For my Junior prom, pretty much every friend of mine was invited to join one friend in a limo their parents rented except for me. Well me and my date actually ended up at the same exact restaurant before prom. We were there first and then I see all my friends and their dates come in and go up to the 2nd story to a big table passing us on their way. It kind of sucked until one of them came down and asked us to join their table. Honestly, that was the best part of prom for me.
This happened to me too except I still went with my boyfriend. The sad part for me was when they all went to take a picture and didn't even bother to tell me even though I was right there with them the whole time.
I just watched a (rather long) snapchat story of my two best friends hanging out. Us three used to do everything together . . . So I guess that I'm that friend now.
I was that friend. Now I have better friends. Sometimes you grw apart and sometimes you realize your friends are just dicks.
· 9 years ago
My friends in school were like that too but the ones that stuck around into adulthood are much better friends. I'm also a much better friend now so maybe that helps too.
Right in the feels. I was that friend, until I decided it was bullshit and deleted their numbers so I wouldn't be tempted to call them ever again. If they needed me, they knew where to reach me.
Basically, everyone is or was that friend. The people who were, have gotten new friends :) if you are, I hope you can find new friends through a new activity.
Get some confidence and be firm with your conversations/interactions. People do this because you let them. Also you might actually be the problem. Maybe they think your busy by never initiating a hang out. It could also be that you just have shitty friends.