The difference is that Germany does not respect free speach. America does, for now. Either way it's just a flag in the end. How does that hurt you? Let's all get over this petty bullshit and concentrate on some REAL issues, huh?
No guest, burning a cross is a fire hazard! Not to mention that the toothless hicks that might do such a thing would do it in someone's yard. That's trespassing. It seems to me that the Nazis did a lot more naughty stuff than Johnny Rebel, so the Nazi flag should be banned, if anything. I, however, stand by freedom of speech, regardless how reprehensible I may find it.
ffs all you people screaming freedom of speech, how about you actually look up what that means. Freedom of speech means you are allowed to say what you want unless it's slanderous, defamatory or can incite violence among other restrictions. This flag and its connotations and the people choosing to parade it are inciting racism and national divide, this is not freedom of speech, this is hate speech and deserves no regard. As for the nazi flag, anyone inciting freedom of speech for this or in anyway condoning its presence is either a troll or a moron, both of which need a good kick in the ass.
Your interpretation. It's not my problem if you seem to have issues. Judging by the hateful rhetoric in that post you seem to know about hate speech. There are plenty of hate filled individuals, around the world who think the Stars and Bars stand for the very same evils. Are you one? I support your freedom to hold extremist views but if you have to resort to name calling I wonder if you really have views or are simply another hater looking for a fight.
Like it or not you can't just ban everything that offends you. So ya know grow a pair and deal with it like an adult and go work on a REAL problem in your life. Instead of worrying about what piece of colored fabric people have in their homes. You bored motherfucker. That shit ended, in 1865. Take your beloved elsa's words and LET IT GO. Damn I thought this was supposed to be a fun website.
Freedom of speech does have limitations, such as telling FIRE in a crowded mall or inciting violence in a mob, but I can, and damn well will, display any flag, bumper sticker, t-shirt, etc that I care to. The first amendment allows me, you, anyone to be an asshole. I look at it this way; I do not want some racist asshole to be silenced because what if someone decides they do not like what I have to say later? You have to accept a little bad with the good in a free society. Yes, denounce the haters, but do not call for them to be silenced, you might be next.
I'm pretty sure it was banned because it's been in constant use by several hate groups over the years. But let's not forget that they didn't actually /ban/ the flag- it can still be used in all historical instances, and you're still allowed to own one if you already have one, they just banned the production of commercial confederate flags from this point on. I don't really feel this is that big of a deal, seeing as most people who want to own a personal confederate flag already do.
because even though the Confederates had some values that weren't all that great, they didn't commit genocide or have concentration camps, they didn't have a dictator, and they didn't control the country. it was a civil war, and important part of our history that we shouldn't forget about because someone says "that's racist"
hate groups also use the Nazi symbol. I hate those hate groups, don't get me wrong, but maybe if we focus less on symbols/pictures that might be "offensive" and more on actual offenses, we would get something done.
I feel like everyone in this post saying "big deal" is probably a white dude, it must be so nice not to have lasting and awful connotations to have to deal with in the country you live in. You're all so lucky you can move and act so comfortably in society, pitty its not like that for everyone.........
You're quite right. It is great to be a straight white man in America today. Everything goes my way and I am the king of the gd color wheel. Except, not. Preferential treatment is given to my black or Hispanic coworkers, the homosexual transgender drag queen down the street is lauded as some sort of brave hero just for existing, if I say "hello" to a woman in a bad mood I will probably be accused of rape, if I pray in a restaurant before my meal I am accused of bigotry because there might be a Muslim nearby who would be offended, I cannot even display my own damn flag in my own damn country without some whiney troublemaker claiming it is offensive, and if I complain about any of this I am shouted down and called everything from a racist to Hitler and there will most certainly be a Twitter campaign to try to bankrupt my small business. Yeah, I'm a lucky, comfortable, entitled white dude.
· 9 years ago
And You get a free ride to college for being any ethnicity but white... which isn't what I'd call equality either but what do I know what with all this privilege falling into my hands. Even though I have to bust My ass every day so I can pay for these benefits that I can't have because I'm not the right color. Even though I'm lucky to make rent. But hey! White privilege right?
You do know that's not how affirmative action works, right? And are you also aware that there are just as many scholarships for white people as there are any other ethnicity? I mean, if you put in a little effort maybe you'd know that. I'm white, grew up middle class, and yet I was still able to get enough scholarships so that my entire college career is already paid for. It's just a matter of putting in the time and effort, kid. I know plenty of black kids that I went to high school with that can't get a scholarship to save their life, even though they were relatively good students. You don't just get handed a free college education because you're ethnically diverse.
