I know it was a huge thing (I live 30min away from it) and the first time we got that but it's worse in the East and everyone acts like nothing happened
I know its really mean, but when lots of people die in an accident or some terrorist shit, who else thinks: "well, at least the world population will go down, as over population is a problem"
Yes but you could rip your pants and Isis would claim it... They're opportunists like that.
· 9 years ago
But as a result of claiming the attacks they enjoyed 20 lovely bombs delivered right to their door. So if they didnt do it i bet they are regretting claiming it.
Okay, I see point you're making here, but almost 200 people *just* died. What if their families or friends saw this post? You might want to wait awhile before telling someone that their friend's death is basically unimportant. People died. It's called basic human decency to not discredit that.
No one said that what happened is unimportant but the amount of attention that has been paid to that incident is alot compared to the other more worse ISIS attacks in other countries. Just because an European country got affected everyone lost their minds.
I think it was that guest that has been spouting anti muslim stuff. The one saying "kill them all"(not actually what they said, their version was longer and more racist) but the admins deleted all of the comments made by that guest.
I think it's because most of the people in France have access to social media so they're able to spread the word easier...I don't know if everyone in Syria has the same type of easy access
I guess I'm going to be the only one to speak up here, so downvote away.
We all care about the atrocities that happen in other countries and are sickened by them and want those people liberated from the horrors that they face on a daily basis. We also know that they do happen daily. The reason that everyone is in an uproar about Paris is because those things are not a normality there and therefore means, if it can happen there, it can happen in our own hometowns. It takes away everyone's feeling of safety, in places we previously believed "safe". It has nothing to do with not caring about the other countries, because we do care. It also has nothing to do with Europeans being white, which is bullshit as they come in every color and size. It's very sad that in light of these events that this is what people are focusing on.
So what you're saying is that, if the attacks on Paris become a daily thing, the media will just start focusing on it less and less, seeing as how that has happened in all those middle easter countries where it's been happening for years on end?
I think the reason it is really getting so much attention is because when it was farther away from " civilized countries" it didnt seem like it could happen to the world super powers. But now that isis has demonstrated that they can do it people are becoming afraid.
agree with mopargirl.. its sad to say, but thats how it is. It hits close to home. I have many friends who live in Paris (all of them safe and sound). I skyped with one of them just hours before the attack, so naturally it does shake me quite a bit when this happens.. Of course you care about other cities that are being attacked too.. but it is "shit on shit" as tylerchu says below.. and when Paris got attacked I was reminded that we are not safe in a little bubble..
Blame your leadership for not doing anything.
If they continue to do nothing, vote in new leadership.
If you all can manage to muster enough people that aren't distracted by their organic vegan soy no whip extra froth double mocha latte for long enough.
I think that smitty doesnt really know whats really going on in France... its not only a leadership problem. I do agree that Francois Hollande lacks of credibility, but its not HIS problem. Since war in Algeria, Frenches and Muslims are on the edge, but still we live together, trying to love each other, especially us, youngsters. On the other side you have radical politicians, and their only goal is to make us hate each other. We stand, with laughs, with love, but on the other side of the sea they hate our humour, our love and just want to break us. They didn't attack us for religion, they attacked us bc we are the French people, with our croissants, our vines, our culture of loving life everyday in little guilty pleasures
Sorry to sound like an uncaring asshole, but Paris hasn't had any major attacks like this since WWII. Comparing it to a war torn country, you do feel more shock that it happened, than you do when hearing it happened (again) in Syria, etc... It's hard to keep every tragedy in mind, and not become numb to it. In the end if this incites the world to take action to get rid of ISIS, then every country will benefit.
There was a thing about this I read somewhere (probably reddit) that explained it in a similar way that deviledapple explained to me why I'm an emotionless bastard.
Basically it's that we're under the impression that the Middle East is already in so much shit that more shit just gets blended in with it so nobody really cares. It's just shit on shit. The pile's just a bit bigger. But because France is part of "the West", we're "culturally connected". And France also doesn't get attacked every other day so seeing an attack (on this scale from a foreign fucker) makes it shocking because there is now shit where there wasn't any before.
Because that's homeland security being infringed. When there are attach in Syria, nobody bats an eye because it doesn't directly affect them. But when they attack a major city like PARIS, they are bound to care, because they are attacking a place that doesn't see these things n a daily basis. Plus, this is one of the MOST disrespectful, rude, unappreciative posts I have ever seen. "these deaths aren't as important as THESE deaths."
I don't mean "these deaths aren't as important as these deaths". In fact I mean "These deaths ARE as important as these deaths"
Also everyone has their own opinion. Don't call this rude just because you get it wrong.
I also mean lets show more respect toward East too and at least for once in our life, turn our lights on for them too just to show we care as much as we cared about Paris. Not that I don't care about Paris, ofc I hope they rest in peace. This city of love didn't deserve it.
Your facebook friends do not make up "everybody". Perhaps you spent too much time commenting on Starbucks red cup to notice that the rest of the world is involved and concerned.
The reason why so many Europeans cared and were quite shocked, is because we now realize it can happen anywhere. Paris is very close to home and the idea of being involved in a terrorist attack is scary.
We all care about the atrocities that happen in other countries and are sickened by them and want those people liberated from the horrors that they face on a daily basis. We also know that they do happen daily. The reason that everyone is in an uproar about Paris is because those things are not a normality there and therefore means, if it can happen there, it can happen in our own hometowns. It takes away everyone's feeling of safety, in places we previously believed "safe". It has nothing to do with not caring about the other countries, because we do care. It also has nothing to do with Europeans being white, which is bullshit as they come in every color and size. It's very sad that in light of these events that this is what people are focusing on.
If they continue to do nothing, vote in new leadership.
If you all can manage to muster enough people that aren't distracted by their organic vegan soy no whip extra froth double mocha latte for long enough.
Basically it's that we're under the impression that the Middle East is already in so much shit that more shit just gets blended in with it so nobody really cares. It's just shit on shit. The pile's just a bit bigger. But because France is part of "the West", we're "culturally connected". And France also doesn't get attacked every other day so seeing an attack (on this scale from a foreign fucker) makes it shocking because there is now shit where there wasn't any before.
Stop posting anytime.
Also everyone has their own opinion. Don't call this rude just because you get it wrong.
I also mean lets show more respect toward East too and at least for once in our life, turn our lights on for them too just to show we care as much as we cared about Paris. Not that I don't care about Paris, ofc I hope they rest in peace. This city of love didn't deserve it.
We might as well smash all of our light bulbs then.