The upcoming FunSubstance iOS app will be similar to LoopAway. So if you wanna take a sneak peek at how the FunSubstance app will look like, check out LoopAway!
oh god that would be the funniest thing
Are you sure this is a wise idea? My unanalyzed knee-jerk reaction is telling me that there will be some people who take other people's usernames and I'm not quite sure that's fair. Unless you forsee another outcome, or it's just impossible right now to reconcile the two accounts for programming reasons.
i feel like once it goes big my friends will tell me about it and ill say, honey, ive known since day 1 im basically in the funsubstance illuminati. congrats guys :)
ok we get it, for fuck sakes, it has been at the bottom for weeks and every page it reloads, seriously we fucking get it, stop the bombardment of this shit
Use the website at
oh god that would be the funniest thing
Are you sure this is a wise idea? My unanalyzed knee-jerk reaction is telling me that there will be some people who take other people's usernames and I'm not quite sure that's fair. Unless you forsee another outcome, or it's just impossible right now to reconcile the two accounts for programming reasons.
nvm FS gods
this is amazing news *-*