I hate that I'm racist but I've had the crap beat out of me by too many Mexican males for me to feel comfortable around them. And blacks are so loud & sometimes obnoxious. I've gone out to dinner with my family and can't hear my brother next to me but can hear the conversation of a black group celebrating all the way across the restaurant. I found it disturbing my good meal. And then blacks are so casual. I had a job where my office neighbors were high priced lawyers & international business persons handling several billions of dollars of stuff. I'm talking hand tailored suits & I got a 150$ reward for finding a ring a woman left in the bathroom. My co-worker, in the 8 months I worked with her, I could tell you what color her underwear was- bra & panties- every day. I even started keeping a record. She looked like she was going to work as a street walker after she was done at the office. Not professional at all.
Dude, it's pretty obvious you've just logged out and now you're upvoting yourself and downvoting everything written by anyone who disagreed with you. Stop it, it's pathetic.
no, you really do just seem like a huge fucking idiot. How are people supposed to take racism seriously when it gets pointed out in the tiniest details? 'White girls do this' 'White boys do that' but of course since they're white- no problem whatsoever. Nowadays if you even call a black person black- BAM racist.
I get what you're trying to say... but if you're white and you act differently you get treated differently as well. There are some legitimately racist people who say things like this, but I went to school with the biggest asshole of a kid, who happened to be black. He was seated beside me in all of the classes we had together (which was a lot, our year was only 50 students) because our last names were right next to each other, and he would always lean over and say lewd sexual comments in my ear, talk through class, and just generally be a disruptive dick, and when I finally told him to shut the fuck up, he's like "it's because I'm black isn't it". No, it's not always because you're black. Just because you have dark skin doesn't mean you can act like an ass and not get treated like an ass. The post was worded poorly though, and I'm not necessarily defending it.
How I personally saw it was (in a very racist way, mind you) saying that treating people differently is justifiable when they act differently. Black people don't /inherently/ act differently than anyone else, and thinking that is in and of itself racist. Some black people have different culture than the bulk of white americans, but black americans are just as capable of having traditional american culture as anyone else. A black girl can like starbucks and uggs just as much as a white girl, and I agree that the post wasn't /good/ but it also wasn't saying that anyone is forcing anyone to be racist. It was saying that racism doesn't exist, which isn't always the case, and for that it needs clarification at least, but in SOME cases, it does have a point.
And I was tormented for being the only white son of a black sharecropper. I never fit in at the physics symposiums or art roundtables discussing Picasso's, Still Life with Glass and Lemon (1910).
Times, as they say, were hard.
Yes, acting "black" will get you treated differently.
Examples of acting black:
1. Walking while black.
2. Driving while black.
3. Dating anyone who isn't black.
4. Celebrating your culture while being black.
I can see the confusion.
There are lots of differences between whites & blacks. First, their skin type is different. So they often use different type body & hair products. I find most of these stink to me. But then some of the "white" stuff stinks to me too but the black hair grease makes me gag. Second, blacks have a different vocal/nasal shape. Their words sound different. Some words they can't even say properly, like Tests. And blacks are relatively loud compared to whites. I can always hear a black person talk but a white person in front of me, I can't hear b/c they're so quiet. There is also lots of differences in our culture too. Subtle but there.
It depends where they were raised if there are culture differences. My little sister (granted only half black) can say tests fine, and they aren't always loud. I've met plenty of quiet black people and tons of loud-ass whites. I do have to agree that I dislike the smell of the hair products for my sister's hair, though.
See, there it is, and you don't even see it, Charror. You have an incorrect perception. One man's thug style is another man's tuxedo. Seriously, the biggest thugs in the world wear a suit and tie.
hexy, you can dress and act like a street thug if you want, that's your right, but if people around you see you negatively because you seem menacing, that's THEIR right. It's not their responsibility to accommodate you, it's your responsibility to fit into the rest of society. You make your choices and you live with the consequences.
