Ive literally only ever had one crush... I've never walked down the street and thought. You know -that- person is super attractive.
Am I the only one that doesnt find hardly anyone attractive...? I'm not saying peoples re ugly...just not attracted to anyone I can think of >.>
One time when I was in middle school I was at Publix getting a Mother's Day card and these two girls walked up and started asking me all these questions and being the awkward middle schooler I was I was completely oblivious to the obvious flirting. They were coming on a bit too strong though. One slipped her phone not so discreetly out of her pocket and took a pic of me. That was the most awkward situation of my life.
This post has no clue what it is talking about because I just happen to be the president of the "ugly club" if anyone would like to join we just happen to need a secretary!
Can I join? My qualifications:
1. Have been called ugly by numerous strangers while walking down the road,
2. A guy once looked at me and said "ew."
3. Even WITH make-up, I'm still highly unattractive.
4. Even my own mother admitted that I wasn't beautiful...but I am a high achiever, so I got that going for me which is nice.
Am I in?
Oh come on no way can that happen! Everyone is on their own way beautiful. The problem isnt you but the people whom you encounter. Im sure youre very lovely so have a little more faith :)
Trust me when I say that I'm ugly. This isn't 'all in my head.'
I'm ugly and that's that *shrugs* but you know what, it doesn't bother me as much as it used to. So guys will never be attracted to me, so I'll never be loved...so what? Do I really need that to be HAPPY? My dream of studying at Oxford makes me happier than anything and to be honest, I've been betrayed by enough people to accept that everyone is only out to protect themselves. So why shouldn't I? *sighs* oh well...
If it makes you happy, then I hope you find love.
Thing about me is that, well, I look about averagely nice. Which is good right? That should help? Well it doesn't, seeing as all my friends look like freaking supermodels and I always end up shunted to the back at these things ( by other people). When they need me to get them free periods and computer privileges, I am your person. They ares still nice to me btw, so don't bother.
If I find someone attractive and it's not a creepy situation, I'll tell them. If they request further explanation past their thanks, I tell them that I say it because you never know who could use the little happiness boost. Or, perhaps, their self esteem is low that day, possibly always. Telling someone they're handsome or beautiful doesn't necessarily imply you're coming on to them. It can just mean you appreciate their appearance and want them to know that.
I have the opposite problem. So many guys find me attractive, but I just don't care about dating. Unless it's someone like Benedict Cumberbatch or David Tennant. Then I'm coming for a piece of that ass.
Actually, yeah, it is a problem. I know where she is coming from, I have this problem too. Do you realize how heartbreaking it is to know that someone likes you and you just aren't attracted to them? It freaking sucks to have to tell someone that you just aren't interested, my heart breaks every time. I think I cry more than they do. Either that, or, some guy comes on to you and you feel like an object, like they aren't listening to a word you say because in the end your words don't matter...you're just a pretty face. I don't feel as bad for those guys though.
· 10 years ago
No one cries because they're pretty. Being ugly, on the other hand...
I don't cry about it. It's just really annoying, but I've managed to use it to get my friends dates. And I have to hear about how I keep "friendzoning" guys. I don't want to make anyone feel bad, and I don't want to feel like an object. You think it's bad not being loved? Try having to tell so many guys you're not interested, knowing every time that you've just crushed their hearts. It makes me feel awful, and you guys think I'm lucky?!?!
Actually many people judge by looks a lot so you probably have a fuckload of advantages that you don't even know of. I suppose it comes with disadvantages as well but trust me, people (especially guys) judge by looks more than you can imagine. You're actually lucky.
We ugly people have to cope with constant loneliness and the fact that even if we're as skilled as someone hot and give the exact same results as them (or even better), we will always come second cause they're better looking.
You know, I agree a little. Beauty is an advantage. But it's still awful to know that you make the guys you let down feel like nothing. That is the worst feeling you can have. And it's gonna sound corny, but if a guy is judging you simply based on your looks, that bastard ain't worth it. I have guys as friends, and they all think I look good, but the reason they like me is because they think I'm a fun person (and I bake some bitchin' cookies).
Beauty is a primary method of potential girlfriend/boyfriend evaluation. If someone doesn't want to go past the primary stage, screw them. That's shallow.
I GET THAT YOU WANT TO HAVE LOVE. But if the fact that you're "ugly" is what's keeping you from trying to get someone, then get some freaking self-esteem.
· 10 years ago
You have total control over the decision whether or not to give them a chance though. I (don't) understand where you're coming from (because guys don't fall to my feet) but if you feel bad then that's on you and no one else. Sorry, love.
I do have the decision. But I'm not interested in relationships. And I tell them that as nicely as I can. And according to most people, that makes me a selfish bitch. Just because I don't want a boyfriend, I get shit from so many people. So, would you rather be a love-deprived person who people think are nice? Or a overly-adored person who almost everyone thinks is a total bitch?
By the way, most guys who ask? Douchebags. Beauty is a douche magnet, and it sucks.
· 10 years ago
Fair enough. You win some and you lose some, I guess.
Thank you. I just want people to understand that even pretty girls have problems. It's hard to be pretty, it's hard to not be. There are different struggles for both sides, but we need to understand each other's difficulties if we want to coexist.
Am I the only one that doesnt find hardly anyone attractive...? I'm not saying peoples re ugly...just not attracted to anyone I can think of >.>
1. Have been called ugly by numerous strangers while walking down the road,
2. A guy once looked at me and said "ew."
3. Even WITH make-up, I'm still highly unattractive.
4. Even my own mother admitted that I wasn't beautiful...but I am a high achiever, so I got that going for me which is nice.
Am I in?
I'm ugly and that's that *shrugs* but you know what, it doesn't bother me as much as it used to. So guys will never be attracted to me, so I'll never be loved...so what? Do I really need that to be HAPPY? My dream of studying at Oxford makes me happier than anything and to be honest, I've been betrayed by enough people to accept that everyone is only out to protect themselves. So why shouldn't I? *sighs* oh well...
If it makes you happy, then I hope you find love.
Good point, though. Very good point.
We ugly people have to cope with constant loneliness and the fact that even if we're as skilled as someone hot and give the exact same results as them (or even better), we will always come second cause they're better looking.
Beauty is a primary method of potential girlfriend/boyfriend evaluation. If someone doesn't want to go past the primary stage, screw them. That's shallow.
I GET THAT YOU WANT TO HAVE LOVE. But if the fact that you're "ugly" is what's keeping you from trying to get someone, then get some freaking self-esteem.
By the way, most guys who ask? Douchebags. Beauty is a douche magnet, and it sucks.