After searching I found that I originally read it wrong at 5 am today. My bad. But still. Check out the news cops do shit like that daily. I prefer reddit for my news source personally. Finds all the stuff that doesn't headline on the major networks and everything is sourced. Sorry I'm retarded.
I've been stopped because the cop didn't think it was possible I could own the car I have. After proving it was mine, he still called to see if I was on probation. Even going as far as to ask who my probation officer was. I have never been in any trouble with the law, and was shocked that he assumed because of my race that I couldn't afford the car I was driving and that I had some kind of record. This is just my example, I'm sure they're good cops out there, but they're also dick cops too.
Cops ask for license and registration from everyone to prove if its their car that's nothing special. But I did fail to read that he didn't lump all cops together which is good
· 9 years ago
That is a normal part of a traffic stop, but assuming he had a parole officer is not.
I have always been a straight arrow. When I was 17, one saturday night in highschool at about 8:30pm i was pulled over by a sheriff. He drilled me about my tires and where i got them. He said someone with a vehicle like mine was running over mailboxes the night before. He kept me there for a half hour before he figured out that it wasnt me. I feel ya, i hate being profiled for my race
Btw, im white and grew up in small town southern MN. Everyone in my town was white. The majority of the trouble was caused by 15 - 20 year old whit boys who drove pickups. Maybe guest was hassled because he was black. But maybe it didnt have anything to do with the cop disliking black people at all?? Maybe the cop was just picking up patterns and relying on his instincts?? What would be the alternative?
This is an excellent summary of some South African people!
· 9 years ago
Okay, so my family is being threatened by a corrupt cop who is best friends with the lutenant(dono how to spell it) and is literally destroying our lives bit that's our fault?
So I have a pretty sever case of tic disorder, GAD, panic disorder, and OCD. I've been approached by cops on multiple occasions because they think i'm tweaking out on drugs.