if I was a terrorist, this is where I would attack.
EDIT: I'm not trying to be mean, but large amounts of people backing the thing the terrorist were against. It would send a message.
Firstly, I think this whole 'Je Suis Charlie' thing is just so over exaggerated. I am not saying I support the attack in any way because I do not. I absolutely condone such brutality and violence. But think about it, the paper drew cartoons of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and they should have known that it would hurt the sentiments of Muslims. Such incidents have took place before e.g the Danish newspaper. Time and again it has been explicity made clear that such images are insulting to both the prophet and the Muslim religion and yet they paid no heed. I am not going to say that they deserved it because they didn't. No human, whoever they are, does not deserve this. And I know everyone is going to reply back saying 'freedom of expression of opinion' and the only way I will respond back is 'freedom of religion' and if that religion condones any drawing of their religious leader, it is illegal to do so.
Only Muslims are barred from creating depictions of Muhammad. It is NOT blasphemy for those who don't follow your religion. If you can't allow your neighbours the freedoms of their own beliefs then please go to a country that accepts your uncivilized way of life.
In order to understand this event, it is very easy to use analogy. Unfortunately, many commentators who believe that they should not have drawn the pictures of Muhammad, refer to the population of 1.6 billion Muslims and say that these many people do not like this kind of cartoons. That's stupid. It does not matter, freedom of expression dictates that nothing is prohibited. You can express yourself any way that you like. It does not really hurt people and the only Muslims who would have seen these cartoons would have been a small group in France. I was searching for the cartoons of that newspaper in Denmark but I could not find them. Who cares who draws what. I can make fun of anything. Don't you understand, the actions of these people ridicules the image of Muhammad. That's the only thing that can hurt Muhammad and it is. By the same token, all those terrorists should be burned alive because of disrespecting Muhammad. They make fun of Jesus for God's sake, why don't you think abo
Okay, look: I don't CARE how much they got offended. The second they MURDER someone, over a CARTOON, is the second my sympathy for their beliefs goes out the window.
Ok. You should understand this. If you don't believe that someone should be killed because he or she rejects the religion of the parents (Islam), you are not a Muslim, you are far from Islam. If you drink alcohol or eat pork, you are not a Muslim. If you don't hate homosexuals, you are not a Muslim. The same goes for Catholic Christians, if you believe in same-sex marriage, you are not a Catholic. In a nutshell, if you are a mild person with moral values and ethical notions, you are not a religious person. As Dan Danette says, if you reject one of the ideas of your religion, you are an atheist. I believe that too, if you don't believe in stoning two people who had sex outside of marriage, you are not a Muslim, you can say I am a Muslim, because I fast or say prayers to Allah, but deep down you know that you are not. Continued...
... If you hate the notion of killing Homosexuals because of their sexual orientation, or the notion of preventing these couples from getting married, My friend you are NOT, a Catholic Christian and you are not a Muslim and a Hebrew or anything else. You are way past that, you were able to form your own notion of morality and ethics. You should find another way of thinking instead of your original religion. No one religion is limited to saying prayers and hymns or singing songs. If you have shaken off the bad notions, you should understand that a religion that preaches these notions is not a good belief system. Abandon those prehistoric frames of mind please. Do not defend Muslims since you are not a Muslim. If you think that you are, test one of your ideas in a well-established Mosque or with an Imam. Tell them you are thinking about becoming gay (Don't actually do that please), you can imagine what will happen. If you don't hate homosexuals or you are a homosexual, you're not Muslim
I just say this. I don't want to make anybody angry. But it is very easy, I don't know what kind of Islam people believe in but it's just funny, You seem to be very tired and exhausted to even comment on my comment, "Yes you're wrong because I say so" what a magnificent logic, yes I am wrong, I am wrong in assuming that people read and study. Just read some books I can give you a recommendation. If you are a Muslim (or you think you are) first read Qur'an completely and carefully, then read Tabari's history of Islam. Then we will be able to talk sense. Thank you
· 10 years ago
@ asteroid: I'm tired of you telling people you know the real Islam just because you read a few books. You called me a misguided Muslim in my previous post and yet you know absolutely nothing about me. I have been studying Islam for more than 7 years in the Middle East. I have read the Qur'an in both Arabic and the English tasfir of it. I have read books you would not even be able to get your hands on. I have studied from scholars using authentic hadith. I'm not going to argue with you because it would be a waste of my time but I am asking you to please stop thinking of yourself as an expert in Islam. There are many scholars all over the world who have dedicated their entire lives to Islamic studies and I'm sure they would be more than willing to debate with you. You read the Tabari history of Islam? Oh, well done! That does not make you an expert. You keep claiming that you know Islam, well guess what? You don't. A thorough study of Islam takes more than 10 years!