"And are you also aware that there are just as many scholarships for white people as there are any other ethnicity?"
This is literally wrong, as there are scholarships specifically for many different minorities, but none specifically for whites.
There are even several "traditionally black" schools but no "white" ones. This brings up another thing that grinds my gears. The NAACP is the largest organization dedicated specifically to giving the black population an edge. It's name is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. What would happen to me if I publicly used the term "colored?" Then there's the United NEGRO College Fund.
Not condemning the black man, but my "white privilege" ain't much.
And there you go, you guys have no idea how easy you do have it because your white. You gripe about these issues and say its no big deal and the reason you can say this...because your white. Your entitlements and status due to your skin colour shelter you from the everyday jabs and social conditioning that is in a person of colours everyday life. its easy to single out aspects which seem like people of colour have the benefit but its not one single issue people or colour deal with its a whole malay of them, daily, constantly, subversively. You can sit here an have this wonderfully removed conversation because you dont live it...then you pat yourselves on the back about it.....
I'm really tired of this "I'm not allowed to say shit because I'm white mentality". People want equality, that's what we want right? I'm pretty sure that's what we want. Why are we so focused on telling people who are privileged that they can't say shit about an issue because they are above it? This is garbage.
Meow, have you ever heard the expression "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence"? Perhaps "do not judge a man until you walk a mile in his shoes"? I've had difficulties too. Stop blaming others and take responsibility for your own life.
you can say stuff but don't act like you're the definitive word on a subject if you have no experience of having lived it. This has nothing to do with equality it has everything to do with entitlement. Your opinion is based from no actual experience, so you can have your opinion but it isn't that valid....
You have absolutely no idea what my life has been like, kitty cat. You seem pretty damn self absorbed here. You have felt you've been treated unfairly at some point? Shit happens. Get over it. Whining about how unfair you think your life is just makes you sound childish.
at what point was i whining about my life you patronising baby. Talk about self absorption, my last statement was written entirely from a subjective point of view, you chose to take it as an assertion of my superiority. No I don't know your life and you don't know mine, for all you know I could be a holocaust survivor or a refugee from Darfur there for telling me or anyone to "get over it" its pretty self centred, and my life experience might also mean I have the perfect right to weigh in on this topic. But that's the internet for you....
It sounds like you are whining about your life at every point here. When you assert that someone doesn't know something about how hard life is because of their skin color and entitlement? That sure sounds like you think YOU do. Thus, you think you have lived through some tough stuff, hence you appear to be whining about your life. Further you state you write from a SUBJECTIVE point of view, meaning "your" point of view. Otherwise, if you were observing others' lives and difficulties you would be OBJECTIVE. You also claimed that my opinion is based upon no experience, assuming, once again, that you know my life and you have the moral high ground. Everyone gets knocked down, everyone gets treated unfairly, everyone feels shat upon sometimes, but not everyone dwells on it and accuses others of privilege and entitlement as an excuse. I say this with love for you as a fellow human being: You are not special. Life sometimes sucks for all of us. Get over yourself.
No you say this as a patronising lemming. Anyway how do you know i'm not special? You seem to be reading a lot into something I literally never said. Looks like someone's projecting. And I say this, as someone who knows the brilliance and insignificance of being a human, there is racism out there, its hugely impacts on the very shape of people of different race and colours lives and you are being an asshole to minimize their struggle as if they are just having a pity party.
Lemming? Really? They're cute so I'll accept that. Check my comment again; when I said you're not special, I meant it only as far as any struggles you may think you have that are worse than us entitled white people. I don't know what kind of European hell hole you must live in for people of color to be treated so terribly, but I can assure you the rest of the world is not that bad.
One was a genocidal totalitarian government. One fought for individual state rights because the government was becoming to controlling. The two are not the same. Learn your history before you open your mouth.
· 9 years ago
Oh damn a guest said something awesome thank you for breaking the cycle good sir / ma'am
Doesn't seem like they take it very seriously if they're banning flags.
I like this
Can you not make assumptions
This is literally wrong, as there are scholarships specifically for many different minorities, but none specifically for whites.
Not condemning the black man, but my "white privilege" ain't much.