why are you so mad. Its made up characters with no given actual race. Also, they are considered lower class, the movie was set in like the 1940s, and hes super into jazz so it makes sense that if he was a human he would be black.
Who said I was mad. I was confused why the artist would take an overtly Irish ancestry character (the Irish were considered lower class in that time period as well) and choose to make him an red haired back man. It seemed forced to me.
Also, it didn't take place is the 40s but in 1910.
Sorry, the friggin threw me off but back to the thing, after going onto the wiki page, it takes place in France and there was a biggish, not really but substantial, black population there and being black would also explain his love of scat and jazz. I guess he could be irish but it would also make sense for him to be blac
I would completely agree with with you, as I do Tramp, but for his name: Abraham DeLacey Giuseppe Casey Thomas O'Malley. I have never heard a more Catholic Irish name with maybe ahint of Italian.
The black population in Ireland was very mixed in with the native Irish due to them all sharing the same neighborhoods and slums, something something, English oppression, church, lots of poor people.
This is nice and all and I hate to be that person, the one that points out something wrong or whatever. Lady and the tramp takes place in London in the early 1900's which means the tramp would be white yall :/ nothing about him in his movie that would have given the impression of him being black/OC and Thomas o'mally, the ginger alley cat, would also more than likely be white.
This is just what I think based off the other pics. The artist wouldn't have made Nala white, because she's from and in Africa. Just like simba or shenzi. And sabastian has a Jamaican accent, so clearly he'd have been black.
Same thing with dodger.... more than likely white. There was nothing about the character that would suggest otherwise. I'm not racist either before anybody says it I'm just really serious bout my disney.
See, I didn't look at the human Dodger and think he was black. Maybe he has that dark tan because he is from California, and was one of those beach dudes who got a permanent sun tan.
· 9 years ago
A good point novelus, and I'd be cool with it but im pretty sure they're in new york
Ah. True. I don't know why I thought they were in San Francisco, considering they had a street trolley in it, and I've never seen one of those in New York.
I agree its weird about the street trolley, but it is 1980s New York, which also means Dodger could be any color of the rainbow too. I had actually thought it was reasonable that he was.
Also, it didn't take place is the 40s but in 1910.
This is just what I think based off the other pics. The artist wouldn't have made Nala white, because she's from and in Africa. Just like simba or shenzi. And sabastian has a Jamaican accent, so clearly he'd have been black.
Same thing with dodger.... more than likely white. There was nothing about the character that would suggest otherwise. I'm not racist either before anybody says it I'm just really serious bout my disney.
Great minds think alike though right?