· 10 years ago
You say you don't want to make people angry but it seems you have other intentions. Telling me that my Islamic knowledge doesn't even equal half of yours? Excuse me? Do you even know me? You don't know anything at all about me and the fact that you think you can judge me and my knowledge about my own religion just from a comment I made, makes you very arrogant and proud of yourself. So please stop. You are not an expert on Islam. Stop pretending to be. Now I'm done with you. Say what you like, it won't provoke any response for me. May God be with you, whether you believe in Him or not. Peace~
Do you even read your comments aloud. Religion is not what scholars study. They may study the history of it, what happened or whatever. You need to understand that religion is the common belief among the worshipers of that religion. You are trying to say that if you are trying to understand Islam you need to study it for ten years??? That's just stupid. You brag about reading the Qur'an? Good for you. I didn't say that I am an expert on Islam and I don't want to be. I said read the Tabari's history of Islam. It is the highest ranking book for understanding Islam. It is in forty volumes and if you read it you understand what I mean.
PS: A religion that needs 10 years to be understood will bear the fruits that you can see.
Cont. Back when the Peshawar attack took place why was no national action taken? Apart from sending letters and messages of condolences, these big political, national leaders did not take any action. No protests were held by the public to ensure that the governements of foreign countries do anything. And those people killed in the Peshawar attack were merely children who had their whole lives to live and were murdered for only attending a military school. Why is it that we ignore the atrocities taking place in the Eastern world and make a huge deal out of everything happeing in the Western world? Is it because the incident occurs much closer to home?
Phew. Rant finished.
The Nigerian and Pakistani people are perfectly capable of staging their own protests . They don't need Western governments to do it for them. At the moment the French people have their own problems to deal with anyway.
I'm a muslim and I basically don't want to be one anymore ...
Seriously whats the point of saying that islam is a religion of peace when these kind of things happen ...
Good manners and good culture should be preached instead of religion
If barbars like some arabs didn't exist the world would be a better place
Gimme all the down thumbs , see if i give a fuck
· 10 years ago
Brother, Islam has nothing to do with this. These people weren't even Arab. You may be Muslim but your ignorance is off the charts. These things happen only make me increase my faith because I want to stand up against these terrorists and take back our religion from them. You shouldn't be ashamed of being Muslim. Research, learn, study your religion and you'll see just how wrong these murdering psychopathic terrorists are.
Yes and they are ruining your country too. Sorry about that.
Actually the real Islam is this, it is killing other people for not becoming a Muslim, for not staying a Muslim or whatever. Christianity had things like these but they separated church from state and these ideas went into basements where they belong. Every religion has these kinds of notions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism or any other, even Scientology), the point is that Islam is the only religion with so many Muslim governments supporting terrorists. The ISIS attacked Kubani for at least two months and these fucked up countries (Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf countries, Israel, Turkey and other NATO countries did not do anything) they supported ISIS and now this is the cost and it will happen a lot since many ISIS members are actually citizens of these countries and eventually go back there.
