This isn't how it goes down.
The press loves Obama, is critical of Trump, and many Republicans are critical of Trump as well.
This post isn't anywhere near accurate.
Because Obama says being politically correct is what everyone should strive for, but acts like he should be exempt. Sass has no place in his oppressive socialistic views and he needs to realise that.
I don't know that he's a complete "racist" or "bigot", but he certainly leans toward darker side when it comes to racial issues. I mean, I think most do . . . its animal nature to collaborate with those most similar to you. You see, that animal instinct is replace by other animal instincts when in the military. I was raised in Texas, and man there are some straight up KKK/Arian/White power people here so when I grew up I hear it all. Now I didn't conform, especially when it came to women, my penis doesn't discriminate based on color. I caught a lot of shit growing up for being a "wigger" and hanging out with blacks. But when I went to the Army, especially when I was deployed, we saw us and them. There was no race, we were all green.
Calling the president an animal doesn't really help your case, man. And the logic doesn't really add up because he's also a strong supporter of women's rights.
The press loves Obama, is critical of Trump, and many Republicans are critical of Trump as well.
This post isn't anywhere near accurate.
Also the press love him so much they would lick his bum hole