??? This is literally the same thing everyone threw a fit about when a restaurant refuses to serve homosexuals??? The only difference is that they are refusing due to someone's OPINIONS rather than sexual orientation
But they are still denying somebody based on their decisions. I guess a better comparison would be like a restaurant denying muslims. I just think it's a little hypocritical for people to be all for something like this, but then all against anybody else that discriminates against homosexuals or certain races or certain religions.
(i have to break this comment up into multiple comments because of character limit. Bear with me)
Okay, so I see a lot of you comparing this to the refusal of service of homosexuals. This is not the same.
1. As it was mentioned earlier, people can choose to support trump, they cannot choose their sexual orientation. If you want to eat at this restaurant, simply stop supporting Donald trump.
2. Every business has the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason that is not covered by civil rights. This means that a business cannot refuse service to you based on race, color, national origin, religion, and most recently, sexual orientation. A business, however, CAN refuse to serve you based on your political views and/or affiliations.
3. With the above point in mind, the best analogy for this circumstance is someone who is insulting the wait staff profusely. The restaurant can refuse to serve that individual because that is their right as a business. The only difference between that scenario and this sign, is that the insults occurred before the patron even stepped inside the establishment. No laws have been broken, no civil rights infringed upon
Ok but he descriminates and if u want mexicans out... probably you shouldn't be eating mexican food ... "NO enchiladas for you"
Ps: using "you" on general i am nor assuming you actually are a trump supporter who doesn't like mexicans as well
Enchilada Nazi? Lol.
I'm not a Trump supporter, but I have paid enough attention and dug to find the truth instead of simply taking Twitter or CNN, etc's word for it. Trump wants criminals out, and those we cannot verify until we can verify them. And it does not matter from where they came, an illegal alien or a criminal in another regard is a criminal; this is not a Mexican or racial issue.
I love Mexican cuisine, and I love Greek too, but I'd like to be able to trust the guy making my gyro platter isn't also throwing an IED together in the back room.
I forget the number from the last poll I saw but Trump has solid Latino support. You cannot fairly cite overall Latino numbers or those against him because Latinos as a group tend to vote Democrat; of course there are probably more against him than for him, but the same can be said of any Republican.
Yup enchilada nazi!!! :) i didn't fall for the trump is a racist propaganda either but at this point since it gave him more popularity he os milking it and it is getting crazier. Plus he doesn't have a real agenda/ paln. It isnjust loud and a xlown. IMO. WIth this post honesty i don't care if this restaurant does that or a bakery doesn't sell a wedding cake to homosexuals. I believe if it is your bussiness you can sell to whoever as long as you don't hurt Insult. If a place doesnt want to sell ME somerhing yes i will be mad and it is not right, but we are on a country were there are many choices. ( this reminds me of a scene in life is beautiful btw)
Yeah I gotta agree there. He's pretty much just saying the opposite of what everyone's hearing from the career politicians. People are sick of Washington bullshit and he tapped into that.
· 9 years ago
Every Trump supporter I personally know was a goddamn idiot before Trump even came along. If I was never allowed to take all the warnings off their shit and let Darwinism take its course, you can't ban them from your restaurant. If I have to put up with them every damn day, so do you.
I hate to say this but I agree with the people saying this is no different than restaurants/businesses discriminating against homosexuals. I'm gay and I am horrified that Trump is even allowed to be a candidate. I feel like he will ruin this country, andon't anyone voting for him is aiding in that, however...I still don't think it is right to deny service because of something like that. If someone is acting inappropriately or becomes aggressive and violent, by all means kick them out, but if people are there simply expecting the same treatment as everyone while behaving appropriately, just leave them alone and don't discuss politics. If I think it is wrong to deny goods and services based on discriminatory ideological beliefs against gays, I think it is wrong to do based on someone's political beliefs.
The key words are "suggest" and "supporters". They have no evidence that anyone wants to ban gays. They are extrapolating whatever fits their narrative from poll results. The poll doesn't say Trump wants to ban; the poll doesn't say his supporters want to ban; they are reading their prejudices into it.
Polls can usually be read to support any position you want to advance.
'Trump is discriminatory and racist...I guess the best response is to be MORE discriminatory and racist'. What idiocy! And BTW, Trump doesn't dislike Mexicans; he dislikes ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION! I'm not even a Trump supporter, and even I can see that.
Well, yes but what if they just refuse to serve blacks? Or girlscouts? It's a very fine line that has never been defined. For instance it's OK to refuse to serve Trump supporters or legal gun owners, but you can't refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding because it goes against your religion. I agree with you; if a business owner refuses to serve Latinos, for instance (that's his right), and people get upset and refuse to go there (that's their right), all is well with the universe. Lots of businesses have signs saying they reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, but they still get sued.
Right, there are no specific laws except the PC police will get you. I was specifically thinking about a bakery in Oregon (I think it was) within the last year or two, and it seems there was one maybe in Texas. They got sued and I think are out if business because they couldn't afford the legal bills. There was a pizza place in Indiana recently too and all they did was tell a reporter, who asked, they would not cater a gay wedding if someone ever asked them to.
The thought police hold a lot more power than actual law enforcement.
And to be honest i thought it was unfair. If ot is like i sae at least. In one of the bakeries the people were nice and had served gay couples just declined to bake yhe wedding cake. And people went bananas! They seemed they handled it politely. Just go to another bakery. Turning against the bakery or any other place is just puting more bad energy out there. There are thongs i won't buy or places I won't go for ethical reasons but you don't see me spreading the bad energy! Again, it is different if they ae being rude or hurtful. But gay community and supporters turned against the stores then extremists took that as reason to hate on the gay community . And the cycle goes on and on ...
Okay, so I see a lot of you comparing this to the refusal of service of homosexuals. This is not the same.
1. As it was mentioned earlier, people can choose to support trump, they cannot choose their sexual orientation. If you want to eat at this restaurant, simply stop supporting Donald trump.
Oh, wait a minute...
Ps: using "you" on general i am nor assuming you actually are a trump supporter who doesn't like mexicans as well
I'm not a Trump supporter, but I have paid enough attention and dug to find the truth instead of simply taking Twitter or CNN, etc's word for it. Trump wants criminals out, and those we cannot verify until we can verify them. And it does not matter from where they came, an illegal alien or a criminal in another regard is a criminal; this is not a Mexican or racial issue.
I love Mexican cuisine, and I love Greek too, but I'd like to be able to trust the guy making my gyro platter isn't also throwing an IED together in the back room.
I forget the number from the last poll I saw but Trump has solid Latino support. You cannot fairly cite overall Latino numbers or those against him because Latinos as a group tend to vote Democrat; of course there are probably more against him than for him, but the same can be said of any Republican.
Polls can usually be read to support any position you want to advance.
The thought police hold a lot more power than actual law enforcement.