· 10 years ago
Governments have always been corrupt, even since before the birth of Christ. That does not prove that the religion is. And no, asteroid, you can not tell me that the real Islam is killing people for not becoming Muslim, or "whatever". Getting your information from the media and the Internet is just plain ignorance and stupidity. I am a Muslim and if you have an open mind and open heart I am willing to sit down and discuss every misunderstanding you have. Not to preach. Just clear up everything. But if you, and like so many similar, want to keep believing that Islam is a terrorist religion then only God can help you. I hope in time you are able to study Islam from the learned scholars and trusted sources and hopefully it may clear your fog of doubts. Peace to you, peace to everyone~
If the minusing (I came up with that) people read my comment really, I didn't say just Islam I named all of the religions out there. You are a Muslim, you are misguided. Have you read the Tabari history book of Islam. I have read all of it and you think I get my ideas from stupid media. When you read that book come back so that your level of understanding of Islam at least be half of mine. All of the religions are rooted in fucking violence. Those who downvote just go to Google and search for the barbarity of any religion. Christians, how dare you talk about Islam, your religion has killed more people than any other current religions. You even kill your own Christians by preaching to Africans and urging them not to use condoms in HIV-ridden Africa. They killed 12 or more people, and the media covered it but others kill many more and we don't know. I don't believe the governments of Norway, Switzerland, Netherlands and the like are corrupt.
This is what I don't understand.. they made a comic a long time ago.. got effed up.. do it again.. and expect not to piss off some terrorist.. they were looking for trouble... it has sooooo many other topics to make a comic on... so why choose islam.. wth.. pick ebola or sumn .. idk.. anything else.. I not supporting the terrorist action.. but I am condemning the action of the editors
My point is... they knew very well it is a sensitive subject.. because they did it before... did they not learn... there are alot better topics to talk about... rather than the prophet ... come on man.. the world is soooo big... soooo many things going on... and you tell me.. they make that mistake twice.. TWICE
maybe, just maybe, they can print what they want. And maybe, just maybe, the animals following a insane "prophet" should stop killing people.
· 10 years ago
Please don't call our beloved Prophet "insane" when you know absolutely nothing about him. Oh, you read some Internet articles about him and know about Islam from the media? Yes! You must be very intelligent indeed! I absolutely condemn what happened in France but that is no reason for you, or anybody else, to start insulting Islam or our Prophet because we've honestly had enough of that. How do you think us peaceful Muslims feel when people depict and insult our Prophet? We want to live in peace yet in actuality you are the ones not letting us! We feel hurt, we feel heartbroken! The majority of Muslims do not represent the terrorists so why do we deserve to have our beliefs mocked and ridiculed? It isn't free speech, it's just pain! You want to make fun of terrorists? Go ahead! Draw about them! Cartoonize and ridicule them but don't insult our beliefs because the majority did nothing wrong!
And don't be hating on the prophet. .. if you knew anything about Islam you would know that it tells us nothing about the extremists beliefs... Islam is quite peaceful... But it's just a handful of misguided ones and all of a sudden. . Every muslim is stereotyped. . It's a shame really
You people do as if muslim people aren't being attacked by these terrorists too... 12 ppl died in france.. how much thousands died in iraq syria egypt gaza... muslim ppl... anyone remember the school that was blown up .. 178 muslim children died...no one gives a fuck about them.. gues they not as important... 12 arrogant editors and what 3 police died.. everyone in an uproar... this terrorism thing is not only affecting white ppl christian ppl ... it is affecting everyone especially muslims... and as I understand. . The newspaper print the comic a third effing time.. which just proves my point... they are arrogant self centered people... and I say it again.. I am not taking the side of the terrorists... I am condemning both the terrorists and the editors... both are wrong... why print it .. it makes noooo sense.. don't say anything about taking a stand for your rights... bullshit.. one you do it.. riot.. twice you do it people died... three times... what the hell you expect may happen
And you say blah blah blah... cuz you know what I am saying is trueeeeeee... people need more respect in this world... I don't give a fuck what your religious belief is.. if there is any at all... but we don't say anything about you... don't you dear criticize our religion..
For all the people that think that this is a little bit exagerate, I can understand and I respect every opignion but I have to say that it is really really sad for us because it's the baddest thing that happened to us since 50 years and because of all the things that happens now ( there was other attacks but with less damage ) we need to support ourselves because the terrorist wants to divide us and we need to show them that it doesn't work because during this attack, Charlie Hebdo won, they fighted for their cause. In France the liberty of expression is limited by the fact that if it hurt the dignity of someone then it is banned, in this case Charlie Hebdo completely respected the rules it talks about everything and when they talked about Mahommet, they talked about an idea because in our coutry, a religion is just an idea so you have the right to critiquize it because it will not be considered to hurt someone's dignity. ( sorry for my english an thank you for reading )
Whatever kind of Muslim he is, he was a good man. The terrorists aren't. How do you know the terrorists are Muslim? They could be a follower of any other religion for all you know.
