At 24 that would mean 19. I'm going to disagree with that. I think acceptable age differences change as you get older. There is a huge difference between a 19 and 24yr old whereas a 30 and 35yr old will probably be very similar. At 24 I own a house, have completed two diplomas and have a career where I make nearly six figures. At 19 I was doing shots and just super stoked I could buy my own booze instead of making some vomitous mixture I stole from my parents. Any I guy I know my age who is dating a girl that's 17-19 is dating one because girls his age don't want to date him.
So have most people, this key with a situation like this and this view on dating is look at the relationship and then take away the sex, look at it as if they weren't fucking... My girlfriend is almost exactly 3.5 years younger than me and if you look at our relationship without the sex (which to point our we didn't have until we'd been dating for almost 7 moths) our relationship is no different. But you look at this there is no way he isn't taking advantage of her...
Because I think that age is not the most important part in a relationship and this mentality specifically just makes me mad because yes sometimes the relationship bad but just as often it's a strong healthy relationship (my experience/current relationship)
It depends how old you are, if you're 25 and dating someone 10 years older it doesn't make any difference, but if your 13 and dating someone 10 years older that's extremely bad. My friend at age 13 dated a 24 year old guy and it messed up her life completely, he basicly ruined her family life and he manipulated her. When you're young an age difference is very important.
Yes it can be, but you have to look at the situation and it depends from situation to situation if she's 13 and he's 24 that's ridiculous but there is nothing wrong with her being 15 and him being 19 as long as it's a healthy relationship
Not always, I have seen so many amazing relationships with two years of age gap, I think you shouldn't simply generalize all guys because of one situation
I feel like you have some past experiences. I do too. I was 13 and he was 16... Bad choice. Completely used me. I told him my age so I assumed he knew. Turns out he wasn't listening. Tried to use me for sex till he realized I was 13 for maybe the 5th time of me telling him.
· 9 years ago
My friend's parents have an age gap at 12 years and it's going just fine for them
I think the biggest part of this is that the girl is really young. If youre 25 and your boyfriend is 35 its okay because you are an adult. You understand love and manipulation. At 14 or 13 girls (and boys) are innocent and believe in true love and fall in love really easily and can be manipulated easily. So even though the ages are fairly close compared to your friends parent, when youre young, a couple years is a huge maturity difference
Dating isn't illegal? Who can prove its dating, maybe they'll just argue strong friendship. Sex is illegal.
· 9 years ago
I really don't think a three year gap is weird. When my mom was sixteen she started dating a really good friend of hers who was nineteen
And yeah i think it's only the intimate things that's illegal in that case
R&J laws are
Romeo and Juliet laws to protect a consensual sexual relationship between an adult and a minor, but only if the couple is within three years of each other and over the age of 14
Well have similar laws in Canada, with the age of consent being 16 here it's works like this of you're 14/15 it's 5 years older or less and if you're 12/13 it's two years older or less.
My friends 14 and her bf is almost 18... But they are really happy together. Met through a neutral friend, are around eachother ALL the time, cutest couple I've ever seen. :/ also they met through theater. Theater people are always a lil insane.
I have a friend whose parents are 18 years apart. While he was graduating she was barely being born. But yet they meet when she was around 20 and him almost 40 and they made it work. They've been married for about 10 years now and have two wonderful kids.
This is dumb on so many levels...
Short version: don't be naive. A little bit is fine but if you're sheepish, chences are even a 5 year old could manipulate you.
1) sorry but writing a fullstop after every word makes you sound slow.
2) guidelines don't 'promise' things and 'preach' them or anything. just... please don't keep arguing with me.
If I was dating a guy three years older than me it wouldn't even come to mind that he'd have a hidden agenda or something.
Bc I think it's completely normal.
You shouldn't be dating in the "traditional" sense at 13 and 15. You should be going out as friends with more friends and drinking juice pouches and eating pizza. And playing paintball. That's always fun.
15 is barely reasonable. 15 is high school freshman. There is far too much drama going on within freshman lives if they start dating because 98.6% of them don't have the proper sense of commitment, they call it dating but they hang around other people and their "partner" gets all pissed and starts rumors and the victim's all like "wait I wasn't dating her I'm just friends" and then she's like "but I'm your girlfriend you can't do this" and it pretty much gets to the point of either hyper-possessive people or no commitment.
· 9 years ago
I'm sixteen and my friend who is the same age as me and her boyfriend who is a year older have been together for two years and they are doing great so i wouldn't say 15 is too young
I disagree I think don't jump into relationships when that's the case but some people are wiser or younger then their age and therefore feel more comfortable around people of another age I'm quite mature and forget that my boyfriend is 3 years older
We all knew this was a bad idea.
And yeah i think it's only the intimate things that's illegal in that case
Romeo and Juliet laws to protect a consensual sexual relationship between an adult and a minor, but only if the couple is within three years of each other and over the age of 14
Short version: don't be naive. A little bit is fine but if you're sheepish, chences are even a 5 year old could manipulate you.
2) guidelines don't 'promise' things and 'preach' them or anything. just... please don't keep arguing with me.
Why limit it to just people the exact age as yourself?
Bc I think it's completely normal.