Not so much. It's not uncommon at all for women to have dreams about other women, even if you're straight. In the end is just a dream. It doesn't actually define your sexual preference or even have any deeper meaning when you do have them.
· 9 years ago
Sexuality isn't one or the other, rather it's a spectrum.
A study found that nearly 90% of women that claimed they were straight confirmed to have been sexually aroused by watching a video of two women engaging in sexual intercourse. So there is that.
Also, ok I like dick right? But i'm a Christian so I believe sex before marriage is a bad thing so my brain goes no, no dick. But it rationalizes that since i'm a girl, I can see other girls naked and i'm worried I've just created a weird thing going on
You cant have sex because of religion or you chose not to for now. It is ok. But you can think about how it would be with your husband...right? Nothing wrong with that. Just trying to give an option
But isn't that lusting? Like i'm so confused what is right and wrong with Christianity so I try to block it all out so I don't end up doing something i'm not supposed to
Well ...idk im not a christian althought i do believe in god and christ and had a christian "bf" who mever let me call him that who broke my heart and kinda used me for sex so idk :/ hopefully if it really bothers you somebody within your faith can guide you w/o judging you. But i believe you can do your best. Be a good person and God will know ypu have good intentions
Oh geez he really doesn't sound like a good guy. I'm so sorry. Nobody should do that, regardless of religion, and especially because he called himself a Christian. I've been used a lot too, but i'm trying to do my best according to my faith and in life
Well, i think you can do anything you want, since it doesn't harm anyone in any way, even you. But i'm not christian, so my opinion may not matter to you lol.
· 9 years ago
I guess it depends on what you've been taught and what your church preaches. I'm Christian and my church basically states that as long as you strive to be a good person you are a good christian. Be kind to strangers, participate in charities, don't be selfish. As humans sin is inevitable as long as you love Him and lead a good life He will welcome you with open arms and your sins will be forgiven. If you're gonna abstain it should be because you feel it's what's right for you not because you're afraid He will shun you, He is not a God of fear but a God of love. I'm not saying you should rush into sex either just do some self reflection and figure out if waiting is what is best for you because it can be. But don't feel ashamed for your thoughts they're just thoughts they pop in randomly they don't make you a bad christian thinking about sex is alright mostly every body does it.
Yeah well I don't want to have sex anyways, but just the whole thinking about it and lusting worries me and the physical stuff that isn't sex
· 9 years ago
Well I'm ace so I don't exactly lust after anyone. But thoughts and lusting, I don't think they make you a bad christian they're not a bad thing, they just kind of happen. As for the physical stuff find what you're okay with don't do anything you aren't comfortable with. If you don't wanna do anything physical with another person just play with yourself, or don't. Sex and being horny and having certain thoughts, it's all natural just find your comfort zone experiment a little. Don't beat yourself up too much over it.
I used to be christian but i'm not really that much anymore. But since you're not supposed to lust I think it's fine as long as you don't purposely do it and it's an accident but ask for forgiveness. Like it's just human nature that it would pop up in your mind from time to time no need to make yourself feel bad.
90% of my wet dreams involve house appliances. They include my drying machine, my sink, my bathtub, and a blender. Don't worry about your sexuality there, I KNOW I'm not attracted to these things (at least, not when I'm awake.)
its nothing your brain can be an asshole i've had sex dreams with some real random ass people, its just a person who was floating around your brain for some reason right when your brain decided it was sexy time
· 9 years ago
People in your dreams are people you've seen before
Freud had some rather "interesting" theories on dreams. Perhaps she is gay after all, or perhaps she unconsciously wants to kill her father and marry her mother. Then again, perhaps a cigar is just a cigar. It's been widely accepted that dreams really don't mean jack, our brains just go a little haywire and throw whatever they find lying around at you.
I'm jealous, in every wet dream I ever had i just had to pee really bad and couldn't hold it. Never had a really enjoyable dream.
dreams are just all the shit floating around in your brain decompressing, thats why its so random, its just being thrown at each other... i think the most you can take out of a sex dream is the fact that both sex and the person you dreampt about crossed your mind at some point in the days before.
My ex-wife is a psychologist and I am a current psychology student (I went back to school kinda late) so I am familiar with Freud. His work was invaluable as a starting point, but the man was a raving psychopath. I was only amusing myself by invoking him. Dreams really don't mean squat, even sex dreams. Jensensbooty had a perfectly normal and harmless experience and should take it for what it was, her unconscious mind sorting through all the junk we all accumulate when it thought no one was looking.
Yeah I was pretty sure that most experienced and respected if not all psychologist did not think Freud was credible. But I am not in the position to have said it with certainty so thank you.
Lol I had mine at 19 and that's because I made a vow not to do anything sexual for a year. Six months in, boom, glazed sausage in the middle of the night. I had jizz all over the inside of my pants.
I'm jealous, in every wet dream I ever had i just had to pee really bad and couldn't hold it. Never had a really enjoyable dream.