Gayming, they really don't like the fact that their lawmakers are trumped over and over by the ones is Brussels. UK can't manage their own borders, because the EU can hand out passports that let go right on through to all countries in the EU. The UK can't stem the flow of immigration in any way.
@tarotnathers13th, thank you for explaining it in a straightforward way for me. From the few UK channels I'm following on YouTube, I only had a basic idea of what's going on across the pond.
I have no clue on what torie is supposed to refer. I know Tories where also known as the loyalist american colonists. EDIT:Nvm, I get it now. Also rocket, is it really a bad thing to not want to drown your country in immigration?
The conservatives haha. I suppose they're right wing, like your republicans? (Sorry if that's way off!) But from what most of us can gather, this all happened at the start of when Syrian refugees needed refuge and were seeking a safer place.. some European countries opened up to them, some wanted to completely shut the borders. A lot of people have been scare-mongered about 'immigration' and 'migrants', so they think that if we get out of the EU we can control our immigration policies, but actually to be able to trade with the EU, we need to keep open the freedom of movement within it, so it's still limited. The whole Brexit thing has happened really really suddenly (in the public eye) and the voting day is on Thursday, so everyone's a bit like aaahhh what do we do!!! Now the tories have changed their mind, and say they want to stay in the EU, and it's only the FAR right that want to leave, i.e. UKIP (there's lots of comparisons of Farage to Hitler).. so tl,dr; it's a huge shit show.
Well, that's politics. It's always a frantic show, and fear mongering is a tactic used by both sides. You're leaving? Well guess what? you're going to suffer a crash! You're staying? Our market is going to go down in value and taxes are going to go up!
Don't believe the right wing media such as ABC, Everyone keeps claiming that the EU is costing us about £350 million ($540 million) a week and saying that we are being 'swarmed' with immigrants who are stealing our jobs, raping our women and poisoning our society. However, that is mostly complete bullshit, in reality the EU costs us £150 million ($220 million) a week, but it is worth spending that money for the relaxed borders that the EU gives us and for the cheap, tariff free movement of goods. One of the main Leave arguments is that this money could be spent on the NHS (National Health Service) instead, but they people saying this tend to completely ignore the money which is saved from our EU membership. The statistics even prove that you are more likely to treated by a doctor from the EU than you are to be queuing behind an EU national. This also completely ignores how the standard of living has increased for EU citizens since we joined the EU, creating numerous jobs generating...
...large amounts of money. Another complaint is the EU fishing regulations which limit how much fish British fishermen can catch and what size they have to be, with lots of Brexit campaigners not thinking in the long term, despite the fact that over-fishing has been proven to be a very real issue. These people are also backing Farage and hailing him as a hero for his promises to tackle the fishing regulations in the EU. However, these people are completely ignoring the fact that he has attending about only 10% of the fishing meeting in the EU, showing how he really doesn't care about the working class. Finally, we have no idea what will happen if we leave the EU, but it will most likely be negative, especially in the short term. If we leave there is no going back and we lose the safety net which is the EU, which is there for us if we struggle and protects our rights as workers and EU citizens.
P.S. Leaving the EU could damage our relations with the European single market, costing us much more in the long term.
P.P.S. Look at the celebs who want us to remain in the EU, most of you will agree that the 'better' celebrities want us to stay in the EU as they believe it is more beneficial to us.
It benefits the population to have smaller regions with independence. In Canada for instance we have a national leader from the east and a majority population in a small area; all decisions are made to keep the voting base in the east placated while the rest of the country suffers.
How can a group make decisions that are unilaterally beneficial for people 3000 kilometres apart? Different areas have different priorities, different moral alignments.
I vote for global libertarianism, and regional socialism. Get your own house in order, if everyone in the world did that then I wouldn't be sending $30,000/year in taxes to some parasite I've never met.
Yeh, but here in the UK Brexit is looking more like regional fascism (don't take that word seriously), which is why I think it is more useful to remain and attempt to change parts of the EU (the UK is already one of the countries with the most influence over the EU).
The EU is way too overbearing for the lack of power it's elected officials have. Give it a decade or two and it'll essentially be it's own nation, which puts the sovereignty of all member states at risk. One of the only major differences between the EU and a sovereign nation is that the member states are allowed to leave, and it wouldn't even require a referendum to change that. Every nation that values it's sovereignty should leave while they can.
They leave campaigners keep saying take back control but it won't be us taking control, it won't be me or you, it will be the government (a conservative government at that)
The House of Lords isn't the government. The government itself is essentially accountable.
· 8 years ago
The government is accountable to parliament - the house of commons and house of Lords. The Lords have power to shut down legislation - in recent cases it's been quite a good thing (depending on which side you're on) but it's not particularly democratic.
The economy probably won't be a big deal anyway because it'll take something like seven years to leave the EU. It'll dip a little bit if they choose to leave, but it should tick up really quickly when everyone realizes the change will be so gradual.
P.P.S. Look at the celebs who want us to remain in the EU, most of you will agree that the 'better' celebrities want us to stay in the EU as they believe it is more beneficial to us.
How can a group make decisions that are unilaterally beneficial for people 3000 kilometres apart? Different areas have different priorities, different moral alignments.
I vote for global libertarianism, and regional socialism. Get your own house in order, if everyone in the world did that then I wouldn't be sending $30,000/year in taxes to some parasite I've never met.