If in fact she was PMSing, I'm pretty sure he would have undersood that and would not have bothered blasting her response on the internet. Also, if PMSing is to blame, after a few moments she would have realized she was being irrational and have simmered down. I think it's a great time for women to stop using their menstrual cycle as an excuse for being a shrew. Men stop accepting that excuse and encouraging it as well. This coming from a real womam whose red moon rises every month.
At my job we had a woman come in to return the custom made gift her boyfriend got her for Valentine's Day. She threw a fit when we refused to give her a refund in cash because he paid with a credit card. She walked out mumbling about how he should have just given her cash instead of a dumb gift
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
What the hell? I would be so grateful if my (if i had one) boyfriend gets me gifts. It's so sweet of him to do that and she wanted to return it? Tf?!
Oh yeah. Then she came back with his credit card for the return meaning she had to tell him she was doing the return. I wonder if he ever gave her the cash
Hope she likes having a second face