There are some really smart people on that site, but just as much ignorant. We just hear about the ignorant because that's who we screen shot and share everywhere
Omg, After I read that crazy shit about s/he and I was surprised. Some people think world revolve around them: their country, their language, their culture etc. The fact is that majority of other countries had this patriarchal culture, not only English speaking countries. And when you compare other languages it does not result in the same way. And following the that logic it should. I am a feminist woman, I am all for equal rights, but some dumb bitches takes things way too far...
"c31107 wasn't pushing anything on you" - well maybe you should click on some of the "Show Comments" links. If anyone here is trying to push his beliefs onto someone else, it's clearly him. I can't actually remember any agnostic or atheist threaten something like Darwins revenge on a bible thumper. And when it comes to freedom of speech, it does not mean someone makes a statement and everyone else has to shut up. Thats more what they do in places like church and North Korea.
Obviously you're a very passionate person. I wouldn't let anyone who acts knowledgeable irk me to the point of anger. That's five or ten minutes of your life that you will never get back. People who don't know the difference probably don't care. Those who do (such as yourself) know what the truth is anyway.
The reason Christians say man is the default gender roots back to Hebrew and Genesis 2. The Hebrew word for man is "ish" while the Hebrew word for woman is "ishshah" meaning "from man" - therefore, both according to Gen 2 and Hebrew word origin, man came first, followed by woman.
Well I learned in class that the reason it's woMAN is because when God created Eve, he made her from the rib of Adam, essentially meaning that woman was made from man. That's the reason why we search for our "soulmate". We try to find our missing part and who we belong to.
This is just what I learned though. I understand that not everyone has the same beliefs, I just wanted to share what I learned.
Here's some actual facts... Man WAS the default sex. ... whatever that means. God created Adam (male) first, and Eve (female) second. In fact, the term 'woman' comes directly from the bible. Genesis 2:21b-24. "But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh." It would be really cool if every man was physically born missing a rib. This is of course, not the case, but it would be cool. :)
Lol, I know. It's certainly not the first time. 'Science' is just man conceptualizing what God has created anyway. God created gravity, man measured it. God created fire, man utilizes it. Etc, etc, etc.
How the fuck did you turn a post about the history and evolution of the modern English language that's proving someone's ignorance wrong and turn it into a platform for you to talk about your religion?
Those who've been in darkness for so long eventually go blind, not needing their eyes to see anymore. Your eyes hurt when exposed to light after being in darkness. He who has light may use it as a guide to his/her path. He who is blind and without light falls into the ditch.
If only I should choose to want to be relinquished. If one day I choose to be religious again then allow me to do that on my own until then quit pushing your beliefs on me and onto others.
Not to throw a wrench on your argument, but the bible was originally written in Greek, and then translated into Hebrew, a lot was lost in translation. When the king James version was written, a lot was omitted and altered. The English bible we have now actually isn't truly even near the original text. So, to say that "woman" came from the bible is wrong (because that's English) because Greek language was around longer than the bible was, and the word origins that the man in the post are referring to LONG predate the bible.
And if you wonna play that game"
"How terrible it will be for you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and the plate, but on the inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup, so that its outside may also be clean" Matt 23
I know a judgmental bible basher when I see one. Do your religion and us a favor, and keep it to yourself.
But c31107 wasn't pushing anything on you. You guys chose to be negative. Come on guys. It's okay to be open minded about everything excluding religion? And things get random on the internet all the time. Why is it only bad when people bring up Christianity? Well I know the answer however it's still upsetting in this "welcoming" world we live in.
As annoying as it gets, he is allowed to do that. I mean, it comes off as condescending a lot, but he's not being deliberately hateful or anything. Plus, it's amusing sometimes.
People can say what they want, it doesn't change the truth, the WHOLE truth, regardless of how/when it was translated. For those who reject the truth of the gospel of Christ Jesus have a fearful expectation of judgement. :( You think I'm better than you? Ha, nope, I'm a sinner like the lot of you. Admittedly, I don't do a great job all the time, but my goal is to share the gospel and the concepts therein, for you to live a better life here on earth, and to secure an eternal one with God in Heaven. Harden not thy hearts, friends.
I believe God is not an inherent truth for the following reason.
An inherent truth should be one that all people are inclined to discover regardless of station in life, culture, or how they were raised. However if all records and memories of our God (and thus Jesus) were to be completely and instantly removed from all record and memory, there would be literally nothing driving the remaining societies back to God.
I'm not saying that religion is purely a mortal construct (it can't be because it has the immortal hand doing its magic) but it relies so strongly on actually experiencing the love of God that if someone feels abandoned, they just won't believe. It's not in their life's aesthetic. And you can't make them believe because you can't give God's love, only a human's love.
c31107 We're not "blind". You have no proof beyond what you theorize, and what you personally feel about God. It's a "listen and believe" kind of deal, that leaves no room open for any other thoughts on how it all works. Just because you can "see" things we apparently can't doesn't make you more aware than the rest of us.
But that's the thing about faith, that's really all it is and it's really fucking hard to teach other people that.
However, there are basic tenants of each religion that MUST be met otherwise you really can't be called a follower but there are also ways to individualize and personalize. Religion isn't about putting people in molds, it's first about self discovery and then using that discovery to help people. Theoretically. At least, that's what I hope I'm supposed to do.
"For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you." Matt 7:2
Read your bible more, because according to your religion, the way your treating us is the way god will treat you at judgement day.
Your self righteous, holier than thou attitude is not making believers. Whether you chose to recognize it or not, your god did not intend to make people feel guilty or scared to follow him. Rather he claims to be "love".
This pretty much means that you are the reason many people do not like religion in the first place, because you assume you know how god and the bible intended to reach people. Has it occurred to you the reason people react so badly to your FS Christian crusade is because you're doing wrong?
