Bit of a morbid question, how does it lose its fur? Would it have been burns or something continuously rubbing against it? Or is it a side effect of not being fed?
This cat has pieces and parts missing. Thats not mange. This is more like the result of being thrown from a moving vehicle. You'd be surprised how often those of us in animal rescue see this sort of thing.
If people have the desire to hurt animals, they have a serious mental problem and need to be removed from society. Preferably in the same way they hurt the animal.
I wouldnt class myself as an animal lover, but cannot stand to see animal cruelty. People who abuse animals are the lowest of the low and don't deserve a place in society.
I agree with the whole "stop the cruelty" thing, but it's a gross overstatement to say they usually grow up to be killers. If that were true murder would be rife
· 9 years ago
Not necessarily. Many serial killers practice on animals for however long they feel they need to.
I'll help you. Let me grab my machetes and flamethrower. If someone does something like this to one of my pets, I'll to the same to them while I make sure the pain is 10x
I hope this cat gets more love, treats, toys and rubs in it's new home to make up for all the horrible stuff it's been through. Bless you humans for taking the time and caring enough to save this precious baby. *hugs*
I think animal abuse is the lowest of low because its harder for animals to defend themselves and child abuse the kids have a better chance of defense (talking, crying, etc and kids can learn how) while animals cannot really defend themselves as well. :( Im happy this cat is ok.
I did not expect such a transformation! Kudos to those Angels in Earth who care for these animals. And for those of you who are ready to hunt this a**hole, down, COUNT ME IN!! I have a few goodies I'd like to try on THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!
Image if it didn't have that care. Animal abusers need to be jailed and stopped! This cat is one one lucky few that survive. If you abuse animals in any shape it form, stop right now!... And help that animal
Same guest as the one saying image if it dint have that care, I need an account. Abusers are the lowest of the low and should be jailed for life, or put down. A life for a life. Every life counts. I eat meat but it lived a great life and was put down ethically. It was free range and approved. Animal abyss are weak as they attack things smaller than them, so it can't fight back. Let's stop this cruelly together. And I am also going to use this time to say stop littering, the rubbish blows into the see causes massive rubbish islanders and animals mistake the rubbish for food and die. Fish eat it and they die from the chemicals the plastic attracts and we eat those fish, so it is affecting all species. Leave bottle tips off plastics bottles. If they happen to fall out of a bin, at least they are weighed down by the water and sink. Not a good thing but no fish/marine life eat it. And some crabs can use it as a shell.
Child and animal abusers are the most horrible people, but especially animals because sometimes a child can find help, but an animal can't voice it's pain or try to leave…
But it also only takes one nuke to obliterate that town.
Close enough???
fuck your fucking fuckface you fucking fucker