I think humanity as a whole should find a habitable island and dump a few people from every religion, culture, and sexual orientation with a few interpreters and then study how they interact.
· 9 years ago
That's a really good idea. Like, a really really REALLY good idea. I want to see what the results of this would be
· 9 years ago
I would totally volunteer for being dumped on that island.
I am definitely a big advocate for the constant abuse of stereotypes, and this post is perfect and completely proves and shows my points of views. THis is what feminism is really about (btw I do have an account just in the middle of this realised I had to sign in).
This is what we need. Women are always talking about equal rights, and how they want to be treated like men, but have you ever thought that maybe the men don't feel like they're being treated right? Women all have an unfair advantage, If I were to put a man and a woman into a court room for child custody, and the woman showed up drunk and tattered, the man presentable and dressed up, the woman would still win, because the people would still deem the man unfit to raise a child. Just because he's a man. This world is just ridiculous sometimes.
Ok, So I did make this up and I do admit that this is starting to change of late. And I know that I am going into the extreme with this, but if you were to take a male and a female, both of the same age, both with good equally paying jobs and the court would have to decide which part to put the children with for custody, do you really think the guy is going to win? There probably (now a days) is more of a chance that the guy will win the battle for custody, but it is more likely that the female is going to win SPECIFICALLY because she is female and we as a society think that they are better prepared to raise a child.
Some of that's ignoring middle grounds, and some of it is just shitting on gender rolls for no reason, but it's alright other wise. Except for it saying "because" all the time, that's just shitty writing.
I'm glad you posted it again, it's a very important message.
A woman doesnt need to be weak
A man doesnt need to be strong
Just be yourself god damn it