a terrible rendition of Monsters Inc.) because it would promote more equality than "girl power" does.
She shouldnt be called a "feminist idiot" because shes not even a feminist. Shes just an idiot. She may claim to be one but shes actually a misandrist (man hater). A feminist believes in equality and its a shame that this radical and irrational woman gives people the idea that thats what feminists are like...
There was also a woman who pretended to be a man in real life at an office job and came out of the experience depressed because of the way she was treated by co workers and people in general.
At this point its hard to even tell what feminism is. The lines have become so blurred, anyone with a vendetta or who feels entitled calls themself a feminist and claims that men are the cause of world problems. I'm a "feminist", all I push for is equality for both sexes, in fact, I think equalist would be a better name.
If you look at the definition of feminism it says "the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men." This wording suggests to me that feminism is about elevating women to the status of men rather than equality of the sexes, I believe this is why it's called feminism rather than equalism
· 10 years ago
Just because someone was treated worse than you doesn't invalidate your pain. I hate twitter/Facebook social media in general it's self important rubbish.
You shouldn't treat women any less than a princess but no more than a queen because anything past queen and they will always expect above and beyond when you broke as dirt and she wants a diamond
You should treat humans as humans. No more, no less. Until they repeatedly display behaviors and thoughts that indicate that they are not worthy of being considered human. Like that asshole who pasted razors all over a playground.
Fuck this, just because one had it worse than the other dosn't mean her PTSD isn't real or valid. Cyber stalking and bullying is a real and terrifying problem that were facing and sadly its mostly aimed at women. Everyone has a right to feel safe and not be attacked be it physically, verbally or mentally. No one has the right to harm someone else just because you don't agree with what they say. This goes both ways, men and women......thats true feminism. And to all you troll loving wankers who call me a feminazi, your a dying breed, equality is coming for everyone, men and women, and were going to be better off for it, where will you be?
You're absolutely right, cyberbulling is just as bad as (probably worse) than bullying in the physical realm because very rarely do people take the initiative to check their kid's phones and computers but there's almost always an eyewitness around to validate if not intercede for the victim.
PTSD is also a severe issue that plagues people, soldiers are the demographic that especially comes to mind. We can't lump the inability to take someone's frank opinion of them with the life-threatening stress and post-stress symptoms. That's completely ridiculous.
From wikipedia
Most people having experienced a traumatizing event will not develop PTSD. People who experience assault-based trauma are more likely to develop PTSD, as opposed to people who experience non-assault based trauma such as witnessing trauma, accidents, and fire events.
...may develop after a person is exposed to one or more traumatic events, such as sexual assault, warfare, serious injury, or threats of imminent death. The diagnosis may be given when a group of symptoms, such as disturbing recurring flashbacks, avoidance or numbing of memories of the event
In other words, cyberbullying is unlikely to cause PTSD because it's not assault-based. It's also not life threatening, warfare, or physically injurious (wow that's actually a word lol).
This woman doesn't have PTSD. She has a severely bruised ego, doesn't know what PTSD is, and/or is extremely insecure to begin with.
Here's the international definition of PTSD btw
Nowhere does it say the inability to go to unfamiliar places or uncomfortable being alone. I don't recall and can't find her saying she has flashbacks to the traumatizing event, although I can let this one slide because this probably wasn't a short event; probably a bunch of hate spread through many weeks. I also can't find a definite time or event that caused her to be bullied, what did she do?
Back on topic.
If we look on the symptoms list, she says nothing about exhibiting any of the other signs.
I use wikipedia for my evidence because in this case, it's an international definition and cannot be argued to be a subjective view.
"Doesn't afraid of anything"? really?
- OP, 2014
PTSD is also a severe issue that plagues people, soldiers are the demographic that especially comes to mind. We can't lump the inability to take someone's frank opinion of them with the life-threatening stress and post-stress symptoms. That's completely ridiculous.
Most people having experienced a traumatizing event will not develop PTSD. People who experience assault-based trauma are more likely to develop PTSD, as opposed to people who experience non-assault based trauma such as witnessing trauma, accidents, and fire events.
...may develop after a person is exposed to one or more traumatic events, such as sexual assault, warfare, serious injury, or threats of imminent death. The diagnosis may be given when a group of symptoms, such as disturbing recurring flashbacks, avoidance or numbing of memories of the event
In other words, cyberbullying is unlikely to cause PTSD because it's not assault-based. It's also not life threatening, warfare, or physically injurious (wow that's actually a word lol).
This woman doesn't have PTSD. She has a severely bruised ego, doesn't know what PTSD is, and/or is extremely insecure to begin with.
Nowhere does it say the inability to go to unfamiliar places or uncomfortable being alone. I don't recall and can't find her saying she has flashbacks to the traumatizing event, although I can let this one slide because this probably wasn't a short event; probably a bunch of hate spread through many weeks. I also can't find a definite time or event that caused her to be bullied, what did she do?
Back on topic.
If we look on the symptoms list, she says nothing about exhibiting any of the other signs.
I use wikipedia for my evidence because in this case, it's an international definition and cannot be argued to be a subjective view.