It's the same thing for white people. They dress like they're in a prison gang, they'll get treated like that. If you want to fit in to a certain part of society, you have to behave for that part of society, because no matter what, people are always going to jump to conclusions. How many times have you seen a white girl in uggs and not been surprised when she's carrying starbucks? It's how the human mind works, and you're going to either have to accept that or live life unhappy.
And I'm guessing the person who wrote this post isn't black.... and hasn't experienced what black people experience, which is that they are, indeed, treated differently, regardless of their behavior. Not always, but often enough for them to be legitimately pissed off about it. It's a real thing, people.
Oh wow you're totally right inherent racism is just something black people made up because it makes life so much easier for them. Man those blacks have it so good white people can do no wrong wow thanks for opening my eyes im glad someone finally said! No. This post is racist because it discounts every act of racism ever committed against a black person ever and that's mad fucked up fuck off you fucking cunt
· 10 years ago
Thank you for saying what I was too scared to say.
Yeah, because centuries of being a second class citizen literally has nothing to do with the ingrained, soft racism of modern American society. White people can be so dense sometimes.
I find this post interesting, because where I live (AB, Canada) we pretty much only hae white people. The most of the minority is either native or asian, and in my entire city there's probably only 10-20 black people... In a city of 100,000 or so.
I'm gonna settle this for both sides as a Puerto rican: Racism exists. Flat out it does and it always will. Granted it is far less today than it was 10 years ago and I think we keep seeing positive movement in this regard. It is still prevalent enough than many blacks/minorities have experiencd it first hand (not all of them have, but still think they have because they refuse to see that, YES people will treat you very differently if you're acting like a thug or dressing like one, "thug" is NOT black culture, that's a subculture and a stupid one at that)
That being said, the media likes to pick inflammatory cases where there was equally likely no racism involved in the actual event (treyvon martin, brown, etc) and color it as a race issue. Many blacks jump on that bandwagon because they want to draw attention to a larger problem (the extent of which is exaggerated in their minds)and use the media as a way to do that
Unfortunately they use the wrong martyrs to make these points while
the media completely ignores the actual true martyrs who died and were actually treated differentlY because of their skin. Then blacks get super upset and act out when everyone points out the racism they are yelling about wasn't racism and they call you a racist for that because their emotions on the matter don't let them see facts in these cases. This makes race relations break down and then people post this. From the perspective of anyone not black it makes sense because this is how they rightfully feel after the Ferguson riots and the Martin BS. HOWEVER, from the perspective of the minority community it comes across as flippant toward the struggles some of them face on a day to day basis. That said, you should know if you think you're struggling with racism on a daily basis, you're probably a dense and selfish asshole Who is also a racist and forgets that people are just sometimes assholes to everyone and the color of your skin didn't actually matter to them or maybe you deserved
I understand that black people have had it really hard as a race. They've gone through a lot of shit. But at the moment, it seems like the racism is turning on white people- of course nowhere near as extreme, but in a mocking way. You get the whole "white girls do this" "White boys do that" etc. I am in no way saying that matches up to what other races have been put through, but people think that it is impossible to be racist to white people which is a total lie.
Alright alright, listen. This is for people black and white. I AM NOT BEING RACIST HERE. But you don't see white people getting offended if this post was about white people, but black people find every thing racist. We all need to grow up and get a life. Grr. I'm done. :) have a nice day
It depends on the person's background. Even though racism isn't common nowadays, some black people are impoverished and live in the suburbs. But then again, lots of white, hispanic, asian etc. people do as well, because poverty isn't racially limited. The problem is, a lot of these impoverished black people tell their kids/ brothers/friends "you're acting white" when they try to change their lot in life. Not all of them, of course, but that's how the stereotype goes (which is, mind you, not a bad thing, because stereotypes are based on the behaviour of most people from the specific group). Suburb mothers have a lot of children that they can barely feed and live on welfare, and the children are forced to steal to feed themselves. And then, a child is born with a different sense of righteousness, wants to study hard to change the situation, and the family, instead of supporting him/her, say "you're acting white/pretentious/whatever". Such is the nature of people, except...
