Absolutely not illegal. DNA modeling is too new to have much in the way of privacy law. Also, since it will only be an approximation, I'd have trouble seeing the need for permission.
It has nothing to do with the DNA modeling, it's actually perfectly legal to collect DNA from "garbage", like chewing gum. If you threw it away, anyone else can take it and use it, however they'd like.
- FunStats
These are based on gender, ethnicity, eye color, and facial structure, so there's a lot of leeway. They are not exact replicas, science (and art) has not come that far.
Notice that the hair isn't included so you can't gage color, teture and certainly not length. Also, she doesn't know if one person is, say, 50 pounds overweight which changes the face.
Humans are amazing. Just to think we used to be no better than the other animals around us
Unless permission was acquired, of course.
- FunStats