We'd get like 4 nuggets, a small bowl of like peaches and cherries, and a brownie that looked like it was put in the microwave to cook. And you'd have to pay for anything extra ( besides the only option of nasty ass milk for a drink )
At my school (Murcia) we get frozen pizzas, lettuce salad things (with a slice of American cheese on top), little boxes with meat sandwhiches with a varying potatoe product you can buy along with chips and chickpeas and if you get free lunch, it's the equivalent is a middle aged cover band of the US lunch in the picture.
They charge like $3 at my school and you get much less food shown in the picture and the food is absolutely disgusting and probably has little nutritional value
Once when I was in kindergarten, I forgot lunch money and ran out of money in my account. When I asked if they could give me a meal, they handed me a still-packaged slice of American cheese and a slice of bread. When my friend was in the same situation earlier this year, she was denied a lunch.
In my school (Murica as well) they serve you peanut butter and jelly pocket sandwiches. But plot twist, those fuckers are frozen solid. Then you get a water and some shredded iceberg lettuce with ranch, and maybe a shitty cookie
My old school had decent lunches but were 10$ everyday. And my new school is free but the food is actually disgusting most days. They pour corn and brown gravy in a bowl with one chicken nugget on top, another meal is a still frozen burger. And that’s only if the kitchen is operational which it’s not most days meaning we eat frozen pb&j (too fucking bad if you’re allergic).
They do get served and you have to pay for it unless you're on the free lunch plan at public because you can't afford it. I have never witnessed a food fight
Depends on the school and usually about 4-2.50 USD
4 of the 5 school districts I've been in have had enough for the kids to get by but it really isn't that good, in taste or health
Food was horrible. Always brought my own lunch. Have witnessed a good fight. Principal ended up with ketchup in his hair
· 9 years ago
We had a food fight my senior year. We all got iss on separate days we had to clean the cafeteria and we all had to take our finals even if we were exempt.
I stopped eating lunch at school after classmates got food poisoning from rotten hotdogs. Another sucky thing about American lunches is that my friend on the free lunch plan is Muslim so can't eat the main dish stuff because of the lack of knowledge of what is pork (or has pork traces) and what's not. Idk how the whole no pork works except that she basically only eats canned fruit and tater tots everyday.
At our rival school they had a food fight as a senor prank and then the next year (this year) they had a water balloon fight and they now have 3, 25 minute lunches, when they used to have an hour
One time I decided at my school (which actually served pretty decent food up to that point) to eat fish sticks. I sat down, bit into one... it was fricking RAW. They didn't even cook it right. i tried talking to the cafeteria ladies and the principal about it, but they just waved me off because I was a kid.
I did still have to eat school lunches, but i learned to cut up the meat ever since.
I like how every country has fancy lunches, but USA gets shit food, like it's the wealthiest country in the world? It definitely does look like that. It's like the pictures are from private schools and USA gets a picture from a public school
But you should see our ABC stores! They're actually ridiculously fancy where I'm from. (Vases in the entry way, a nice rotunda etc)
Explanation: Whiskey stores are state owned and regulated
Yeah no. When an American school serves something like chicken nuggets, you're lucky to get four of them. If it isn't the most disgusting thing they serve, they distribute sparingly.
At my daughter's school they have two options- A- hot lunch- nuggets are 3 or 4, a veggie, a fruit cup, a milk or water, and on some days animal crackers. Or B- cold lunch- a yogurt, animal crackers, sliced apple, and maybe a cookie on a good day. It's never filling and they never have more than 15 minutes to eat.
I don't know about you guys but this is pretty accurate to my lunch and I'm in highschool but we don't have nuggets it usally pizza or popcorn chicken and if you want double slices it's 5.40 and Gatorade 1.25
As a Spanish student I have to say this is a huge disappointing lie
· 9 years ago
America wishes its lunches were that good. Tasteless brown rice with some sort of meat type substance and tasteless vegetables. On the days there are mashed potatoes, they are runny and have no salt.
American lunches don't get that much. I don't eat that "food", if it's even that. A usual meal is usually a variation of A) three cheesy breadsticks B) chicken patty with stale bread and burnt meat C) some type of meat that looks like fish but tastes slightly like chicken (we don't know what it is). With this, you get a (literal measurement, aka 8 ounces) cup of milk or water, then a couple small pieces of fruit which usually have some form of hair on them. Once we had something resembling lasagna and the name tag that usually lists what food it is just had a question mark. The mystery meat is a legit thing.
The Brazil one is not true at all... And I was born there and lived there until I was 11 years old the US one is better than the lunch I used to get and its still pretty terrible
4 of the 5 school districts I've been in have had enough for the kids to get by but it really isn't that good, in taste or health
I did still have to eat school lunches, but i learned to cut up the meat ever since.
USA: EAT HEALTHY!!!111!!!!!!
lol sure
Explanation: Whiskey stores are state owned and regulated