I wonder how religious relations in India are now. Are there any Indians on FS who could say something about it?
I remember seeing "Amar, Akhbar, Anthony" as a kid a realising muuuch later that it was also a statement that India was a country of different religions that are not enemies to eachother, but brothers. I thought it was a very lovely light-hearted way to bring attention to this subject and promote love amongst different religions. I have always wondered if this lovingly accpeting a difference in religion has roots in Indian society, or if the movie was made to influence Indian society so it would become more accepting.
Indian-side of FS please answer if you can!!
Hey, there! I'm Indian-American, but I'm pretty well-informed about India. That movie is definitely heartwarming and there have been a lot of other good movies like that one, but they're all definitely trying to influence society more than depict Indian society. Not everyone in India is racist against Muslims, but there is a lot of hatred and tension there. Many Indians don't count Muslims as Indian simply because of their religion, even though they may have been born in India. It all really stems from the 1949 incidents and the continual terrorizing of India by extremist groups. My Name Is Khan is another good influential movie about the perception of Muslims, definitely check it out if you have time!
Ah well... I have lived in India all my life and believe me, I have never seen such discrimination as they show in movies. There are extremists everywhere, the ones who are here get hype due to dirty politics. I agree movies are a way to depict social issues and to influence people. Sometimes issues do occur that are triggered by extremists and get communal hue. But this doesn't mean it depicts whole of India. I'm a hindu and I have had lots of muslim friends. Half of my decade long closest friends are muslims. Even my ex with whom I spent 3 and a half years of my life was a muslim. You'll find numerous inter-religion marriages happening accross India. We appreciate and understand each others way of living, celebrate all the festivals together and share food in the same plate. Not just hindu festivals or muslims' but the christian festivals too. You'll find countless stories of love and cooperation in India like the one in the post, i can't even enumerate the ones i have encountered.
· 9 years ago
There is just so much diversity, mutual love, understanding and cooperation here in my land that I love being here. I would never leave this place to settle in any foreign place. If you have any further questions, I would be glad to answer them.
Your experience isn't the only one like this, which is why I said that not everyone in India hates Muslims. I'm going off of how my parents view Muslims and how my family in India along with their neighbors view them. This is definitely not how I view them either, but there is still racism prevalent between Hindus and Muslims and because of several harmonious communities, we can't rule out the others. I'm not saying that any of this makes India bad and an awful place to be; I'm just trying to explain the situation.
"I pray to Shrek every night."
(Just want to clarify it has nothing to do with the religions before someone gets butthurt, just wanted to make that joke for a while.)
see now we have the fear that our comments will be hate-mobbed due to a remark that any reasonable person would interpret as a joke, or at least not serious.
I remember seeing "Amar, Akhbar, Anthony" as a kid a realising muuuch later that it was also a statement that India was a country of different religions that are not enemies to eachother, but brothers. I thought it was a very lovely light-hearted way to bring attention to this subject and promote love amongst different religions. I have always wondered if this lovingly accpeting a difference in religion has roots in Indian society, or if the movie was made to influence Indian society so it would become more accepting.
Indian-side of FS please answer if you can!!
(Just want to clarify it has nothing to do with the religions before someone gets butthurt, just wanted to make that joke for a while.)