*cough* Anna wasn't single by the end of her movie *cough* now that being said she wasn't married either, and Mulan did actually marry that guy in the second movie.
Yeah, she died at 20 something, but was 13 when John Smith arrived. That's the real Pocahontas though, the Disney version might me modified so she was older. After all, a 13 year old girl and a grown man isn't really Disney material.
True, but again, that was a spin of series done by a different division of disney, so it doesn't really bring Kim Possible over into the so-called 'main stream disney'
Allow me to put things in perspective.
There are many different divisions of Disney. Some of them they slap their name on, like Family channel and Disney XD, some of them they don't, like Marvel (well okay sometimes they slap their name on it but not a lot) Main stream disney consists of the big name Disney movies, such as Snow White, Frozen, Lion King, etc. Where as Disney channel consists of (obviously) TV shows. Once upon a time ago, they used to do soon offs of main stream disney movies, like the Lilo and Stitch show, and the Aladdin show, but they had much smaller budgets (let's be honest here, the Aladdin show looked like crap) and aren't a part of the main Disney Canon.
I see. I did some research and while Kim Possible was indeed not part of the mainstream movie Disney, it was extremely successful and thus it can be put in its own league. The Kim Possible movie So The Drama was supposed to be the end of the series but it was brought back by popular demand for one more excellent season with pretty good wrap up episodes of graduation. I believe it's a step above most other Disney shows, other shows are certainly with this such as Phineas and Ferb and others.
Well of course, just because it's not a part of main stream disney doesn't mean it's bad. I mean, Disney/Family channel has Gravity Falls and that's often considered to be 'too good' for disney (before confusion breaks out from people wondering how anything could be too good for disney, again I bring up the divisions, and at the moment disney channel isn't exactly overflowing with quality)
Don't get me wrong, I'm the same way. Besides super natural I don't tend to seriously watch sit coms/live action (well there's Big Bang theory but I only ever watch that with my grandmother) I just used to use them for white sound and now I can't even do that because of the amount of unbearable stupidity in them.
Yea I feel ya. I usually do homework or play runescape or whatever with my laptop splitscreening naruto or some other show and whatever it is I am doing lol.
In the movie it is her teacher I think. All I know is the real Alice had 3 siblings. 1 older sister, Alice was the 2nd child, 3rd was her other sister, the youngest was a boy and she had both her parents. In the book it only mentions a sister in her teens while Alice is still to young to have tea with the grown ups. But really her sister was just a few years older.
Eilonwy is right, she is from the movie black cauldron.
· 10 years ago
Well, according to the movies (all of them for little mermaid) Ariel should be in the 20+ category unless this is just according to the first movie. (from what I watched, by the second movie she was married and had a 12 year old daughter)
It's platinum blonde. Anna's hair before she goes full icicle is white. Of course if you go to the Disney wiki, it will say that Elsa's hair is white, but it will also say that the only true redheads are Ariel and Merida, putting both Anna and Cinderella in the category of strawberry blonde, at least it did a while ago. Currently Elsa's hair color is listed as platinum blonde.
Caucasian does not mean white skin. It is a type of bone structure. Arabs are Caucasian, like those of us of European ancestry. Subsequently. Jasmine is incorrectly classified.
Caucasian in the US refers to skin type therefore where I'm from it has to do with skin color and still yet bone structure has nothing to do with caucasian even in the European definition. A caucasian is someone from the Caucasus in the European definition of the word.
The original and exact meaning for the word gay is someone who is kindhearted and carefree but has recently became known to describe homosexuals. Just because your definition is different from mine doesn't make mine wrong.
According to Disney wiki:
"Elsa is 21 years old by the time of her coronation, according to Jennifer Lee, the Junior Novelization, and the age difference between her and Anna is 3 years (Anna is 18 years old)"
Of course, that also says her birthday is December 21, which, unless they waited seven months for her coronation, doesn't really make much sense with the fact that the movie takes place in July...
Most of the ones in the "married" category were not married by the end of the movie. Belle, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty, Jasmine and possibly one or two others were with their Prince and it was assumed they would marry at some point, but they were not married by the movie's end.
actually, coming of age in that time period was 18 not 21!! Elsa is 18 during the movie & Anna is 15!!! they are 8/5 during the initial incident, and 15/12 when their parents died!!! Rapunzel is about the same age or possibly a year OLDER than Elsa when she and Eugene show up for Elsa's coronation!!! Belle's eyes are brown, NOT hazel. Alice & Jane are both missing only mothers - Jane's father is WITH HER IN THE JUNGLE, and Alice speaks of her father at least in the book, though I will grant he doesn't appear in the movie but I do believe he was at least referenced, there is certainly no reference to her being an orphan!! and Sleeping Beauty is set in FRANCE!!! the chateau used to draw her castle is in France!! there was a German version of the tale but the Disney version is most assuredly set in France. she even appears in the French pavilion at Epcot! and Jane sure as heck did not marry into royalty! I'm sorry, being King of the Apes does NOT constituted freaking ROYALTY!!! OY!
I know I will probably be down voted for this, but this post is from Buzzfeed, and if I wanted to see a Buzzfeed post, I would go there. Seriously, what's with all the Buzzfeed posts lately?
I can honestly say that I doubt any of the posts on your profile are created by you and so in turn I can say the same to you. If I wanted to see posts from (insert website you used) I would go there.
There are many different divisions of Disney. Some of them they slap their name on, like Family channel and Disney XD, some of them they don't, like Marvel (well okay sometimes they slap their name on it but not a lot) Main stream disney consists of the big name Disney movies, such as Snow White, Frozen, Lion King, etc. Where as Disney channel consists of (obviously) TV shows. Once upon a time ago, they used to do soon offs of main stream disney movies, like the Lilo and Stitch show, and the Aladdin show, but they had much smaller budgets (let's be honest here, the Aladdin show looked like crap) and aren't a part of the main Disney Canon.
"Elsa is 21 years old by the time of her coronation, according to Jennifer Lee, the Junior Novelization, and the age difference between her and Anna is 3 years (Anna is 18 years old)"
Of course, that also says her birthday is December 21, which, unless they waited seven months for her coronation, doesn't really make much sense with the fact that the movie takes place in July...