You have a lot to work on yourself before you go about telling others how to live their life. Again, maybe you should clean up the pride on the inside of your "cup" so the outside doesn't look so self serving.
I've read all of c11307's post, and I don't find him/her to be self-righteous. All he/she is doing it saying he/she believes. You can choose not to believe and you can also choose not to respond to the posts. If you guys had, this story line would have ended long ago. I am very sure of my beliefs as a non-Christian and am not offended by what Christians say. It doesn't affect me in any way. My only issue is that he calls it truth. It is not a truth but a belief.
· 9 years ago
If you were not full of shit then you would have seen the comments about "sinner fags going to burn in hell forever :)" from him. He seriously comments as if he is immortal and everyone is beneath him.
I like you, you know how to hit a hypocritical narcissist "christian" (if we can even call him that, cause he really isn't deserving of that title) where he can't pretend he's above judgement.
Suddenly can't come out and play? I see you had no rebuttals against my two comments. The bible truths hurting too much for you? Or are you too "blind" to acknowledge I'm right?
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
I remember one where he said some sexual comment and then asked the girl out to dinner on a selfie of a 14 year old girl on here. He is 27. Couldn't find it though :/
No. I swear. I like that you came up with evidence. If I sounded like I was trying to insult you, I apologize, that was not my intention.
· 9 years ago
Ahh okay. That's just the usual response I get. Well in that case, thanks! I don't say things I can't back up with evidence. UNLIKE C31107 OHHHHHHHHHHHH
but I don't care I can take it and fire back and it wasn't as much being an asshole as much as it was him not understanding where anyone else is coming from.
I've had a cold for a good two weeks now and sometimes it becomes a fever and it's pissing me off because of tests and homework not getting done because I constantly feel like shit.
I call bullshit. Who was all that language history written down by? It was men. Not women. So who decided how most of human history got recorded? Men. Not women. That isn't misandrist it's fact. So how is patriarchy a conspiracy?
Hello academic ignoramus. Because you can spout facts out of context does not mean you have the truth. For example, if you know any history (interesting word) back in the 1840's the feminist movement at the time was demonstrating against the newly used word female as it was yet another sexist way of describing us. Where did the word hysteria come from (Latin for hyster or uterus)? Read up on the Worphian hypothesis and learn that our language is filled with sexist and demeaning descriptions of women. We have only been seen as objects and thus described as such. Stay in your lane, little mister
I wonder where that one post about the words Male and Female Man and Woman went. Is saying Hysteria going to trigger someone? Hysteria! Hysteria! HYSTERIA! Female? Female? FEMALE! Look at how sexist I am according to nobody. The words have no inherent power simply from being said. There has to be context and reason, however warped, behind a word to make it an insult. Using words to describe two sexes that we have isn't sexism, it's classification described by science.
-from the reddit marketing team
This is just what I learned though. I understand that not everyone has the same beliefs, I just wanted to share what I learned.
Not to throw a wrench on your argument, but the bible was originally written in Greek, and then translated into Hebrew, a lot was lost in translation. When the king James version was written, a lot was omitted and altered. The English bible we have now actually isn't truly even near the original text. So, to say that "woman" came from the bible is wrong (because that's English) because Greek language was around longer than the bible was, and the word origins that the man in the post are referring to LONG predate the bible.
And if you wonna play that game"
"How terrible it will be for you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and the plate, but on the inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup, so that its outside may also be clean" Matt 23
I know a judgmental bible basher when I see one. Do your religion and us a favor, and keep it to yourself.
An inherent truth should be one that all people are inclined to discover regardless of station in life, culture, or how they were raised. However if all records and memories of our God (and thus Jesus) were to be completely and instantly removed from all record and memory, there would be literally nothing driving the remaining societies back to God.
I'm not saying that religion is purely a mortal construct (it can't be because it has the immortal hand doing its magic) but it relies so strongly on actually experiencing the love of God that if someone feels abandoned, they just won't believe. It's not in their life's aesthetic. And you can't make them believe because you can't give God's love, only a human's love.
However, there are basic tenants of each religion that MUST be met otherwise you really can't be called a follower but there are also ways to individualize and personalize. Religion isn't about putting people in molds, it's first about self discovery and then using that discovery to help people. Theoretically. At least, that's what I hope I'm supposed to do.
"For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you." Matt 7:2
Read your bible more, because according to your religion, the way your treating us is the way god will treat you at judgement day.
Your self righteous, holier than thou attitude is not making believers. Whether you chose to recognize it or not, your god did not intend to make people feel guilty or scared to follow him. Rather he claims to be "love".
This pretty much means that you are the reason many people do not like religion in the first place, because you assume you know how god and the bible intended to reach people. Has it occurred to you the reason people react so badly to your FS Christian crusade is because you're doing wrong?
You have a lot to work on yourself before you go about telling others how to live their life. Again, maybe you should clean up the pride on the inside of your "cup" so the outside doesn't look so self serving.
His comments here
And here
And here
Have some self-righteousness
And more!
This one is just a personal favorite where he says global warming doesn't exist.
And some more
And for all of these, just look for his comments on the posts.
I like you, you know how to hit a hypocritical narcissist "christian" (if we can even call him that, cause he really isn't deserving of that title) where he can't pretend he's above judgement.
Suddenly can't come out and play? I see you had no rebuttals against my two comments. The bible truths hurting too much for you? Or are you too "blind" to acknowledge I'm right?
c31107 · 1 week ago
*Remembers when I asked a girl I was "dating" via LDR if her hymen was intact. I cringe every time I think about it
Also, isn't divorcing wrong in the bible?
c31107 · 1 day ago
Divorce her. You're free to remarry being the innocent party; she isn't. Screw the loan.