I can't speek for every female but I think awkward cuddle boners are cute/ funny and you better pull my hips closer or I'll get sad...it's happened before and he got RLLY embarrassed and went home...;-;
Understandable. But don't get caught up in just that stuff. Enjoy everything innocent while you can. You'll have plenty of time for the other stuff later on.
XD nonono not that DONT worry...I dance a lot and I really really try hard with my school and stuff...Im always going across the state to see my dad and my friends over there and stuff...I'm not like..doing stuff..yet..I'm having fun...fishing, skateboarding, dancing you know "living"
First off there is 0 problem if you get a boner while cuddling hugging etc... As long as you are either in a relationship or even good friends you'll either laugh it off or just enjoy the moment and what happens a next!
That's what you say now, but when I'm in your bed, cuddling you and I get a boner, you're all like "WTF HOW DID YOU GET IN MY HOUSE?!?!" And then the cops get involved. So no.
· 10 years ago
This is the funniest thing I've seen on here tonight. You made me laugh Deadpool, thank you xD
Omg can I join too? I'm that that talented and I'm pretty sure Usuallythoughful can play the violin better. But I can be like your manager and promoter.
Me: hey guys listen to this awesome new band
Them: eh..no thank you
Me: I said listen!
Me: *throws cd at them*
Them: of what the fuck that hurt!
Me: that's good music hitting you. Now listen to them aND LOVE THEM
Yeah I think I would be a good promoter.
And we need someone to do all the cover art stuff and t shirt designs and what not.
Fuck yes
I know what spooning does
I'm doing it on purpose
Me:Yeah I'm in a band
Them: really?! What do you guys sing about?
Me: awkward spooning boners....
Me: hey guys listen to this awesome new band
Them: eh..no thank you
Me: I said listen!
Me: *throws cd at them*
Them: of what the fuck that hurt!
Me: that's good music hitting you. Now listen to them aND LOVE THEM
Yeah I think I would be a good promoter.
And we need someone to do all the cover art stuff and t shirt designs and what not.
Spooning for Boners
Awkward Boner
I can't thing of anymore.
That's so fucking perfect
I fucking love this.
*whispering to self*
wtf is going on here
@vickytvria: awesome, you're in, what do you want to do?