Yeah I was just bout to comment this. In Austrlia of you do really well you can get put into other competitions; academically, musically or language based representing your school
Idk about this post but where I live in murica students are encouraged and congratulated for excelling and we have plenty of acedemic type contests and stuff too.
But literally though. This isn't some dramatic tumblr teenage poetry about the "man keeping us down" it's literally how the system works. It was built as a factory to push kids through school as efficiently as possible. It was built in the 1850s.
Teachers love it when their students are educated, maybe this kid was just being a smart ass about it. Maybe they were using complex maths to argue with the teacher. Maybe they really did suck at the piano. If your teacher has a specific way they want you do to something they have a reason to do so. I don't know, to me this whole post seems like a butt hurt kid who argued with their teachers because they thought they were smarter.
· 9 years ago
Not always. I had to be taken out of one school and put in another because the teacher repeatedly complained that I read on too high of a level and completed my in-class work too quickly. And this was only in 2nd grade. In college, in an introductory Anthropology class, I got back a paper with a low grade and a request to come see the teacher. She told me I was using words that were too big for Intro Anth and must have copied off Wikipedia. In college. On the other hand, I've had teachers who were delighted that I enjoyed going above and beyond. It depends on your school and on the teacher.
Yeah. I started school in the UK, and they taught us cursive first. Then my family moved to the US and this exact thing happened to me: I got in trouble for knowing cursive. They also sent me to the school speech therapy program because of my accent. That was my big, fat "welcome to America!"
Most of my teachers are like this, but I have this one English teacher who is BRILLIANT. He's always trying to inspire us, he treats us like human beings and even makes fun of any ridiculous school rules :)
In the UK, my teachers are really encouraging, especially since I'm at a grammar school. The only problem I've ever had is that my art teacher has told me to stop growing because I used to be a foot shorter than him, but I'm now several inches taller than him
Modern public education is designed after Enloghtenment era Prussian education, which was designed to suppress the proletariat class in order to stop the revolutions that kept happening. Public education is not actually your friend.
At uni, one of my teachers (of an English paper) accused me of plagiarism, a pretty serious accusation, and marked me down for an assignment - which was to provide an analysis of a scene from a film. Well, I was also a media student, so interpreting film was something I did in my other papers. I went to her with my 20+ pages of notes to show that no, it actually was my work, and she refused to believe me, saying that it was "too advanced for a student in a 100-level paper" and wouldn't change my grade. Hag.
I don't think that it's fair to generalize these specific experiences as it being American schooling's fault. Everyone has bad teachers, but everyone also has good teachers. Don't just focus on the bad and certainly don't make it seem like it's a bigger deal than it actually is. Now Im not some conservative hillbilly. I do think America has its faults but I'm really tired of other countries and natives of this country putting the U.S. down. We have our faults just like everyone else does. But our public schools are not a problem. Just certain teachers make it seem like it's a problem.
all of my schools growing up never did anything like this, if any teacher pulls that on my son they better watch out.
Schools can be very traumatic for some people, I know someone where they were picked on by other students AND TEACHERS, they couldn't handle the treatment of the teachers especially because its an adult and a child, he excelled in reading and math a lot further than the rest of his class and teachers would put him down because he wasnt "normal". I understand that being a teacher now a days is a lot harder and kids do tend to have more attitude and teachers should be getting paid more but they also need to put a lot more teachers in the system that ACTUALLY care about their students and their students way of learning, all people learn in different ways and there is no wrong way for learning as long as they learn the curriculum given in the school. There is ALWAYS going to be someone who picks it up quicker or more advanced that someone else.
please dont let the american school system turn you into their slave. its basically like the military, stripping individuality. making kids into whatever they want. dont let it win
It's because the American school systems are socialist. They aren't there to help you, they're there to conform you and for you to be a tool of the state, ie your standardized test scores
Some of those are terrible. Others, though, show that the techer/instructor gave perfect direction on what was expected, but the writer just HAD to prove that he/she was much smarter than everyone else. Sometimes you just have to get along in the real world.
This is all fake. We go to school so that we can learn. We all have bad teachers, get over it.
· 9 years ago
It was the same for me too though, it's not at all fake. It got so bad that I dropped out of high school and transferred to online school where there are no teachers. Went from a .33 GPA and held back several times to a 3.5 GPA and I finished ~2 years of work in 4 months.
Schools can be very traumatic for some people, I know someone where they were picked on by other students AND TEACHERS, they couldn't handle the treatment of the teachers especially because its an adult and a child, he excelled in reading and math a lot further than the rest of his class and teachers would put him down because he wasnt "normal". I understand that being a teacher now a days is a lot harder and kids do tend to have more attitude and teachers should be getting paid more but they also need to put a lot more teachers in the system that ACTUALLY care about their students and their students way of learning, all people learn in different ways and there is no wrong way for learning as long as they learn the curriculum given in the school. There is ALWAYS going to be someone who picks it up quicker or more advanced that someone else.