And there are some people who are just straight up racist on all sides, but, at least in my experience (and I've spoken to my sister who's black and she agrees) most people just aren't, at least where I'm from.
...except in this case, they blame us for not tolerating this lifestyle full of crime and the fact that they push down ambitious children. They shout racism at every opportunity, just to have some kind of excuse for their bad life choices.
Again, this does not apply to all, but this is my opinion on quite a big part of this society.
PS: this doesn't mean only black people, it means also for example the "white trash" as some people like to call them, except they don't shout racism, they just find another excuse. Because it's easier to find excuses to blame other people for your shitty life choices than to actually do something to make it better.
That's my opinion anyway.
@missraven Agreed. There are of course people who are straight up racist/sexist/homophobic/xenophobic, but most people you normally meet are far from that and shouldn't face such accusations.
This used to be a sort of community where fucking racists were told to sod the fuck off, and that was that. Now its fucking flooded more and more by depraved little white persons who think they're the real victims of discrimination, cause they can't give non-white persons names like their ancestors could. The appreciation of basic civil rights for everyone is a last centuries thing apparently. I am just glad I never procreated and put out a decent human being into this fucking racist idiocracy of even today, don't want to imagine the near future.
maybe the reason they get treated fucking differently is because people treat them differently in the first place. do you honestly think blacks just magically act differently because of their race? no, its fucking because they get treated differently from age 1. did you fucking know that the median net worth for white, non-Hispanics was $139,000, meanwhile for people that aren't white the median net worth was $22,000? do you know how fucking large that gap is? in fact, I rounded the white net worth down and the non white net worth up, so it's even bigger. maybe blacks and other non white people act differently because they are fucking poor because of subconscious and subliminal racism. do you know how close to impossible it is to get out of poverty? do your fuckingn research and take your head out of your asshole
... Not all black people are poor. North West isn't poor. I'm white, and when I was 9 years old, we had the heat off all winter because we couldn't pay the fucking gas bill. Medians aren't the entirety of a race and medians don't make people who they are. If it did, I'd "act like a black person" according to you. It's so much harder to get out of fucking poverty for white people than minorities because minorities at least get minority scholarships. Straight white males? Nah, you can get grants. Racism definitely exists, but it isn't because all black people are poor. It's because people like you equate the majority to the entire thing. People decide "oh we need more /black people/ to rise up and do something with themselves. Not poor people. That's not equality, equality is an equal chance, not an equal outcome.
I cannot believe all the people that liked this post. and all the comments here? I have been to other sites similar to this one, and this one just takes the cake for having so many idiots. the problem with the post is that you can't say that blacks are affected by racism because of their own decisions. you literally are BLAMING RACISM ON THE PEOPLE THAT ARE MOST NEGATIVLEY AFFECTED BY RACISM. STOP BLAMING THE VICTIMS. Most of the posts I see on this site are great and funny but the one in one hundred just ruin it, along with the fact the YOU PEOPLE AGREE. I have been on this site for a long time, and it has bugged me for a while, but this is the last straw. good bye fun substance! I'm sorry you idiots had to ruin all the good stuff on this site by contaminating it. I'm really sorry for all you fantastic people on FS, but I everyone else ruined it,
racism- prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
So that could be towards African Americans, spainards, or hmmm Caucasian people. I'm tired of hearing that white people are racist and we antagonize, EVERYONE DOES. When people say that the Caucasian race does things against other races, that is being discriminatory. So when another race attacks another it is racism, and this post is clearly just using one race as an example. If someone acts one way, they get treated in consequence of the way they have acted. It's not rocket science.
Dear fellow white people,
Pulling a hissy fit because someone elses life and experience does not match your own, is racist. Claiming racism because a group of people who have been systematically marginalized and refused the same advantages that you take for granted, create a movement that doesnt include you is racist.
