It's October 16th. It is 50 degrees in here and I am freezing to death. This is an El Niño year, as in this year we'll get less snow, if any, but it's going to be freezing like this.
5 years ago, my family and I were locked inside my house for 3 days because of this. People were stuck inside their cars on the expressway for days.
but you get snowmen so that's something.
Chicago is infinitely better than New York and yes our pizza is better too. I went to New York last summer and I literally could not hold the slice of pizza I bought because it was way too thin to hold
Thats why you fold it. Thats what you do. Everyone knows that. Just cause you dont know how to eat it doesnt make it a bad style. New york pizza way way better
Kass you dont fold it in that direction. You fold it length ways with the fold line going tip to crust.
· 8 years ago
You're forgetting the best part about a thin crust pizza...
One slice of pepperoni face down on a slice of Hawaiian and eating them both at the same time.
· 8 years ago
I feel like the only reason they like it is because it's secretly a New York acquired taste where if you weren't born in a New York hospital by New York parents, you don't get the taste.
So since we're from the city of Deep Dish, we prefer that because it's our native tongue, and it makes Foldy Dough here taste like wrinkled up poo.
I can see y'all wont listen to reason. So I'm done arguing about your shitty ass pizza. Y'all just made me rethink what i think of chicago. Its a horrible place and the people are ignorant and unnaccepting of new ideas.
He's a sick bastard, folding pizza. That's not what it's made for. Pizza is made to enjoy, to love, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live, no matter what happens.
You do new york style. Thats how new york style is eaten. I am not suggesting all fucking pizza is folded. Jesus christ chicagoans are dense. I am simply saying that this one god damn particular style is fucking folded. But y'all cant seem to get that through your heads.
Because new york style pizza slices are so big that if not folded they flop down making them harder to eat. By folding it creates structural integrity. Just like when you hold a piece of paper and it flops down but if you put a slight bend in the center it becomes rigid and able to stand out.
Hot cocoa, fires, snowboarding, scarves, snow (maybe), endless rain, terrible drivers, holiday shopping crowds, Christmas music playing in stores for two months straight, what's not to love?
I love winter because you can just keep putting on layers until you're warm, and when you have enough layers on, you can waddle around like a penguin.
In summer, you can only take off a number of layers before it becomes illegal
I'm in Missouri. We dont really get good snow fall until January or February. One year we got snow in may
· 8 years ago
Wow. If it snows here it's in January or February usually but about 6ish years ago we had a big snow before Christmas. Hubby and I rode the bus to the mall, bought presents and snowshoes and snowshoed back home. That was awesome. :D
How could a post vary in comments THAT much? Only 5? Then why does it go to 600?
(I'm not an idiot. I just like to poke fun at little mistakes. Sorry if it's annoying)
Maybe because I get terrible chilblains in winter and my fingers and toes go from red, to blue, to purple, to dark purple/green, and then mum rushes me to the doctor before they can get worse.
I prefer cold weather. I get more energy the colder it is. Its easier to get warm than it is to cool down. The way i see it, you can always put more layers on. But you can only take so many off. I absolutely love cold weather. The colder the better.
5 years ago, my family and I were locked inside my house for 3 days because of this. People were stuck inside their cars on the expressway for days.
but you get snowmen so that's something.
Chicago >>> New York
One slice of pepperoni face down on a slice of Hawaiian and eating them both at the same time.
So since we're from the city of Deep Dish, we prefer that because it's our native tongue, and it makes Foldy Dough here taste like wrinkled up poo.
This is how you fold new york pizza
End of story
We just don't fold pizza cause its wrong
We're very accepting of new ideas
You just simply don't fold pizza
What's the point of folding pizza
Thatquietgirl125. :(
In summer, you can only take off a number of layers before it becomes illegal
There was one post that had ~252 replies to one comment
(I'm not an idiot. I just like to poke fun at little mistakes. Sorry if it's annoying)