The perfect comment for you people: "Oh, how beautiful, people gathering in honor of the innocents, but they should know these terrorists are not Muslims, they do not believe in Islam. Islam itself is a great religion, a path for reaching truth. Muslim people love everybody including the critics of Islam. If you want to see real Islam you should talk to the moderate Muslims out there, of course we don't know how many of those there are but I have three Muslim friends, they are all good people, Islam is a good thing I hope everybody become a Muslim"
I may get downvoted for this but honestly, this needs to be said. That Charlie guy drew disrespectful cartoons of Prophet Muhammed PBUH. Muslims worship and look up to him as the most honourable, selfless and perfect human to have walked the earth. Naturally they get offended. Wouldn't you if someone insulted your parents or someone you idolised? Just saying, no disrespect meant. I am not saying those terrorists did the right thing killing all those people. They were pigs and belong to no religion. But supporting the guy who hurt the sentiments of god knows how many people, that's not right either. If you wanna criticise, criticise both the terrorists and the Charlie guy. Coz it's just not fair to support one and blame the other when BOTH are wrong.
Do you even know what happened or are you deducting this from a post and a Google search?
-Charlie Hebdo is a satirical magazine, not a person
-They are called TERRORISTS for a reason, they don't need a reason to hate as long as there is someone who disagrees with their views they will act on it, offended or not.
-read a book on terrorism and read another on religions kek
Maybe when guest said 'Charlie guy', they r referring to the guy from the magazine crew who came up with the cartoon? Seems likely. No need to be an ass about it violence. Also, guest may have known what exactly happened otherwise they wouldn't have gone to the length of writing such a long post. And about the book on terrorism, u seem to be the author since u know so much about their 'feelings' and also considering ur username. Everyone has their own opinion. Deal with it.
why must another muslim being judged because of another muslim action. when westboro curch is against gay we dont say that all christian are homophobic and when the first crusade that initiated by paus urban 2 , killed so many innocent moslem, even children and woman , and in spain the christian killed moslem that wouldnt convert to christian in the most sadistic way possible. do we think all christian are like that? no, because we think that there are good and bad in every people. and as for religion, "your religion is yours, my religion is mine" . thank you and have a nice day.
I think the president of the US did not want to be among those politicians, as I understand the director of NATO was also there. Too many stupid politicians abusing the emotions of people to show that they are peaceful. They themselves supported ISIS and now they are here to say that it wasn't our fault.
The white house already said that for the president or vice president to be there that it would have disrupted the intended piece march. Security measures for the president or vp are so high that it would have ruined the intended visual picture of unity the people of France were going for and achieved.
EDIT: I'm not trying to be mean, but large amounts of people backing the thing the terrorist were against. It would send a message.
Yes. Yes, you are.
PS: A religion that needs 10 years to be understood will bear the fruits that you can see.
Phew. Rant finished.
Seriously whats the point of saying that islam is a religion of peace when these kind of things happen ...
Good manners and good culture should be preached instead of religion
If barbars like some arabs didn't exist the world would be a better place
Gimme all the down thumbs , see if i give a fuck
Actually the real Islam is this, it is killing other people for not becoming a Muslim, for not staying a Muslim or whatever. Christianity had things like these but they separated church from state and these ideas went into basements where they belong. Every religion has these kinds of notions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism or any other, even Scientology), the point is that Islam is the only religion with so many Muslim governments supporting terrorists. The ISIS attacked Kubani for at least two months and these fucked up countries (Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf countries, Israel, Turkey and other NATO countries did not do anything) they supported ISIS and now this is the cost and it will happen a lot since many ISIS members are actually citizens of these countries and eventually go back there.
-Charlie Hebdo is a satirical magazine, not a person
-They are called TERRORISTS for a reason, they don't need a reason to hate as long as there is someone who disagrees with their views they will act on it, offended or not.
-read a book on terrorism and read another on religions kek