WRONG! I have tried to wake up my husband during the night, and he does NOT budge. So I will be the one that goes down stairs to get brutally murdered WHILE HE SLEEPS THROUGH EVERYTHING! :p
i don't feel bad for the husbands because i "die" every month when i get my period and the worst part is, i don't even really die, i just suffer. both sexes must carry their burdens, end of story.
To answer the husband question, I think it varies. I'm gay and not married but my partner/boyfriend/significant other...whatever sounds less gay, has guns and knows how to properly use them, so he usually checks things out...and I'm usually anti-violence, but protective of my home and loved ones, so I would follow behind him with a knife, incase some one needs to be stabbed a little. Nobody is coming into my home uninvited unless they're unarmed and bringing gifts.