Can it, and root for your team like everyone else.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
That's the problem though. I can't even believe you just said that. It's not a game or a sport, it's picking who will lead one of the most powerful countries on the planet for the next few years. You're the problem.
Having a sense of humor isn't a problem. Trying to force the way you live your life is a problem. Until you either run for president, or help someone run who can fix it get the presidency then you aren't contributing ANYTHING. Your comment isn't helping anymore than mine, but hey please judge me having a sense of humor. I still do have the right to make a joke the last time I checked. Wanna change that right go to parliament not fs.
· 9 years ago
I am running for president in about 35 years. My entire life is planned out.
Well I salute you my friend because I can't even plan on what I'm doing tomorrow without screwing it up. I do joke around about everything under the sun especially things I'm not supposed to mainly because if I don't laugh I'd probably cry.
People don't want to hear or realize this. They're invested too much of themselves into this ridiculous political party nonsense thinking it's some form of intellectual endeavor. It's as intellectual as kids on a playground, though.
we know this, but cause the older generation in this country has let this happen for so long, a third party is no longer a viable at all,,all we can do, and I hate to say it, is pick the lesser of two evils,,and seeing as how one party is so fractured and fights battles they shouldn't, and has pretty much lost its message cause it has catered to the most hateful in this country,,it leaves democrates as the only choice,,that is the simple truth most my generation is coming to now
"it doesn't fucking matter"
Yeas it does.
"people will read it the same either way"
No they won't.
Poor grammar often makes things a lot harder to read.
Nobody's perfect but I honestly can't seem to Understand how you can say that the Democratic Party is the same as the Republican Party. Almost everything the Democratic Party stands for is more humane than anything the Republican Party has ever stood for.
Ive always been right wing, but the republican party has been so stupid recently (as well as all parties) that i dont really identify with a party. I think at this point they are just something that divides us as a nation.
Yeas it does.
"people will read it the same either way"
No they won't.
Poor grammar often makes things a lot harder to read.