Oh ok thank god I didn't spend all that time for nothing
· 9 years ago
Aw, I don't have abs, I just have one big, soft, round ab
· 10 years ago
Depends on the woman really. I've met a lot of women who love big arms. Many more who loved abs and that "v-line". Even some who like big legs. Still, working out shouldn't be to impress women. It should be for you and you only :)
PERSONALLY, I prefer a personality. I will never look at a guy's face first, or their body. If he's nice and sweet and considerate then I guess its meant to be. But saying girls looks for stuff give boys extra work and be fake... Its 2015 when will we start realizing?
I agree with you, seph. Yes, having a good body helps, but honestly if a guy's too fat or too thin, it says something about his lifestyle and thus about his personality as well (it's the same with girls, obviously). What I like is when a guy's skilled at something and he's confident about said skills. Like leader instinct or high intellect or gaming skills. Of course not too confident, that makes him a douche, but if he knows what he's doing, that is a turn on.
Also for dudes a girl with high standards is a turn off too many girls have turned me away Cuz I didn't fit every last standard they had its ridiculous
I don't like big muscles, but a little abs or v-line is nice. And i also don't mind if someone is a twig. Or if they're a little chubby. Honestly though if you're too overweight, or too muscular, I don't find that attractive *waits for people to yell at me for not finding bigger people attractive*
Its not like I'm saying fat people are ugly. I'm saying I'm just not attracted to them. And I'm not being mean to someone because I'm not attracted to them.
I see no problem with you not liking bigger people, everyone has a preference. I personally am not into twigs or morbidly obese people but that doesn't mean I think any less of them as people. Just like what you like and try not to be a douche if someone you aren't attracted to asks you out, that's all anyone can ask for.
Me either. A guy who is a bit toned is nice but once they get all bulgy its kind of a turn off for me. And I'm not into the narrow waist either, I like the guys that are a bit more rectangular in the torso.
I dont like guys that are too big (either overweight or muscles) or guys that are skinny. "Healthy" is the word that Im looking for, people should have some meat on their bones, broad shoulders is attractive yes, and a narrowER waist than shoulders.. but as one said, personality matters too.. it goes hand in hand. Looks without personality=the person gets ugly immediately.. and lovely personality but not my looks=the guy gets more attractive.
Personally I'm not into guys with a thin waist, but it makes sense cause it'll make your shoulders look wider. Muscular arms, though...that's a turn on for me.
It's one of the reasons I love Skyrim so much. So many muscular guys...not even thin or bodybuilder-shaped or pretty in the face, but you can just see the strenght. Like some of them could tear another guy apart and that's hot. Also their wit is hella sexy.
It's one of the reasons I love Skyrim so much. So many muscular guys...not even thin or bodybuilder-shaped or pretty in the face, but you can just see the strenght. Like some of them could tear another guy apart and that's hot. Also their wit is hella sexy.