Refusing to acknowledge how history and ingrained negative sterotypes, along with subversive silent racism of exclusion, is racist.
People who are trying to move towards equal representation and overcome the long lasting effects of real racism, by supporting each other, and using programs specifically to help the disadvantaged, is not racist.
The same people white people who cry racism are the same ones who claim we don't need feminism. The world does not revolve around you! You don't need support. The disenfranchised do. Excluding the already privileged ensures the focus stays on those who actually need it.
No,Guest, I don’t say I’m hated because I’m not in their movement. I say I’m hated cause I walk into school and get called a nazi, a school shooter, or a racist bitch. All of this without me ever saying a word to the other person. I have no want for the end of feminism nor do I need support. I’m a big girl and can handle assholes, however I don’t want little twats like you to go around saying there’s “no instance of racism against whites” all because you’ve never experienced it or shut yourself off to it. Racism exists as long as one person feels their race is above another.
And FYI, creating a movement that doesn't include white people isn't discriminatory. Discrimination is what happenes when someone is refused a job, housing, acces to basic necessities, based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Stop making everything about you. A bunch of white people who claim that being excluded is racist, is a bunch of people who are trying to act like history never happened and blame the victimes of real racism. Claiming that this is discriminatory undermines and ridicules real victims of discrimination/racism.
Just because people were slaves once doesn't mean they should get special treatment? I'm not saying that they do - I know that racism exists - but history has nothing to do with it. Racism is for all sides. Not being given a scholarship based on race is racist (looking at you minority scholarships) having to work harder to be accepted somewhere because you can't fill their fucking diversity quotas is biased, and it's quite possibly necessary to ensure that racism doesn't go the other way, but that doesn't change the fact that it is racist. If the fact that I'm a white person makes this offensive to you, that means ~you're racist~. Bias isn't just against minorities. As a woman and a biromantic asexual, I can definitely say that while I like being able to go to college for cheaper because of who I am, it's still biased towards me, and it's biased towards other minorities as well.
It's biased to make up for the disadvantages associated with being a minority. The advantaged don't need more recognition. They have it. History has everything to do with it because what happened is still effecting today. Slavery, jim crow laws, segregation, etc. may be illegal, but that doesnt mean it got rid of the effects of all those years. You can not ignore what happened, because it's still happening. The only way to get to an equal society is to make up for what history has cost the people living now. would a homeless shelter be discriminating against me for not letting me eat and sleep there? No, because i have a home and food. I don't need it. I have a disabled child, because of that she has therapy at preschool. My other child doesnt. Is it discriminatory that only one of them gets that extra attention? No. because only one of them needs it, and without it, my daughter's future would be greatly undermined.
It's about accepting that some people are inherantly more advantaged than others. And that there are disadvantages that are not peoples fault and have absoloutly nothing to do whith their behavior and choices, bit have to do with society, history, and socioeconmic factors. Its about bringing those that are lower up to the level of privledge that the rest of us have, not about excluding people.
We don't have slavery, jim crow laws, or segregation anymore. The people who are alive and going to college now are not slaves and we don't have to make it up to them. There ARE minorities who have good jobs and good homes, and they don't get told they can't apply for minority scholarships. Black people don't all have learning disabilities. Like I said up above, equality is not EQUAL OUTCOME it's EQUAL OPPORTUNITY, the way to do that isn't to give minorities scholarships, it's to give scholarships based on INCOME so that regardless of race, gender, sexuality, the people who need those things get those things. Your child who has a disability doesn't have the equal opportunity inherently because she has a disability, and therapy brings her up to that level. But minorities who have a doctor and a lawyer as parents are at the exact same level as a white person who has a doctor and a lawyer as parents... except they aren't because the black person can get minority scholarships, taking them
away from minorities and white people who don't have the money to pay for college on their own. Black people aren't inherently disadvantaged just because they have dark skin.
equal opportunity, not equal outcome. Exactly. Except that being black in america, or any minority (including to those that were scots-irish/catholic untill the early 1900's) are treated differently. Are all disadvantaged, no. But enough research has been done that prove that Americas history of devaluing people who are not white, has lasing effects for generations. The fact that this post hasnt been taken down by a mod, when it is openly racist and blames people who are black for police profiling, proves that something is wrong with how Americans view minorities.
