But this is what Feminists want. By letting boys and men know they don't have to be the hyper muscle strong man they can be who they want. It's called Toxic Masculinity.
Except....you do. In fact single women 18-30 make more than single men of the same age range. The only way you get that women make less is by disregarding things such as hours worked, negotiations of salary, education level, field of work, etc. and going strictly by the average lifetime income.
Except I'm sure men don't get asked if they intend to have kids at job interview and I am also sure that men are not those who get rejected at job inteviews simply because of their uterus becuase presence of uterus equals potential pregnancy and that's just bad bad bad when it comes to hiring someone. Incredible equality. The woman who might get pregnant stays on unemployed support while the man gets a nice-paying job. I can see how this is absolutely equal and fair.
Yeah, duh. While they may not always be half-naked (although they often are), you see models posing for ads about almost everything! You wanna sell a couch? Photograph it with a hot chick sitting on it! You wanna sell glasses? Photograph a hot chick wearing them! That's how it works nowadays, and I see it more and more often.
K then. It's ironic that 75% of what I say is sarcasm but I can't recognize if people are being sarcastic or if they're challenging me. Good thing we have that sorted out.
Yes, they do, but you're forgeting that women also pose for photos like that. I'm a girl and I think gender equality. None of this feminism shit. You make it sound like you and men are on complete different sides
Where's the other ten gazzilion examples of exploitation and objectification of female bodies? Maybe, to support your point a bit and avoid seeming like a chauvinist little bitch, you could add those examples to this post and write a big non-sexist title saying "stop exploiting everybody's bodies".
I'm a female and I honestly think feminism is stupid. Girls say that they are under pressure for how their body works and what they wear. Is it not the same for men? Do men not have standards set by the opposite gender? If a girl says that she wants a tall guy with abs, no one cares, but if a guy says he wants a short girl with a skinny waste, everyone goes crazy and tells them not to set standards. Everyone has diferent ideals and different opinions, so I think we all need to just calm down. Gender equality is all that maters and feminists need to calm down! If a guy stares at your tits, take it as a complement! Because you can't tell him not to look at you like that, when you check out there abs :/ all I'm saying, is that we need to get over this and just move on........
How about instead of looking at what feminists say the do we look at what they actually do in practice. Why don't you link some articles of feminists talking about male issues and prove they want true equality.
You're confusing things, honey.
ezra-xo said 'feminism is stupid.' She wasn't complaining about the words and deeds principle, she said the idea on it's own is stupid. Why the fuck should I now break a sweat trying to proove that everybody who calls themselves a feminist does follow the idea of feminism being about equality? I'm sure there's other idiots out there who claim to be feminists and yet their actions show they have no idea what feminism is. There's always someone who didn't check the dictionary and acts like a self-important asshole, making everybody else waving the same flag look bad.
Are we done now? I mean, I have time but you guys should start learning to read carefully and look up things in dictionary.
Ok the doll thing isn't the same. Barbie was marketed as the "ideal woman" originally, those boy dolls are superheroes except the wrestler. They were never marketed as something to aspire to.
...that's exactly what they were. young boys wanted to be like their favourite superhero- big, muscular and heroic. girls wanted to be like Barbie- pretty, popular and friendly. the only difference is that there's generally more choice for boys, but both give the image of the 'ideal' body for men and women.
That isn't my point. Whether or not a little boy wants to be like a super hero isn't something the company can control. Barbie was created and marketed as the ideal woman she was INTENDED (originally) as something for little girls to want to be. Super hero dolls are marketed as fantasy. Notice how (most) women don't have an issue with Wonder Woman or Supergirl dolls? Sure some people may complain that they are scantily clad, but there is no huge widespread anger over them because they were intended to be fantasy like He-Man.
· 10 years ago
Whether a boy wants to be like a superhero or not isn't something a company can control? But they can build a feminine ideal? Please just respect that men have just as much pressure to fit a certain ideal as women do.
You are seriously not getting the point here. Barbie was created with the WILLFUL INTENTION as something for little girls to want to be. The whole point of creating barbie in the first place was that she was the PERFECT WOMAN. THE COMPANY MADE HER SO LITTLE GIRLS WOULD ASPIRE TO HER ON PURPOSE. He-Man is a cartoon super hero that was made into a doll so that kids could play with him. He's jacked because he has super strength and magical powers. I never said a company could control anyone, the difference is that Mattel made Barbie the "ideal woman" while He-Man is a super hero rather than the "ideal man". And where the hell did I EVER say that boys aren't pressured to fit into an ideal? Oh, that's right, I DIDN'T. The only item I disagreed with were the dolls. Don't just tack things onto my argument that aren't there and, oh I don't know, maybe actually read what I said before replying.
ezra-xo said 'feminism is stupid.' She wasn't complaining about the words and deeds principle, she said the idea on it's own is stupid. Why the fuck should I now break a sweat trying to proove that everybody who calls themselves a feminist does follow the idea of feminism being about equality? I'm sure there's other idiots out there who claim to be feminists and yet their actions show they have no idea what feminism is. There's always someone who didn't check the dictionary and acts like a self-important asshole, making everybody else waving the same flag look bad.
Are we done now? I mean, I have time but you guys should start learning to read carefully and look up things in dictionary.