One day minority scholarships will be gone. But to get there, we first have to equalize the playing field, we have to address the racial pay scale, and we have to stop devaluing those that are different and blaming them for thing that are out of their control.
I get what you're saying. I agree that we shouldn't need special programes. Yes, there are disenfranchised people who are white.
You have absoloutly valid points. But things are not equal. They are better, but not equal. And better isn't good enough. Segregation still exists in schools, even though it's illegal. And like i said, slavery, jim crow laws, sub standard education purposly given to minority children for generations, a wage large wage gap (that still exists), and negative sterotypes all effect people of color now, even those who didn't directly experience them.
so just because some people have advantages we should just pretend they can't be hurt? They can't be disrespected or mocked or attacked? The difference is that it happens less, but it doesn't mean it doesn't happen at all. I don't feel that somebody who has never been attacked for their skin colour has the right to pull out the history racism card if someone is remotely rude to them- which happens a lot. I actually find it almost disrespectful when people pull out the history card when nothing has personally happened to them and their family, it's like using the hardships of real people as a free pass argument whenever somebody even contradicts you.
Sub standard education is given to children who come from poverty, because their parents can't afford to donate to the school and because rich parents don't want their kids going to the "ghetto" schools. Admittedly, where I live, there aren't many minority people. In my high school there were seven black people (that I knew of) and like 35 hispanics (that I knew of) in a school with a population around 5k. I was part of the one apartment complex in the school's range, which mostly encompassed large houses and rich families. My school was the one with the fewest fee waivers in the school district, but even talking to my (junior high) friends who went to poorer schools, there weren't any more minorities there. A few of the people who lived in my apartment complex went to this really bad middle school, and while there were more hispanics there... there were still tons and tons of white kids, because they were poor, not because they were minority. You may be right that in some places
segregation still happens, but in the majority, I think it's a matter of income rather than race. Unfortunately, there ARE a ton of minorities who are in poverty, but that doesn't make giving scholarships to the ones who aren't any better, or withholding scholarships for people who are in the same boat just because they're white.
I understand what you mean. But, in contrast, think of all the hundred of years where people who are black, native american, hispanic, etc., have had to live along side people who are white and were allowed special priveleges, rights and expectations because of their heritage. They've always had things unequal and have lived with others getting the special advantage. Now minorties have special advantages because of their heratage. I just can't feel bad about that. I don't think it's bad for the advantaged to get a taste of what it's like to be maginalized. In fact, i think many people are blind to inequality, until it happens to them. Maybe more people who are white need to experience actual discrimination to build empathy and understanding of those who's lives are defined by it. It seems that many only care about things being unfair when it's no longer unfair in their favor. Inequality doesn't bother them as long as they're on top.
but for most of the people alive today, the inequality of the past wasn't their choice- they were born into their rights and had nothing to do with it. And now when we've been working on equality, it's being tipped to the other side and the whole thing will start again. The hard truth is, most people don't give advantages to minorities because they feel bad or something- they do it because they don't want people to cry 'racism' is they don't give somebody a scholarship or something. The majority of white people disagree with how other cultures and races have been treated- how is it fair for them to suffer for something that a) they had to part in a b) they didn't want to happen in the first place? Nelson Mandela's whole argument was that it shouldn't turn from white over black to black over white- it should become equal because tipping it back and forth doesn't help. We can't fight for equality by using inequality.
You can't punish a child because their mother did something stupid, you don't reward a child because their mother follows the law. It makes absolutely NO SENSE to treat minorities better because of what happened in the past, and if we continue to do it, then there will never be equality. Black people today don't deserve better than anyone else just because someone with their complexion was once a slave. There are STILL sex slave women in china and the like, but that doesn't mean I should get treated better because they're slaves. I'm not them, I don't get something to make up for their hardships.
oh god, Thank you for saying that
For the most part I don't like black people because of all the shit they pull and not the color of there skin. I mean in the neighborhood across the street I've seen black people start fights, do drugs, steal bikes, slash tires and other crap. I mean my friends have even had guns or knives pulled on them by black people. You can't do all these things and then blame racism when you get arrested. I mean I know that not all black people are like that and that every race has it's share of A-holes but when people see a pattern they'll treat you different.
The messed up thing is you don't have to "act different" to be treated differently you just have to be different in the eyes of a person that isn't like you to be treated differently. It isn't particularly any race. Many races experience racism.
There is some truth to this. I see white and black teens trying to dress/act like thugs, and I am wary of all of them, but I see a higher proportion of blacks doing that.
When someone speaks without using verbs (My name Tremonte), I'm not going to hire him as a bank teller or customer service regardless of color, but I've only seen a few white kids do that while many more black ones do.
Times, as they say, were hard.
Examples of acting black:
1. Walking while black.
2. Driving while black.
3. Dating anyone who isn't black.
4. Celebrating your culture while being black.
I can see the confusion.
That being said, the media likes to pick inflammatory cases where there was equally likely no racism involved in the actual event (treyvon martin, brown, etc) and color it as a race issue. Many blacks jump on that bandwagon because they want to draw attention to a larger problem (the extent of which is exaggerated in their minds)and use the media as a way to do that
Unfortunately they use the wrong martyrs to make these points while
Again, this does not apply to all, but this is my opinion on quite a big part of this society.
PS: this doesn't mean only black people, it means also for example the "white trash" as some people like to call them, except they don't shout racism, they just find another excuse. Because it's easier to find excuses to blame other people for your shitty life choices than to actually do something to make it better.
That's my opinion anyway.
So that could be towards African Americans, spainards, or hmmm Caucasian people. I'm tired of hearing that white people are racist and we antagonize, EVERYONE DOES. When people say that the Caucasian race does things against other races, that is being discriminatory. So when another race attacks another it is racism, and this post is clearly just using one race as an example. If someone acts one way, they get treated in consequence of the way they have acted. It's not rocket science.
Pulling a hissy fit because someone elses life and experience does not match your own, is racist. Claiming racism because a group of people who have been systematically marginalized and refused the same advantages that you take for granted, create a movement that doesnt include you is racist.
Refusing to acknowledge how history and ingrained negative sterotypes, along with subversive silent racism of exclusion, is racist.
People who are trying to move towards equal representation and overcome the long lasting effects of real racism, by supporting each other, and using programs specifically to help the disadvantaged, is not racist.
The same people white people who cry racism are the same ones who claim we don't need feminism. The world does not revolve around you! You don't need support. The disenfranchised do. Excluding the already privileged ensures the focus stays on those who actually need it.
One day minority scholarships will be gone. But to get there, we first have to equalize the playing field, we have to address the racial pay scale, and we have to stop devaluing those that are different and blaming them for thing that are out of their control.
I get what you're saying. I agree that we shouldn't need special programes. Yes, there are disenfranchised people who are white.
For the most part I don't like black people because of all the shit they pull and not the color of there skin. I mean in the neighborhood across the street I've seen black people start fights, do drugs, steal bikes, slash tires and other crap. I mean my friends have even had guns or knives pulled on them by black people. You can't do all these things and then blame racism when you get arrested. I mean I know that not all black people are like that and that every race has it's share of A-holes but when people see a pattern they'll treat you different.
*gets shot*
Act differently - Get Treated differently - Be black
When someone speaks without using verbs (My name Tremonte), I'm not going to hire him as a bank teller or customer service regardless of color, but I've only seen a few white kids do that while many more black ones do.